07- Forget

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"Y/N? Y/N?" I'm shaken back to reality.

"Huh?" My eyes land on Namjoon, who is wearing a concerned look in front of me.

"Hey, I'm heading out now. I just wanted to say bye before I go." His eyes are full of worry. "You're looking a little pale, are you ok?"

Am I ok? I just spent my day thinking about a man whom I used to adore taking advantage of me.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm good." I assure him with a forced smile. I feel a tear run down my cheek from the build-up earlier. I swipe the droplet away, pretending to put a strand of my hair over my ear. I don't want Joon's mood to be sour during his blind date, especially since he is only going to please his mother.

"O-okay... You've been spacing out a lot lately." A notification bell rings, and he looks down at the watch that sits on his right wrist. "Aish, she's almost at the restaurant. How do I look?"

"Wow! Perfect! The most handsome Joonie, I know!" I cheer him on with two thumbs up, poking his dimples with them from the side.

"Call me if you need anything!" He ruffles my hair, ruining my part. "Got it?"

"Yah!" I yell at him, fixing my hair in the process.

"Shhhh," I hear a few employees around us cursing.

"Sorry. Sorry." I stand up and bow at them, then proceeding to glare at Joon.

"Nevermind, you look good to me now." His dimples are growing more profound as his smile got bigger. "See ya!" He salutes and runs off.

"Tell me all about your date tomorrow, you scumbag!" I shake my head at him while he walks down the hall to the main elevator.

I wonder how long I was out for. I didn't expect to think about Jiyong all of a sudden. He hasn't been on my mind since last year. The thoughts of him used to haunt me day by day, but I have been doing well with Namjoon's help.

After that incident, I didn't have anyone else to cry to other than Joon. I felt shameful to approach my parents since they were extremely religious. They probably would have been heartbroken, hearing that their daughter was no longer pure. Dirtied. Wrinkled. Used. Most likely, they would have had me marry Jiyong since they had a belief that I would have no other suitors with my then state.

When I told my parents the news of us broken up, they were more upset at me than anything. They conceptualized ways I could "get him back." They genuinely loved the idea of the man. Who wouldn't? In the books, he was successful, stable, good-looking, and charming. Unfortunately, he had everything but morals.

Joon was the only one I could confide in, which I did. Boy, did he bring wrath. He and his crew went to find Jiyong to let him know what he did was wrong.Thankfully, I was not there to see it happen. I completely blocked Jiyong out of my life at that point. Namjoon and his friends helped me pack all of my things while Jiyong was at work, and I moved in with them for the remainder of the school year.

The aftermath was intense. When Namjoon and his friends returned home, they had a few cuts here and there, which were easily treatable. My heart hurt for them. They didn't deserve to bear the pain for me. Seeing me tear up, Joon pinched my cheeks with his free hand and said not to worry and that he would do it all over again if it happened.

Jiyong would try to approach me at school since I had blocked all forms of contact with him, but I always had Joon or one of his friends with me. They walked me to and from class and sometimes even stayed with me during the sessions. They kept an eye on me because they had a feeling Jiyong wouldn't give up on me so easily. He did prey on me for the past three years.

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