Best Friend

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Summary: Y/B/F/N dies, and Y/C helps Y/N through the stages of grief.

Warnings: death, angst

Key: Y/N (your name) Y/C (your crush) Y/B/F (your best friends name) Y/B/F/L/N (your best friends last name)
As I'm sitting on the couch, kind of paying attention to the news, more of me scrolling through social media, and the tv on in the background, I hear a familiar name come from the reporter.

"A fatal car crash happened on highway 94 today, the death of a seventeen year old girl/boy, Y/B/F/N Y/B/F/L/N." My phone falls from my hand and I shake my head, not believing the news. "No. No no no. No! This- this cant be real. He/she can't be dead! No no no!" I suddenly get a call from Y/C. "Y/N? Oh thank god you answered. I just saw the news, how are you holding up." I don't respond for a while. I'm stuck in my own little world, trying my hardest to comprehend what's happening. "Y/N? Y/N!" I can hear his voice, but I can't respond. It's like my body shut down. I feel numb. "I'm coming over. You need someone." He says, keeping me on call as he gets In his car. I once again drop my phone as it hits me. She/he's never coming back. No more sleepovers, no more stupid note passing, no more sitting together in detention after doing some stupid shit at school. No more long talks, or overnight FaceTime calls. "Y/N? Y/N are you okay? I heard the phone drop!" He says, as I hear his car pull into the driveway. He bursts through the door, seeing me standing there, not moving. I want to turn around and hug him with all my power, but I'm stuck. I can't move. My body doesn't respond. "Y-Y/C?" I croak out, finally falling onto the couch. He rushes over, and picks me up, taking me to my room. "Hey hey baby I'm here. I'm here. I'm not leaving you." He says, placing me in the bed, laying down beside me.

I wake up the next morning and see a bunch of texts from my other friends. Mainly sympathy texts, and some to check up on me. I panic a little, not seeing Y/C in my room anymore. "Y/C? Y/C where are you?" I scream, suddenly getting nervous. "Hey, hey, baby, I'm right here." I grab onto him and hug him as tight as I can, sobbing into his shoulder. "Shhhh. You're okay. You're okay babe." He coos, picking me up and placing me back onto the bed. I snuggle into his warm chest and fall asleep again.

Her funeral 2 weeks after the accident 3rd person

"I can't believe she's gone." Y/N says, finishing her eyeliner. "I know babe. Me either." Y/C responds, hugging her from behind. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, resting his head on her shoulder. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay. It'll take a while but I'll be good eventually." She smiles.

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