Overseas (NSFW)

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-6 months later-

Weirdest thing in the world, we've been wrapped around each other's pinkies since we got here. I've been backstage at every concert, we haven't had a lot of time to do anything sexual due to him being in the studio a lot, doing interviews and performing. Which, I've been behind the scenes through everything because I'm super proud of him for everything, I've also sang on stage with him every show so I feel like I'm a rockstar now, watch out. Totally kidding, anyways, we're on our way to his hometown studio. We decided to stay in his hometown after the tour ended for a while so he could finish his next album. 

We get to the studio and apparently he's working on a 'secret' song that he wouldn't let me hear until today. He puts a pair of headphones over my ears and the producer presses a button and a familiar guitar riff starts playing then Dom starts singing, "What the hell am I doing? Thinking I could ever be with you? Why do I do this to myself and find the things I'll never have. I find myself dreaming of you and what we could be, if only you could see me, like I see you." I look over at him and start grinning, "Aww, you used my lyrics!" I stand and kiss him as I listen to the rest of the song. There's an empty verse and part of the bridge. I look over at him, "Are you finishing it today?" He smiles, "I was hoping you would. I was thinking you'd sing the chorus with me, the second verse and the other half of the bridge is yours as well." I feel super excited and jump up after taking the headphones off, "Hell yeah. I already have an idea to go with yours." He nods and hands me a notebook where he has all the lyrics written down. I jot down the lyrics I thought of and he basically forces me into the booth and I give it a shot all in one take. The producer seems pleased and asks me to go in again and do some adlibs over the chorus. 

We listen to it together and its the weirdest thing ever hearing my voice played back like that but I feel like our voices blended pretty good and didn't sound strange together so that's awesome. Dom seems pleased so we head off to his flat a few miles away. I go straight to the fridge and am left disappointed when I realize it's empty. He apparently notices because he starts laughing as he sits on his couch and looks back at me, "I haven't been here in months, love. I haven't had the time to go to the shops." I giggle and walk over to him. He's looking down at his phone so I try to get his attention by walking over to his record player and finding a random record. Once I start playing it, I notice it's kind of a sexy song so I go with it. I look over my shoulder at him to see he's looking at me, my heart starts racing as I do a sexy twirl to face him. I've never danced in front of him except for a little rocking out on stage or that one night in the bar but it wasn't anything special so I was super nervous that he'd laugh at me or something. I'm just wearing a kind of big t-shirt with some ripped shorts, I took my shoes off at the door when I came in. As I do the sexy twirl and face him from across the room, his eyes are locked on me and it looked like he tossed his phone on the couch next to him. He stands up and walks up to me, kind of slowly. He gets up to me and starts slow dancing with me. It's one of the cutest things I've ever done, if I'm honest. He kisses my forehead and dips me randomly, he smiles the whole time. Every time he looks at me, it gets wider. He looks into my eyes for a few seconds then leans down and out of nowhere says, "I love you." I didn't think he meant to say it so I kind of ignored it at first. He dipped me then when my face came back up to his, he said it again, "Brianna, I love you. I'm madly in love with you." I chuckle, "I'm mad about you, too, Dom." He smiles down at me, "I want to hear you say it." I giggle, "I love you, Dominic Richard Harrison." He grins and kisses my forehead, "I love you too, Brianna Marie Lyttle." I giggle and jump up on him and wrap my legs around his waist. Thankfully, he caught me or I'd be super embarrassed. He smirks up at me and stares at my lips, "You know what we haven't done in a while? Or actually ever?" He says. I shake my head, "Mm I hope it involves at least one of us naked." I say, staring at his lips. He giggles and puts me down then looks back at me, "Follow me, love." I follow him through his bedroom to his master bathroom. He walks over to his massive bath tub and starts the water, he turns around and looks at me, "I have a drawer full of bath bombs. I'm going to order some food and join you in a moment." He winks and shuts the door behind him. The look he had in his eye made me a little nervous, in a good way. It's literally been months since we've done anything but make out and feel each other up so I'm nervocited. 

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