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Summary: Y/N and Y/C are polar opposites. Y/N is the most popular girl in school. She's super athletic, pretty, and smart. Y/C is kind of an outcast. He's pretty secretive and doesn't really talk to most people. Except Y/N.

Key: Y/C (your crush) Y/N (your name)

3rd person
"Y/N! Hi!" Her best friend Sawyer says, approaching the girl. "Hey Sawyer, what's up?" "So I was thinking, if we both don't have dates to the winter formal, now I'm sure that won't happen but if some weird mystery goes on and we both don't have dates, would you wanna go together?" "Sure. I would be happy to go with you." She says, closing her locker door. "Okay. Well we should probably get to class now. Wait what period is it?" "It's fifth period Sawyer." She laughs. "Oh right. Oh so we have Chemistry. Ew Chemistry." He sighs. "Hey I like Chemistry class." She says laughing a little. "Yeah you also like AP history. And Ted Bundy tapes." "Okay well that stuff is interesting." "Not really. I don't get why you're so interested in learning about a serial killer. Or learning In general." Y/N laughs and continues her way to class.
She sits down next to her lab partner, Y/C. "Oh hi Y/N." He stutters. "Hey Y/C." She plays it cool, even though she's kind of freaking out on the inside. I mean she's lab partners with her crush. They make some small talk and continue their lab from yesterday.
Sawyer approaches Y/N, confronting her about Y/C. She hadn't told him about her crush on him yet. I mean he would be the first to know. If anyone knew. It was just too odd. Y/N was the popular girl, and Y/C was the outcast. She really did like him, but was afraid that they would get humiliated, or teased. "Okay I saw something between you and Y/C during Chem today. And I could tell it wasn't you 'just being nice' like you do when you aren't fond of a person." Sawyer says, narrowing his eyes at the girl. "You totally have a crush on Y/C." Just as Sawyer practically screamed that, Y/C walked past them. He smiled to himself, feeling accomplished. The girl of his dreams likes him back.

Okay well I don't know where i was going with that but okay.

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