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SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!! Also, little Flower has short hair, just like current Flower.



"Students! Please quiet down. We have a new classmate arriving today." Ms. Kasasne said. As if on cue, the door opened and an administrator came in the room with a short girl with white hair.

"Everyone, this is Flower. She'll be with our class from now on, so please give her a warm welcome." As Flower walked across the room to find a seat and the administrator closed the door, there were whispers throughout the classroom about the quiet girl. 'You sure she isn't a boy?', 'she's so masculine!', they were saying.

Flower looked degraded as she searched for a seat, As he had experienced something similar to this before himself, Len felt bad. He also thought she was really pretty. He called out quietly to Flower. 

"Hey, new kid! Wanna sit next to-" Len was cut off by his loud friend from across the room. 

"HEY! YOU! OVER HERE!" Fukase yelled and pointed at the empty seat next to him. The class groaned. Everything thought Fukase was weird, or creepy, or loud, or all of the above, so he wasn't the most popular kid. Len thought he was pretty awesome, though.

"Or maybe she can decide for herself, redhead. Get a life. Do you have anything better to do than bother the new kid, you circus reject?" That was Piko Utatane, the bubbly school bully, who frankly didn't want to hurt anyone on purpose. The class roared in laughter at Fukase. He looked down at his seat in shame, then sat down, head still lowered. 

Then, something Len didn't expect happened. 

"Leave him alone, dummy. Your social standing is nothing more than a circus act. Get yourself a life." Flower said, rolling her eyes. The whole class cheered for Flower. She walked over to Len's empty seat and sat next to him, immediately putting her head down and reading her book. Len tried to say hi to her, but then realized it was probably for the best if he left his newly admirable classmate alone. 

And that's what he did.

Years went by, things changed. Every day, Len would try to hang out with Flower, but something would always get in his way. Fukase and Flower became best friends. Piko and Flower fought endlessly, and became rivals. She found Oliver. Piko and her began to respect each other. Len caught feelings for Flower. Piko gave up bullying. Flower grew fond of Piko. 

Len was still alone. 

So he sat, sitting on the sidelines, watching life move along without him. Friendless and lonely, unable to talk without stuttering. This was Len Kagamine, age 13. 

One day, he was in a very dark place, wandering through the city lights on a rainy day. He closed his eyes. 

"Hey, Len, sad much?" It was Flower. Talking to him. Face to face. For the first time. 

"H-h-h-how do you know my n-name?" Len sputtered, incredulous. 

"Don't be oblivious, dude. I've known you for years. You were the first person to talk to me.... Although we haven't really spoken since then. I know your eyes more than anything. Y'know, from all the times we make eye contact." Flower said with a snicker. 

"W-well, what are you doing here, talking to me anyways?"


Flower suddenly grabbed Len's hand and ran. "F-flower, what-" She took him deep into the city, the rain coming to a stop, when she paused at a park around the outskirts of town. 

"Look."  Flower said, pointing to the sight before them. 

"W-woah..." Len's eyes sparkled. It was a beautiful field full of flowers and lustrous green grass. 

The two of them stood there for a few moments, with only the sound of cars in the background. Len's blonde hair ruffled in the breeze. 

"S-so, you never answered me. Why'd you come to talk to little-old me?" 

Flower stayed silent. Len went quiet again, before attempting to form conversation once again. "So... You really must like hydrangeas, eh?" Flower then burst out in laughter. 

"Hah... You're funny, Len. You should join our group. Remember Piko and Fukase? They're my close friends. So is Oliver, but you haven't met him yet. Besides... You always seem so lonely at school.... And you looked like you were gonna-um- try to... dive for the core of a nuclear reactor... Y'know, back there. You'll be happier with us. And yes. I do like hydrangeas. Piko always brings me here when I'm sad. The hydrangeas make me feel like I'm around people I love. They welcome me. Fukase always says that they 'miss me and Piko' when one of us gets sad... Or we argue... Coming here reminds us that we're not alone, and makes us reminisce on all the good times we've shared here. Coming here calms me down. I wanted to share this wonderful place with you as well. You deserve it." 

"W-woah.... I didn't know you and Piko were... that close..." Len said, crushed, but honored that Flower showed him this place.

"Oh, not in that way, Len. Haha." Flower hit Len lightly on the back for respect. "I'll see you tomorrow, then? Come to our table. We welcome you." Flower flashed Len a smile, then left, walking slowly away.

Len watched until she was out of sight.

'Well, I guess that worked....' Len thought, internally scoring, although he knew he would always just be nothing more than a wacky friend to Flower. He would have to learn to be content with that, and shove his feelings down. 

 Just then, Len found new purpose. 

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