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Scott arrives at Courtney's apartment around 8 P.M.

Courtney pulls him into a hug the moment he steps inside.

"What took you so long? I missed you," she says.

"I missed you too."

"So. What did you do today?"

Scott smiles. "Saw an old friend."

"Ooh. Tell me who!"

"It was Gwen."

"Gwen?" She pauses for a moment. "Why would you see her?"

"I was just trying to learn about how Duncan treats ladies."

Courtney rolls her eyes. "I can imagine he doesn't treat them well."

"Yeah...she said he used her."

"Used her?" Courtney inquires.

"He kissed her and then told her to scram."

"Duncan kissed Gwen?" Courtney furrows her eyebrows.

"Yeah." He hesitates before speaking. "Why does that matter?"

Courtney shakes her head, trying not to show off how sad and hurt his revelation made her feel. "You're right. It's nothing important."

That no good neanderthal! I never should have believed that he still cares for me.

Courtney contemplates for a moment before pulling Scott in and kissing him passionately. His eyes widen before he closes them and kisses her back. Courtney and Scott keep making out until they reach Courtney's bedroom.

Courtney starts getting undressed quickly.

"Are you sure about this?" Scott asks. It seemed as if Courtney was forcing herself to go through with this.

She kisses him before speaking. "Yes. I am."

Scott grins. "Cool."

Courtney straddles Scott and he plays with her breasts. Courtney breathes heavily and helps him remove his shirt. She leans forward and kisses him deeply. They make-out as Scott removes his pants and his boxers. While still kissing Courtney and playing with one of her breasts, Scott uses his other hand to fumble with the nightstand drawer and pull out a condom.

Scott puts the condom on and Courtney positions herself on top of him. She lets him enter her slowly before letting out a moan. Courtney begins to move herself up and down while panting.

"Fuck, Scott," she moans.

Scott smirks and begins thrusting into her. Courtney lets Scott do the work and leans forward into him. He sucks on one of her breasts and she moans again.

Courtney closes her eyes and grips onto Scott's shoulders.

"D-du-do it...faster..." She barely gets her words out through her moans. Scott picks up his speed and thrusts into her faster and harder.

"Courtney...I'm gonna..." He groans before climaxing. He stops thrusting, grabs Courtney, and pins her down onto the bed.

"Scott, what are you doing?"

He smiles and moves his head lower. He kisses her stomach and inner thighs. She gasps and grabs his hair, pulling his head to her entrance. Scott slips his tongue inside her and begins fucking her with it. He uses two of his fingers to rub her clit. Courtney's back arches and she moans.

"Oh my God!" She shouts. Scott keeps fucking her with his tongue until she climaxes.

Scott moves up so he can give Courtney a quick kiss on the lips.

"Was that okay?" He asks.

"That was great," Courtney responds while smiling.

Scott and Courtney shower together, get dressed, and cuddle until they fall asleep.

After that night, Scott suspected that things would go back to normal. But no way was he forgettin' that she said Duncan's name, that Gwen said Duncan made a move on her, and that Courtney was going to court because of something she did with Duncan (or because of something that Duncan did to her).

The following few weeks, Scott tried to address the Duncan situation. For weeks, however, Courtney, quite effectively, avoided the topic of the Duncan situation.

"Talking about it makes me uncomfortable," she'd say.

"It's inappropriate, Scott," she'd say.

"I've already told you all you need to know," she'd say.

Scott was so frustrated he felt like taking a baseball bat and just smashing some stuff. The court date was looming upon them, and Scott was convinced that that would be the day in which he would learn the whole truth. He was just disappointed that it would not come from his boyfriend, someone he trusted. Someone that he loved. Maybe he hadn't told her the latter part yet, but that's how he felt. That's why this was all so frustrating.

The day before the court session, Scott and Courtney go on a shopping trip.

"Scott, I can't just let you show up to an lawful institution looking like that."

"What? I clean up nice."

Courtney rolls her eyes, locks her arm in his, and drags him into a store with a smile.

"C'mon, I'm buying you a real suit. No objections!"

Scott exits the fitting room wearing a black tuxedo and a maroon tie.

"Ooh," Courtney cooes.

He smiles. "This look alright?"

"Oh it looks more than alright." Courtney goes up to Scott and gives him a peck on the lips. "You look great," she says.

Scott's eyes soften when he looks at her. "Thanks, babe."

Before they knew it, their lighthearted shopping adventures would have to come to an end. It was time to face the music: Courtney was being sued for property vandalism via sexual misconduct and lying to public officials. One charge Scott could never find out about, and one charge Scott needed to help her out with.

I wonder which charge they'll address first, Courtney ponders.

"Hey gorgeous."

Courtney's thoughts were interrupted by the one who caused this whole mess - Duncan.

"Ugh!" Courtney rolled her eyes. "This is all your fault. If you would've just kept it in your pants, none of this would've happened!"

"I'm not sure this was a one person deal, princess. It takes two to tango."

"Whatever." She hesitates before continuing. "I heard about Gwen, you know. Seems like you haven't changed a bit. You're still the same two-timing jerk who broke my heart on national T.V."

"Courtney, listen, I didn't mean to-"

"And I didn't mean to do anything with you either, yet here we are. I hope you're happy with the ramifications of your choices."

Courtney crosses her arms and holds her head high as she walks away from Duncan to her side of the court by Scott and her lawyer. Courtney and her lawyer had met only on a few occasions, but their case had been set in stone: plead guilty to the sexual misconduct charge, but attest to the fact the inmate is in fact her ex-boyfriend and that she didn't lie to the authorities before said sexual misconduct.

The bailiff begins speaking. "All rise."

Here we go, Courtney thinks, tapping her fingers on the wooden table in front of her.
Note that this court case is going to be based off of a mock trial script I found online (and similar findings). If you're a legal studies major please don't make fun of me. :(

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