Behind The Scenes

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Once we're in the vehicle, his photographer gets in the passenger seat and his manager shoves me over to the middle to where I'm leg to leg with him and Yungblud. I look between them awkwardly and then ask the question everyone is probably wondering, "So, if this doesn't happen often then why did you have a contract printed up and ready for this situation?" I see Yungblud smile in the corner of my eye and the manager looks over at me, "It was the call times and the setlist for last night's show, I knew you'd be too excited to actually read it." I scoff, "Okay but I'll still pretend it was an actual contract for my ego's sake." They both laugh and I start scrolling through instagram feed. I feel Yungblud looking over my shoulder at my phone with me so I move the screen a little more in his direction and look at him, he's literally face to face with me and looking in my eyes then my heart starts racing and I turn away. I tried to make it look natural as I did, so I smiled with no teeth at him but I know it had to of looked super weird. I scroll past a funny dog picture and he puts his finger on the screen and scrolls back up to look at it then starts giggling. He then looks out the window and I continue looking through my feed for a few minutes until I get bored. 

I'm sitting there for a few minutes before I realize, "Oh shit, I left my car back there and I have to check into my hotel in like 20 minutes! We have to go back! My suitcase is in my car." I look around and realize I have my purse so at least I have money and my I.D. but still, fuck. The manager chuckles, "It's fine. Give me your keys, tell me the make and model/license plate number of the vehicle and I'll drive it to the Dom's hotel for you and the checking into the hotel can be forgotten because you can stay at ours. We'll get you a room there." I feel a sense of relief, "Okay." I hand him the keys and write down everything he asked for on the back of a receipt. I look over at Yungblud, "Okay, so, Yungblud-" He starts laughing, "I told you, you can call me Dom. Thats what my friends call me." He winks and smirks at me. I start giggling, "Thank god, because that felt stupid. Wait, I'm your friend?" He smirks, "For now." He says playfully. He looks back out the window, "So, have any hidden talents? Anything interesting about you that no one knows?" He asks. I smile at him, "Well, if I told you, they wouldn't be hidden and someone would know so I'd have to kill you." He starts laughing, "Oh shit, you're right." He shrugs playfully and continues looking at me. I sigh, "Fine, I'll budge. I like to sing and I enjoy making my own diy clothes." He smiles like he's intrigued and puts his elbow on his knee, "Sing for me, please?" I feel super nervous but realistically, when would I ever get another chance to do this? I sigh deeply, close my eyes and start singing the first verse of '11 minutes' because it's the first song that came to mind. After I get right to before he comes in, I stop and look over at him. He has his mouth wide open, he looks over at his manager, "Damn, she sang it better than Ash did." I start laughing nervously, "I could never." He puts his face close to mine, "Oh, but you did." He pulls away and starts grinning like he's up to no good and nods at his manager who then nods back and pulls out his phone and starts, I assume, texting someone or something.

The car stops in the back of the venue and we quickly rush inside to a big dressing room. His manager goes to walk out the door, stops in the doorway, "Your set starts at 9 so be ready, Miss. Brianna, you'll have to go out to the floor at 6:30, so be ready." I nod and he closes the door behind him. I look at the time and it was only 5 so I had an hour and a half to just sit in a room with fuckin Yungblud. CRAZY SHIT. I look around the room and start to wonder why it's only us in here, like why is no one in here dressing him or doing his hair and make up or something. He interrupts my thoughts with a question, "So, are you excited? I know it's riveting stuff being back here doing nothing with me but still." He starts laughing at himself which made me laugh because I thought it was cute. His whole demeanor was adorable. "I'm super excited to be here, I'm honored you chose me to do this, if I'm honest." He smiles at me, "Well, how could I not? Look at ya!" He stands up and bows to me jokingly, he seems like he wanted to say something other than what he actually said but the next thing that came out of his mouth was, "You're the ultimate fan and you came alone so the least I could do was make sure you're safe." I smirk, "Thank you, I really appreciate all of this. I really do, you're literally one of the coolest artists out there right now and you're so fucking raw. I am in love with your mind. You're so interesting and you're fucking beautiful in person, by the way like holy shit dude. How dare you, ya know?" I start laughing nervously at my word vomit. He just looks at me like I'm the cutest thing he's ever seen and sits down on the couch by me, "Thank you, you know, it's hard to find people out there that I legitimately connect with outside of my music. It's nice to know that someone is intrigued by my mind and not by my 'fame'." He did air quotes for the 'fame' part. We then sit there and have a deep conversation about our lives and back stories. I swear I could've fell in love with him right there, I opened up to him about my life and my family and he related to everything I said and had his own stories. I've never felt so connected with someone like this before, I started feeling sad that it would only ever be for this night only. I push those thoughts away and our conversation was interrupted by his manager and a security guard coming in to get me to go to the floor. I turn around and Dom is already going in for a hug before I left, it felt more like an embrace. It was very loving and lingered for a moment. He waves and smiles as I leave the room. 

I'm escorted out through the bar area and the bartender stops us for a moment, "Hi, Brianna, right?" I nod. She shakes my hand, "I'm Olivia, I'll be serving your drinks tonight, they're all on Yungblud's team so whatever you want, let me know." I smile and point at a Smirnoff as I'm escorted to the floor by the gate. The guard that took me out there stood in front of me and handed me a camera. "I'll be watching over you tonight, my name is Greg. If you need anything, let me know." I nod and turn around to watch the flood of fans start pouring in. 

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