The Start

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"When did you two first meet?"

"You don't know?" Courtney inquires, genuinely surprised.

Elise shakes her head. "The prison just informed me that this probably wasn't your first encounter, so I want to know what was."

Duncan smiles. "There was this reality show called Total Drama. We were both guests on it and that's how we met."

"Duncan was a complete pain in the ass," Courtney notes.

"And Courtney here, was a total bitch. We get it, you were a C.I.T. Got anything else for us?"

Courtney huffs and crosses her arms.

"So you both had...issues with each other, as you do now. Should I know anything else about the time you spent on 'Total Drama'?"

Courtney bites her lip. "Well..."

Courtney and Duncan both look at each other before they speak simultaneously: "We dated."

Elise laughed. "I assumed that much based on our previous sessions. Regardless, how was that experience?"

Courtney laughs. "Well, it was experience..."

"I don't know about you princess, but for me, those were the days..."

"So do you miss dating Courtney, Duncan?" Elise inquires.

He pauses before speaking. "Yeah. Yeah, I...I guess I do."

Courtney smiles. That's sweet, but this means that breaking his heart is gonna be so easy!

"Courtney, would you be interested in dating Duncan again?"

Courtney snorts, unable to hide her amusement. "Oh, definitely."

"This isn't a game, princess," Duncan says, suddenly sounding angry. "Either tell the truth, or quit messing with me."

"Well, that is the truth. It's you really see us dating again?" Courtney fumbles around with her hands. Duncan notices and puts his hand behind his neck.

"I mean, do you?"

His question causes Courtney to look at Elise for guidance. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe this is something you two should discuss after our session. Now Courtney, why was Duncan 'a pain in the ass'? Do you still feel this way about him?"

Courtney laughs. "Yes. He drives me crazy. We can fight about almost anything."

Duncan smiles. "And we usually do. I mean, c'mon, miss C.I.T. here thinks she's always right."

"Well, it's not my fault you're always wrong."

Duncan rolls his eyes. "Keep telling yourself that, princess."

"I've noticed you call Courtney pet names a lot," Elise intervenes.

Duncan shrugs. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Courtney, how do the nicknames make you feel? Do you think it's patronizing?"

A soft smile comes onto Courtney's face. "No, I...I actually really like the nicknames. I always have."

Duncan smiles. "Good to know, babe."

"Okay I take that back. I like some names...whatever you call them...but do not call me 'babe' or 'baby' or 'babydoll.'"

"Why do you care so much, darling?"

"I just do," Courtney snaps.

Elise shakes her head. "We need to reach an understanding. Courtney likes being called certain names, while others are out of question, most likely due to their romantic implications."

Courtney starts speaking at the same time as Duncan.

"That's not why-" She begins.

"I didn't mean it like-" Duncan begins.

They pause and look at each other before blushing and turning away.

Elise chuckles. "Some words are just romantically coded. Don't take it too personal. Now Duncan, do you still feel that Courtney is a 'bitch,' as you put it?"

Duncan smiles. "Well, she's definitely still a very aggressive woman."

"Try to frame that more positively," Elise suggests.

"I guess you could say she's passionate. Driven."

Elise smiles. "That's good. And Courtney, what do you think are some positive traits about Duncan?"


She looks from Elise to Duncan nervously.

What am I supposed to say?

"I guess you could say he's crafty. He's great at carving."

Nailed it. Seriously, that was pretty good.

"You seem to have an acute attention to detail, Courtney," Elise says.

Courtney smiles. "Just being honest."

"On the topic of honesty, how would you two feel about reconnecting outside of counseling? I don't mean romantically,'s just that you two seem so close. Surely you must at least want to remain friends?"

Courtney glances at Duncan. "I guess we can do that. I mean, what do we have to lose?"

Duncan turns to her and smiles. "Yeah, I don't have a problem with that."

Elise glances from Duncan to Courtney and smiles. "Wonderful. You know, when these mandated sessions are over, I will miss you two. You're by far the most interesting clients I've ever had. Not to mention the most improved."

Courtney laughs. "I'm glad someone's entertained by us getting angry at each other."

Duncan smirks. "Glad we could put up a show for you."

Elise sighs. "I don't know what I'm going to do without you two."

Courtney goes up to Elise and gives her a hug. "We'll never forget how much you've helped us. Really."

Elise smiles. "Well, go on you two. I'll see you at our final few sessions."

After the session concludes, Courtney meets Duncan outside of the counseling room.

"Duncan, did you mean what you said in there?"

"Mean what?"

"That you miss dating me."

He hesitates before speaking. "Yeah, yeah I did. You must think I'm stupid for still wanting you, but you're kind of hard to get over, princess."

Courtney smirks. "So, any chance I can have another prison meeting with you?"

Duncan laughs. "Well, I guess they didn't exactly ban you from doing that, so yeah. No more fucking around though."

Courtney smiles. "We'll see how that goes."

For the following few weeks, Courtney visited Duncan every few days. Courtney found herself enjoying his prison stories, and she found herself enjoying the time she spent with him.

Remember, he's the reason Scott left you, she firmly reminds herself. Don't let this hot delinquent get to you.

"And...yeah. That's why none of the other guys will shower in the same room as me."

Courtney laughs. "Duncan!" She reaches out and squeezes his arm. "You're ridiculous."

He shrugs his shoulders. "Can't help it."

A guard bursts through the door. "Alright, time's up! Next guest is here to see you Duncan."

He sighs. "Oh for fuck's sake-"

Before he can finish, the next guest enters the room.

"Gwen?!" Courtney exclaims.

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