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(1st POV)

The galaxy is such a wonderful place...... from afar it looks peaceful..... but only when you look deeper do you see the horrors of it.....

 but only when you look deeper do you see the horrors of it

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...... korriban..... the ancient birth place of the Sith..... a group that held a power that was only use by them and another group.... the jedi, these 2 groups have been in battle for centuries..... wielding a powerful energy field known as the force......
This energy field is connected to all living things, it penetrates us, binds us to the galaxy..... the Sith weild the dark side of the force to do whatever their rotten hearts want..... it's a shame though.....

A place so deeply connected to the dark side

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A place so deeply connected to the dark side.....

A place so deeply connected to the dark side

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.... will be left destroyed again.

(3rd POV)
Near korriban's destroyed academy, a Sith lord wearing armour similar to that of a certain dark lord, combating against a jedi, his red lightsaber  combating against that of a blue one, every swing creating sparks around them, bodies of dead rebel troops and stormtroopers surrounded the battlefield, the 2 duelists clash their blades against eachother, both attempting to get the upper hand on eachother.

Jedi: it didn't have to come this sith!!! You could have avoided all this blood shed!!!

Sith: this could have been prevented if you just surrendered yourself and your lightsaber.

There is no escape - male starkiller reader x star wars - Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now