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Flower ate her dinner slowly, looking at her parents after every bite. They were acting strange and she didn't know why. They were poking at their food and were shooting nervous glances at her. 

It had been two months since her live show, and VOCALOID 4 Had just been released.

Finally, after five awkward minutes had passed, her mom spoke.

"Sweetheart, er- we need to talk." 

"What is it this time," Flower asked slightly agitated, but monotonously, "Last time you wanted to 'talk', you ended up telling me I needed to go to some stupid voice camp because hell  knows why. I-" She was cut off by her Dad. 

"Flower, sweetie, please listen. Gynoid is moving you to Yamaha. You're getting a V4," Her dad sounded worried. Isn't that a good thing? I've been waiting and working for this! Are they not happy for me?!  "But, the thing is, they want you to move to America...and-", Flower's eyes widened. 

"N-no... They can't do that! I can't go-! I have friends here! I won't leave them!" Flower  panicked. 

"Flower... We're sorry... But you're a Vocaloid, and these things just have to be done. We really are sorry." Her Mom said.

"The fans come first... You have to remember that." Her Dad said. His words reverberated in her head. She remembered her manager saying the same thing. The fans come first. She remembered what was said to her when she first began her duties as a Vocaloid. When push comes to shove, remember, the fans come first. 

The fans come first. 

Suddenly, all the panic she felt before was replaced with anger, and she screamed out her thoughts from her live show:

"The fans come first? WHAT ABOUT MY FEELINGS?!" 

Flower bolted up the stairs in blind anger, ignoring her parents' pleas for her to come back. She packed up her most important belongings, black hair dye, and a pair of scissors, and jumped out her bedroom window. She landed on her feet rather roughly and rolled on her side, scraping gashes across her arms and shoulders. 

She ran away as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to get as far away from home as possible. Her scratches were bleeding badly, but she didn't care. 

She closed her eyes as a few tears streamed down her face. 

Turns out running blind wasn't the best idea. 



"V....V3!......Flo.......wer......FLOWER! Wake up, please!" 

Flower slowly opened her eyes. What happened? Where am I? And why does everything hurt?

She sat up quickly. That hurt her and made her dizzy. "Ack!" She exclaimed. She then realized that her whole body was covered in bandages.

"Flower! Oh, be careful. Thank goodness you're okay. We were so worried! Me and Piko and Fukase and Len were out and we saw you unconscious and bleeding on the ground and we thought you were dead and-Oh Flower!" Oliver, who looked like he had been sitting there on the bed for a long time started crying some more. Sobs wracked his small body. 

Flower leaned over and hugged him tightly despite the pain. She rocked him back and forth comfortingly, letting him know that she was okay. She felt bad that she made him upset over her. He eventually stopped crying and pulled away. 

"Don't scare me like that again, okay?" Oliver said. 



"Promise." Flower assured. "Now, I've got some things to do... Tell the others I'm okay. Can you do that for me, Ollie?" 

"Yeah. But first, can you tell me what happened?" Oliver questioned. 

"Sorry. I'll tell you later. I'm going to be staying with you guys for a long while, if that's okay." Flower didn't want to go home. She also didn't really want to tell Oliver, or anyone really, why she ended up in the situation. Even the one good thing out of her situation, her update, wasn't worth mentioning. It would just bring them to ask more questions.

"That's fine! We'd love to have you over. Won't your parents get worried though?" Flower's face went pale. She tried to stifle her sadness. I can't go back. 

"N-no... They're usually cool when I stay at a friend's place. Please. I-I gotta do something. Talk to you in a bit, okay?" She pat Oliver's head before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and walking out of the room. She grabbed her scissors on the way out. 

It was time for a change... 


Hey guys! I've planned out that this story will update every Monday, no specific time, lol. Thanks for reading!

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