Part One: New Beginnings

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~"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings."~

In the depth of the vastness of space, there was a planet. A planet made entirely of metal, thrumming with life. Roaming the surface of the large metal planet were advanced titanous metallic beasts, and among them a queen stood.

It was a peaceful planet, everyone worked in harmony and stuck to themselves. All under the great queen of beasts. It was rumored that she was gifted by Primus himself, the gift of life giving through healing. However, she could only use her gift for a short period of time, for it was connected to her very spark.

With time, many began to try and overthrow the queen and take her hostage, all in the quest of her power. Nobody understood how to take this power, but it was assumed that it was only bestowed upon one in a high place. Or in this case, ruler of beasts. The queen was unnamed and was rarely seen walking the surface, instead she remained in her dwelling atop the highest peak. Only a select few were able to make the climb, the others either fell to their death or suddenly grew fearful in the sight of the giant peak.

Many tried, and failed, but one prevailed. A cyberwolf mech who was youthful with energy and persistence. He was intelligent and very adept in all he did, the climb was nothing short of another trial for him to rise above. The queen was impressed with his youthful vigor and the mech was more than willing to pay his respects to beautiful beast before him. She too was a cyberwolf, although she easily towered over him.

Her main frame color was a royal blue and had bright purple accents with silver and gold detailing. Her metallic fur plating was plentiful and added to her graceful beauty. She moved quickly and swiftly, with purpose.

The two were mated by morning, bringing upon a new light to Cybertron. With that new light, came new life and begun the era of good fortune. Younglings were brought into the world in plentiful bounds, filling the beautiful planet with their energy and cuteness.

As time passed, the line of descendants began to grow into a modern era. The queen eventually passed and a war brewed about who was to be next to the throne. Beasts fought each other and countless deaths resulted from the feud. Gone were the days of life, the days were filled with mist and fire, smoke thick as families tried to protect their young. Many were slaughtered, leaving the planet in ruins.

Primus knew something needed to be done. He created the thirteen to combat the evil and being about peace to Cybertron, and with it a new era. His new creations did not have beastly instincts, and instead chose logic and reasoning. They rebuilt and revived Cybertron to its previous vigor to allow for new life that soon filled the planet.

There were still beasts that roamed the planet but they soon had to go into hiding, for they were being hunted out of fear. One couple had a young cyberwolf pup and they knew the day was drawing closer where they'd be taken to join in the Well of Allsparks. To try and ensure their race's survival, they sent their femling off planet with a chip imbedded in her processor core. This chip would scan the native life forms of whatever planet she landed on, and alter her appearance to fit in.

And thus, a new era dawned with the destruction of another.

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