Guess This Is Goodbye

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Courtney sighs as Scott wraps his arms around her.

"What's wrong, babe?"

"I just feel bad. I mean, what I did to Duncan was awful."

"Well, you did it to me and here we are, a couple again."

She smiles sadly. "Yeah. Yeah, we are." She refrains from expressing the rest of her thoughts. She feels bad for Gwen as well, as they were close at one point. Breaking her heart a second time didn't sit well with Courtney. But could Courtney really break Scott's heart again for the sake of Gwen? Or for Duncan?

"Ugh, I need a drink."

"Courtney it's 2 P.M."

"What about it?" She walks up to a rack that holds her purses and picks one out. She looks back at Scott.

"So. Are you coming?"

He shakes his head. "Have fun."

Courtney walks to the nearest bar, sighing as she entered the establishment.

I could go for some wine on this fine evening.

She sits up front and waves the bartender over to her.

"What can I get you, sweetheart?"

Someone moves from behind Courtney and sits next to her.

"She will be having a glass of red wine."

Courtney turns and gasps. "Duncan?!"

"That's my name. Don't wear it out."

She sniffs the air cautiously. It looks like Duncan is majorly drunk. Guess I'm not the only one feeling bad, Courtney thinks.

"So...what are you doing here? This bar isn't that close to your place."

"Well, yeah, but...I needed to come back. Remember our dates here." His voice becomes a hushed whisper. "I miss you, princess."

"Duncan, I can't here what you're saying," Courtney says, evidently annoyed.

"God Courtney, are you fucking stupid?" He takes a swig of his beer.

"Excuse me?"

He sighs. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be going off somewhere with Scott?"

"I can do stuff without Scott!" She snaps.

"Oh you definitely can." He rolls his eyes. "Anyways, I was just leaving-"

He gets up and starts walking away, but Courtney reaches out and grabs his arm.

"Duncan...stay. Please. We should talk."

"Should we, Courtney? What are you gonna do, break my heart a second time?"


The bartender interrupts them by setting down a glass of wine. "Here you go."

"Thank you." Courtney smiles. She turns back to Duncan just to see that he's halfway out the door.

"Duncan!" She yells and chases after him, ignoring the bartender who has his mouth wide open, prepared to tell her something.

Duncan grunts as Courtney catches up to him.

"Look, I don't know what you want from me. Just leave me alone."

Both of them walk in the same direction, a park stretching out in front of them.

"Duncan...I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. What happened with Scott was...unexpected." She lets the lie slip out smoothly. Of course it was planned on her side, but that doesn't mean she should just confess.
"Anyway, I'm really sorry. That's all I wanted to say. I didn't mean to hurt you."

He laughs. "What a good job you did with that, princess. You deserve a gold star. A medal, maybe?"

She rolls her eyes and interlocks her arm with his.

"Don't fucking touch me," he snaps, pulling himself away from her.

"Okay, I get what I did was wrong, but why can't we be friends? I mean, we were so close, I don't want to lose you forever."

"Maybe you should think about the consequences of your actions next time. Fucking someone behind my back was a shit move, Courtney."

"I mean, I did tell you we should take a break."

Duncan laughs. "Are you serious? I had no idea what the hell you were talking about!"

Courtney huffs. Clearly I'm not getting through to him. Think back to the counseling. What would Elise want me to do?

"I...acknowledge the miscommunication I created. But we can still be together. As friends."

Duncan laughs again. "Don't you get it, Courtney?"

She stares at him, dumbfounded. "Get what?"

"I was in love with you, okay?! Completely and totally just head over heels for you. And what did you do? Leave me for your fucking ex!"

Courtney holds her arms uncomfortably. He was in love with me?

Duncan walks away, and Courtney decides to stay where she is.

Duncan...I loved you too.

Courtney sighs as she enters her apartment. I have to do it. I have to choose between the two of them.
She picks up her PDA and stares at it for a moment. What she would choose to do next would affect her life forever. She had to choose which guy she wanted in her life, and which one would be out of her life forever. There's no way she could be close to both of them, considering one would definitely resent her for choosing the other.

Before she can overthink herself to death, she texts Scott:

Come over. We need to talk.

A few hours later, Scott enters the room with a smile.


"Stop," Courtney interjects, not letting him speak.

"Okay...what's up?"

"Scott, I can't do this anymore."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying...I'm breaking up with you."

"What? Why? Is it Duncan?"

"It doesn't matter why."

"It matters to me." He walks closer to her, extending a hand to touch her arm. Courtney flinches.

"Scott, please...just leave."

"What's wrong with you, Courtney? You screw me over, I take you back, and now you're throwing me away like trash?"

"I guess that's what happening, yes."

"Courtney, c'mon. Think about what you're saying."

She crosses her arms. "I've thought about it. Now, out. Go on a date with Gwen or something."

"Gwen? Are you kidding me? I don't want to be with Gwen, I want to be with you."

"Well...I don't want to be with you anymore. Just get out!"

Scott growls and walks away, leaving her apartment.

Courtney takes a deep breath, trying to hold in her tears.

Time to get Duncan back.

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