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3rd POV: Starkiller (unmasked) is currently meditating in his personal chamber, drawing power from dark side of the force. The reason for this is because his spies have delivered intel in regards to a convoy travelling from korriban to corrusant, hearing this, starkiller dispatched 5 of his cruisers, his included in the number, to intercept it. His meditation done for now, he stood up, put his helmet on, grabbed his 2 lightsabers and put them on his waist before leaving his quarters and walking to the command deck, on the way there, he ran into his personal droid ZOE3.

ZOE3: oh captain! Glad you're awake, I was gonna head to your quarters.

Starkiller: what's wrong zoe?

ZOE3: we're close to intercepting the convoy, captain ace, shea and inferno squad are waiting for you on the bridge.

Starkiller: very well then, come along, let's not keep them waiting.

Starkiller walks passed the floating droid with said droid following behind him, as they walked down the hallway, they were saluted by clones who would occasionally walk the halls. Starkiller would only nod while zoe would salute back to them much to the amusement of the ex sith apprentice, though the droid couldn't tell behind the mask. The 2 made it to the turbo lift and went up to the bridge, once they did, they were welcomed to the sight of clones working on terminals and multiple windows showing a blue endless spiral, indicating that the ship was in hyperspace. Walking to the holo table, Starkiller saw inferno squad (without their helmets) talking amongst eachother while shea and captain Ace (unmasked) were conversing about the ambush. Ace saw his general and immediately stood at attention.

Ace: general on deck!

Inferno squad stood up straight, hands behind his back with captain Ace saluting and shea folding her arms.

Starkiller: at ease.

The group does so, they then surround the holo table with captain Ace activating it.

Starkiller: captain Ace, would you kindly go over the plan again?

Ace: of course sir, alright, (holo table shows 5 imperial cruisers in a diamond shape, one ship at the front, 3 ships in the middle and one at the back) the imperials are currently navigating through an asteroid field and it will take some time before they can make it to the other end and enter hyperspace. (Holo table switches to show imperial ships travelling through the asteroid field and republic cruisers hiding behind asteroids) we'll be hiding behind some of the big ones and cut all power to our ships, we'll be undetectable to their scanners, once they go past us, (holo table switches to show republic ships behind imperial ships and attacking from behind) we'll blast them from behind, disabling their engines and then destroy their communications, I have no doubt that they'll deploy fighters, and we'll be ready for it. In the midst of the fight, general starkiller, shea, inferno squad and a couple of clone transports will intercept their imperial cruisers and clear them of those imperials, take any intel they have, and if their ships are in moderate condition, add them to our fleet.

Iden: what are the chances of the rebellion appearing?

Shea: unlikely, but if they do, don't attack them, if they shoot first then feel free to retaliate, but only disable, what happens after we leave them, is of no importance to us, any questions?

ZOE3: (raises arm) uhh, what's the score looking like? (They look at her) what? If they have something ancient and pristine, it's bound to be worth some credits, force knows the army needs it.

Seyn: I'd say they have enough to keep the army going for several months.

Starkiller: any other questions? (No one responds) good, now-

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