Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way

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Inspired by the song "that way" by Tate McRae.

Your best friend's name is gonna be Cameron for the sake of the story.

Key: Y/N-Your Name, Y/NN-Your Nickname

"No Cam! I need that! Hey!" I yell throughout the empty classroom as my best friend runs away with my calculator. "You're gonna have to catch me Y/NN!" He laughs, almost running into a desk. I start to catch up to him and jump on his back. We laugh and he sets me down on a desk. "Okay, okay, here." He laughs handing me back my calculator. "Thank you. Now I have to  do my homework." I laugh, walking back to my desk. He sighs and sits next to me.

I've been in love with Cam for about three years now. I could never tell him though, he's been in a relationship for the last three years. Mia, his girlfriend was a really nice girl, there was literally no reason to not like her. She was really accepting of me, never gave me any dirty looks, or acted rude toward me. She is also a year older than us. 

Cam and I sat next to each other in Chem and were playing Rock Paper Scissors while we had some free time. We weren't allowed phones in Chem and the kids in our class were either really weird or gossipers. The way we play it is the person who loses that round has to do a truth or dare from the winner. So we just combined Rock Paper Scissors. "Rock Paper Scissors shoot!" We simultaneously yelled. Cam beat me with paper and grinned at me. "Alright Y/N/N, truth or dare?" "Truth." I said a little too confidently. "Tell me something you haven't told anyone." The only thing that came to my head were my feelings for him. "I tell you everything. Remember?" He nods. "But there has to be something you haven't told me before." Cam whines. Of course there was the fact that I was madly in love with him, but I couldn't tell him that. So I made something up. "Uh, I have a huge crush on Matt." He laughed a little. "Oh I don't believe that! You've hated Matt since the day you met him." "Opinions change Cam." I quickly snapped back at him. "Yeah, sorry. Still wanna continue?" He looked shocked, I couldn't blame him though, I don't usually snap like that, and he's got a point. I despise Matt. I don't know what it is. There's just something about his personality that really doesn't sit right with me. 

The day went on and I sat down at our usual lunch table waiting for Cam to get out of math. He sat down across from me. Cam started our conversations like nothing happened earlier. I wished I could move on that fast but I really couldn't. I felt bad for lying to him and then snapping at him like that. "Hey Cam, I'm sorry I snapped at you like that during chem, I really didn't mean to." "Nah, it's okay. You're just stressed. Wanna hang out at my house after school and study?" He smiled down at me. "Yeah sure." He nodded and we continued our other topics. 

"Ready?" He asks, leaning against the locker next to me. "Yeah! Wanna grab some food on the way?" He nodded and we walked out to his car. "Taco Bell?" He smirked. "No, definitely not Taco Bell." I laughed, punching his arm. "Sorry sorry, In-n-out?" he laughed back at me. "Yeah." 

"Okay, History or art first?" "History. I can't believe she's making us have a test in art. That is not fair." We both laugh and pull out our books. 

About an hour into studying I decided I just needed to tell him the truth. "Hey Cam, we tell each other everything, right?" He looked over at me and nodded. "Of course, what's on your mind Y/N/N?" He puts his Chem book to the side and leans over towards me. "I'm in love with you. And I have been for quite some time now. Three years actually. And I understand you don't feel the same, cause you're with Mia and all-" "I'm not with Mia anymore. We broke up last week. I didn't want to tell you because I figured you would worry and you didn't need to. It was mutual, we both decided we would be better as friends. And I'm in love with you too." Cam smiles and leans over and kisses me.  I never believed in cliches, I never believed people when they say they felt like fireworks exploded when they kissed someone. I guess I never found the right someone. Cam changed my opinion on that though. It really did feel like fireworks were exploding around us. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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