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Flower held her scissors close to her face, seeing her split reflection in the mirror-like sheen of the metal. It had been a while since she had gotten a haircut. 

She reflected back to the last time she had cut it. Her mom had helped her. She felt a pang of regret for having left like that. She didn't mean to hurt them, but she just couldn't let them take her away to America.  She wouldn't let anyone send her away. 

Hesitantly, she looked in the mirror, staring at he long, messy hair. 

It was time for a change.

She cut little bits off at a time, but as she got into a pattern, she cut more and more until her hair was shoulder length. Not enough. With a deep breath in, she cut off her entire ponytail, leaving her hair neck length. 

She looked at herself in the mirror again, pleased with her result, then looked down at the trash can, full of the lilac hair she had spent years growing out. 

She had picked out a new outfit as well, more boyish, but still her style. She changed into it.

She then kicked the trash can to the side, and opened the door to the bathroom, walking out. 

She walked out to the living room, where she expected to see everyone, probably on their phones, or watching TV, per usual whenever she used to visit their place. She was right. They were all blankly staring at their phones, except for Oliver, who noticed her almost immediately.

"FLOWER! Is that you!?" He shouted and pointed at her in surprise. Did she really look that different? 

At Oliver's sudden remark, everyone in the room's eyes shot to Flower.

Piko had stars in his eyes, and began to smile widely, Fukase didn't care, and looked back at his Reddit page, and Oliver stared at her.

Len's mouth was wide open, and he dropped his banana phone. He then snapped back into reality and shook his head wildly before pointing at Flower and shouting, "HOLY SHIT! FLOWER'S A TOMBOY!"

He started screaming. "AAAAAAAH!"

Piko joined in, but his smile was getting bigger. "AAAAAAHHHHH!"

When Oliver joined in, Fukase had covered his ears. "SHUT IT! God damnit Flower, geez. Glad you're okay, like the haircut, but, um, why?" 

"She wanted to be more like the rest of us, obviously. Shotas at heart." Len stated proudly. 

"And that is officially not  why I cut my hair!" Flower said, rolling her eyes. 

"Well, whatever the reason, I think it looks great on you!" Piko said cheerfully. 

"Thanks, Utatane." Flower always called him by his last name, ever since they were little and had their rivalry. "But, uh, I really just wanted a change. 'Thought I'd fit in more now that I'm living with you guys. You know, defying Gynoid, getting a V4, running away, all that jazz. Really makes you want a different style." 

"Um, you did what?" Piko's expression changed drastically into one of confusion and anger.


Yo, sorry for the shorter chapter! Wrote this on really short notice. Have a nice day!

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