Chapter 5

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Brendon is kinda freaking out... 

HEY SO?? MISCHA FELL ASLEEP ON ME?? AND HE'S KINDA ADORABLE?? HE'S ONLY DONE THIS ONCE OR TWICE??? He's adorable. I hugged him and leaned on the arm of the couch and he cuddled into me and relaxed. 

"I'm sorry Mischa. I didn't want to hurt you." I whispered. He muttered something in response and relaxed again. I kept watching Trailer Park Boys and when I laughed at something, I jiggled him. 

He stirred and tucked further into me. 
"Staaap. I'm comfy." He whined. I ran my fingers through his hair. 
"I'm sorry." I whispered and tried to fall asleep. The door opened. 

"Hey boy-" 
"Shhhhhh." I instantly shushed his dad. His dad looked over the edge of the couch and smiled a little. 
"I see," He whispered, "What happened between you two? He stuttered over your name earlier." 
"Ah, there was some friend drama and I was a fucking retard and watched as he walked away. I shouldn't have but I didn't know what to do." I said and lightly ran my fingernails over his scalp. 
"Understandable, you're still young. It was a mistake. I'm sure that you two will be okay. You were so close. And I have a question for you." 
"Shoot." I said and looked up at him. 
"Do you like my son? Like, romantically? It's fine if you do and I think he'd be happier with you but if you then I can help you." He said. DID HIS DAD JUST OFFER TO HELP ME GET THIS ADORABLE HUMAN TO DATE ME? IS THAT WHAT JUST HAPPENED??? 
"I do." I said with a little smile. I felt Mischa tense. Oh shit. 
"Do I smell Chinese?" Mischa asked sleepily. 
"You do kiddo." His dad said and ruffled his hair. 
"Ahh." He whined and buried his face in my chest. I smiled and hugged him. He got up and went to the table. His dad got plates and I helped set out the food and cutlery. Mischa had his head on the tabled and I had an image flashed behind my eyes of him there with booze and shook my head to clear the image. 

We ate and it was nice. There were many memories at that table. Mischa didn't really look up from his food, nor did he eat much. 
"Hey, do you remember that time that we almost lit the kitchen on fire and Greg came running from the back room with a bucket of water but tripped and the water went all over the floor?" Mischa said quietly. 
"That day was awesome!" I said laughing at the memory. 
"What did you boys to to my kitchen?" His father asked. Mischa and I looked at him, then each other then back at him. 
"To be fair, we did nothing. We almost did something." Mischa said taking a bite of his wanton. 
"Okay, then what did you almost do to my kitchen?" His dad asked. 
"Well you see, we were all uh, very tired, and decided to make food. We forgot to turn on the timer on the stove and burnt what we were making and there was a teeny tiny fire in the oven." I said, changing the story a little. We were severely hungover. 
"I see. What else have you done to my lovely kitchen?" His dad asked playfully. 
"Painted the cupboards and the dishwasher." Mischa answered. 
"You followed through with that?" I asked. He nodded and I got up to go look, Jack on my heels. 

"This is amazing kid!" Jack exclaimed looking at the beach and sunset scene on the cupboards and the snowy park setting on the dishwasher. In the snow, it looked like there were two sets of footprints running around each other and two people walking beside each other in brightly coloured jackets. One in red with black snow pants and a blue hat and the other in blue, black snow pants and a red hat that looked a little too big for him. I put my hand on it and my heart melted a little. 
"You said that we looked like fake spidermen." I said looking at the picture. 
"You remember that?" Mischa asked quietly. 
"How could I forget." I replied and looked at him. A soft little smile took over his face and he put his plate on the counter. We just kinda hung out for the next few hours and it was great. 

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