So It Begins

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The opening act basically flew by and before I knew it, I was kind of tipsy and Yungblud's intro was starting. Everyone started screaming when he ran out on the stage. He made eye contact with me so many times during his set that another girl noticed and kept nudging me and giving me a thumbs up then not knowing I could hear her, would turn to her friend and talk shit about how ugly I was. I just laughed it off and danced and sang along as he performed. His set ended and he announced he'd be doing a signing afterwards so everyone booked it out of the venue. Greg kept hold on my back and waited until enough people were out to rush me to a side door, out to a black SUV. 

The hotel was about 45 minutes from the venue and once we got there, I saw my car in the parking lot. His manager was standing next to it with my suitcase. I got out of the car and went straight to him, he grabbed my arm and suitcase and walked me into the hotel. Tonight was the first time I've ever seen a celebrity suite. I looked around the suite in awe and looked back at him, "Shit, he's a lucky dude. Where's my room? I need a shower, I have a long drive to prepare for in the morning." He chuckles, "Yes, you do, and right this way." I follow him down the hallway and there's a door on the right that he opens and puts his arm out for me to walk through it." I walk in a bedroom with it's own huge bathroom. I throw my hands up, "Hold the fuck up, this is where I'm staying?" He nods, "Yep and Dom will be in the room across the hall. Me and the rest of the crew will be on the floor right below you guys. I'm going to go to my room now and leave you to it. I'll see you tomorrow." I give him a weird look then nod and wave. 

I take a shower, remove my make up and get into a pair of shorts and a sports bra. I then get into the bed and start watching tv. I look over at the clock and see it's almost 1 am and I have to be back in town for my next shift at 2 pm so I turn the tv off and when I'm about to turn the light off, I hear a knock at the door. I get out of bed and answer it. It's Dom standing in the doorway, he rushes in and sits on the edge of the bed then exclaims, "Florida is fucking MENTAL! That show was insane, man. Did you have fun? I saw you in the crowd getting it! Oh, man. I had so much fun." I chuckle, "It was fuckin insane. I had a lot of fun! You sounded so good, by the way." He smiles and shrugs playfully. I go back where I was laying and get back under the covers but stay sat up. I look up to see Dom is watching me. He lays on his stomach with his head super close to my lap, I kinda shy and move my legs. He looks up at me, smiles and bites his lip. "Would you want to go on tour with me?" I am shocked so my mouth naturally goes wide open, "What do you mean?" He giggles, "I mean, quit your job and tour with me. Not like, perform with me but just be like my buddy or something. It'll be fun, you're fun and I feel like we have a cool connection so why not? Plus, I trust you a lot and I barely know you so I know that's a good sign." I'm still stunned, "I only have enough clothes for tonight and I only have enough money to get me through to maybe next week and I have my car here." He gets up on his elbows and looks up at me, "Don't worry about clothes and money, I've got you there and I can have one of my drivers take your car to a garage until the tour is over." I seriously consider it for a moment, "I don't feel comfortable with you buying everything for me, though." He smiles, "Don't worry about it, really. I appreciate you even saying that though." He keeps staring at me so I give in, "Okay, I'll call my job in the morning and I'll go with you. How long though?" He shrugs, "I have about 10 dates left in the United States and Canada then I'm going international. You down for that? I really feel like you'd like France, you look like you would." I giggle, "We'll see, you'll have to see how long you're willing to put up with me first." He smirks, "I have a feeling we'll get along really well." He smiles up at me again, he looks at me in a way that I've never seen before. I don't know what I'm getting myself into but I'm willing to see. 

We end up watching a random show together, he sits on top of the covers next to me in the bed. After about 45 minutes of quiet, he looks over at me and blurts out, "You're very beautiful, you know that?" I look over at him and smile, "So are you, you know that?" I look away, blush and chuckle, "Thank you." I say. He keeps looking at me, "Why'd you agree to go on tour with me?" He asks. I shrug, "I'm sick of living for everyone else and I want to live for myself, for once. I'm not going to turn down a fun opportunity with a cool dude and potential friend to go back to my boring ass life." He smirks, "Friend? Dang." He starts wiggling his legs like a child, "I was hoping we'd be best friends." He starts giggling. He keeps looking back and forth between my eyes and lips. I start staring back at him, he then looks over at the clock on the nightstand, "Well, we should probably head to bed. The bus will leave in about 4 hours and we have to be in it in 3 hours and 50 minutes." He smiles again. I shrug, "I'll just stay up then and sleep on the bus." He shrugs, too, "Alright then, wanna go out somewhere? I'm starving and I think I saw a Wendy's close by." I nod and grab my keys, "Grab Greg and I'll drive." He starts laughing, "Let's do this one alone." He looks down at my lips again so I look away and stand up. I find a shirt and some sandals and he follows me out to my car. 

We go through the drive thru then I take him to a beach parking lot nearby and we sit on the trunk of my car and eat. We just sit silently until we're both done. I sigh and look out at the ocean waves crashing against the shore. I look over at him and caught him staring at my chest. I don't blame him, it was kind of chilly and my nipples were hardening under a thin bra and shirt. I get off the trunk and throw the trash away then go back to him. He was watching me again, "You know, I don't know how I've never noticed you before." He says. I chuckle, "I've never been to one of your concerts before tonight. I was too late last time and early for the presale this time." He smirks and just keeps staring at me with a weird look in his eyes. I smile at him, "Why do you keep staring at me?" I ask. He seems caught off guard but he didn't seem embarrassed, he shrugs, "I already told you, you're beautiful. You're literally one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. You're unreal, if I'm honest." I blush and start nervously fidgeting. He stands in front of me and puts his finger under my chin to push my face up, "Don't be embarrassed, we're just two friends at a beach at 3 in the morning, hanging out." He smiles down at me, glances at my lips then goes back to my passenger side door and gets in the car. My heart is racing so I sigh deeply, catch my breath and drive us back to the hotel.

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