Cursed Legacy - 7

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Jade Falcon Sector
Unity City
North America
6th April, 3052

The battle had been raging for only thirty minutes but the carnage was already of significant proportions. Star Colonel Marthe Pryde piloted her Summoner OmniMech down one of the many main streets in the Jade Falcon district, leading her star in search of the ComGuard forces that had assault the city.

Marthe piloted one of only two OmniMechs in her star, the other three positions were made up with Roc ProtoMechs refitted with the new energy weapons. Marthe herself hated the new ProtoMechs. They certainly more economical to produce but they did not befit the status of a trueborn Clan warrior in her opinion.

Still, the Rocs had acquitted themselves well taking down a ComGuard Flashman and Hunchback that were threatening to circle into the rear of her star. Now, the battle was starting to move away from her position towards the League central district so Marthe was leading her warriors in pursuit.

"All points, form up on me. We must regroup with the rest of the Jaegers." Marthe commanded into her mic.

Four affirmative replies were immediately received so Marthe wasted no time in moving off down the street, eager to get into the heat of the battle once again. The ComGuard force measured almost two companies of Mechs with a smattering of support vehicles. Most of the conventional armour was lying behind them in smoking ruin but they had done their job and bought precious time for the ComStar Mechs to break through the Falcon lines and push into the city center.

She listen carefully to the radio chatter and quickly learned that Elias Chrichell, her Khan, had engaged an assault lance of ComStar Mechs. Elias, like Marthe, was not enamoured with the ProtoMechs, choosing instead to pilot his own Summoner OmniMech. However, he also insisted that the warriors of his command star pilot Mechs so, given that no OmniMechs had been converted to carry the new weapons, he did not have the knockout punch that other stars had. That and the fact that his star had already seen some savage combat put him on a perilously even footing with the lance he now faced.

"Alpha star, get to the Khan to relieve his position. Make best speed!"

The ProtoMechs leapt forward on their jump jets quickly out distancing her Summoner and the Hellbringer of Star Captain Nori.

"Nori, advance with me. The Rocs can negotiate these streets easier due to their...Hold! I have a contact. Are you seeing this?"

Nori responded in her typical less is more manner. "Aff, Star Colonel."

Marthe turned her Summoner to face the star of contacts approaching from her six. The Summoner's computer tagged them as Red Wolf ProtoMechs, a design unique to Clan Wolf. She opened a broadband channel.

"Clan Wolf star, this is Star Colonel Marthe Pryde of the second Falcon Jaegars. Identify yourselves."

The radio crackled briefly before the reply came back. "I am Star Colonel Vlad Ward. You will let us pass."

Marthe frowned in confusion, something was not right here. "To which unit do you belong, Star Colonel Ward?"

"I command the 1st Terran Striker Cluster."

Now Marthe was convinced that this Star Colonel was lying. "There is no such unit. You will stand down and remove yourselves from the Jade Falcon sector."

Vlad sighed. "I cannot do that Marthe Pryde. I must get to the League district and you are in my way. Let me pass, I do not wish to kill you nor your star mate."

Marthe's anger flared. "Arrogant Wolf!" she yelled as she crushed the trigger on her Mechs right joystick.

Vlad was caught off guard for a second as a hail of depleted uranium rounds spewed out of the autocannon on the Summoner's left arm. The deadly shells caught his small ProtoMech on the right arm, ripping it away from the shoulder.

Vlad fought against gravity at the sudden change to his machines balance. He won but only barely, his Proto stumbling slightly to the right. His four star mates immediately leapt forward, swarming towards to the pair of Falcon Mechs.

"Go Star Colonel," came the voice of his second in command, a young Star Commander named Franz. "We can hold these Falcons."

Suddenly faced with a pair of ProtoMechs each the Falcon warriors attention had shifted away from him. Vlad hated to run from a fight but knew that it was more important that he get to Ulric before Justin in his Lancelot did.

"Aff", was all he said as he raced his Red Wolf down the street towards the centre of Unity City and the Great Repository where, somehow, he knew that Ulric would be.

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