I don't know so don't question it

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Yellow Hearts-Ant Saunders
She put my name with yellow hearts her favorite color like the stars

She said she loved me, we talked for months. She even put my name in her phone with yellow hearts. Her favorite color. And then she led me on. Left me for another guy. Damn that hurts.


Morning beautiful ❤️
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Read 8:49 am

Hey handsome
Delivered 8:50 am
Read 8:51 am


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Read 11:30 am


Hey beautiful
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Read 12:20 am

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Read 12:30 am



Merry Christmas beautiful! ❤️
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"Ouch." Y/C sighs and blocks her number. There's not point in trying anymore. I see her all the time at school. Smiling and happy. She's happy with someone else. That's okay. At least she's happy.

Ope that was sadder than I expected 😂 probably cause I'm sad 😂

Circles-Post Malone

"We can't keep this relationship going anymore Y/C. It's becoming toxic. All we do is argue, yell, And run away from our problems. It's a routine. We do it every time. All we do is run in circles." Y/N sighed, running her hands through her hair, tears welling in her eyes. "I know baby but I love you." The boy sighs, following their routine. He knew about this problem. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was going to use her until there was nothing left to use. He reels her in with his apologies and gifts, he lets their fairy tale relationship go on for a month, then when he gets bored of it he cheats, and she finds out. They go on a break and her friends convince her she doesn't need him. They meet up and she tries to break up with him. He sees this coming every time so he makes up his speech and plan and wins her over. They continue their routine until she breaks for good.

Beautiful Tragedy

One day she's happy and social, the next she's sad and not wanting to see anyone. Or one moment she's doing okay. The next she's given up and is ready to let go of it all. She tried to get help. It didn't work. She's still struggling. She's saying it comes in waves. And he sees that. Other people thought she was weird, a freak, emo, socially unacceptable. But he saw her differently. He saw her as strong, independent and beautiful. But she was a problem. A tragedy. A beautiful tragedy.

Too late

"It wasn't his fault, I mean we weren't even actually dating. We just both had feelings for each other. Or at least he said he did, and I just was strung along. God I hope he really did have feelings for me. But when he told me that they were together now I don't know what happened. It's like my brain shut off. I couldn't register anything that was happening. It's like I zoned out, but 10x harder than usual." Y/N sighs, waiting for the response from her therapist. "That's called shock. Your body didn't know how to handle that news, so all your systems tried going at once, and you body couldn't handle it. Just think if it as your body short circuiting." Melanie says, attempting to comfort the heartbroken teen. "Why did life have to work out this way? And why am I not pretty enough for him? I mean, she's shorter, skinnier, prettier, smarter, more athletic, I mean the list goes on. But I love him. You know? I get butterflies every time I talk to him, and it hurts to go through the school day without him, he's always on my mind, I'm in love with him aren't I? Oh dear." Y/N panics. "You may be In love with him yes. But that doesn't mean you can't get over him. Try to distract yourself from him. And the thought of him. Stick with your normal friend group, and most importantly don't let him take away from your true friendships. Once you lose some of those bonds it's hard to get them back." Melanie explains. "Thank you Melanie, I really needed this." Y/N sighs, getting up to grab her jacket. "Of course hun. If you need anything call me." "Will do." Y/N waves, walking out of there for the last time.
She goes back to school the next day to see Y/C and Savannah flirting in the hallway. Her best friend Y/B/F sees this and scrambles to find Y/N before she breaks down. Y/N decides it would be best to walk away to her next class and leave them alone. Y/B/F catches up to her and pulls her into her embrace. "I'm so sorry hunny. I know it's so hard." She coos, pulling her into the bathroom. "Y/N breaks down again, sobbing into Y/B/F's arms. "I'm done. I can't deal w-with this anymore." Y/N stutters out. "Y/N what do you mean?" Y/B/F starts to become worried. "I'm gonna end it. Then I won't have to deal with this shit anymore." Y/N sobs. "No baby no. I won't let you kill yourself over a stupid boy. He's not worth it. You deserve so much better." Y/B/F yells, not letting her best friend destroy her life over a dumbass dude. Y/N sniffles as a response and begins to calm herself down. "I'm going home." She finally lets out. "Okay. I'm coming with you." Y/B/F says, still not totally trusting Y/N's intentions. As Y/N steps out into the hallway Y/C spots her bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Y/N? What happened?" Y/B/F steps in, "You happened dumbass. She's in love with you but you couldn't even tell her that you had moved on to someone else! Now get the fuck outta my face." Y/B/F argues, protecting Y/N. "Sheesh, okay. Well I'll see you later Y/N." Little did her know he wouldn't ever see her again.

"I'm good now Y/B/F. Thank you. I love you to pieces." Y/N smiles. "You're welcome. I love you too." Y/B/F says, walking out the door of Y/N's house. Y/N pulls out the letter she had written last night and sets it up on her pillow. She then grabs the rope from the garage and ties it to the fan. Kicking off of the chair she struggles to breathe in the air. Her vision goes black and she passes out.
Y/B/F decides she should go back just in case. She gets in the doorway, "Y/N? I'm back! I figured you would need someone right now." Y/B/F stops dead in her tracks, seeing Y/N's lifeless body hanging from her ceiling fan. "Oh my God..." Y/B/F breathes out. "Y/N?" She yells, pulling her down from the fan. "911 what's your emergency?" "My friend hung herself. I need an ambulance!" "Okay ma'am I'm going to need you to check for a pulse. Do you know how to do that?" "Yes. I do." "Good now while I find your location and send an ambulance I need you to check for a pulse." The responder orders, sending the ambulance. "I think I found a pulse! I found one! I found it! She's still alive! Oh my god she's still alive!" "That's good. The ambulance is on its way." Sirens could be heard in the distance and Y/B/F sits with Y/N's body in her lap, attempting to keep the pulse going. The paramedics show up, and take her in the ambulance. She passed on the way to the hospital.
"Would the Sophomore class please come down to the auditorium after the bell? Sophomore class report to the auditorium after the bell." Was heard over the loud speaker that Tuesday. The day after Y/N's death. "Quiet! Everyone quiet!" One of the teachers yelled. "Thank you. Hello everyone, thank you for coming. Unfortunately there's some bad news. Y/N Y/L/N has passed away." Whispers were heard from all around the auditorium. "She committed suicide last night." Y/C sits in silence, thinking of all the memories they shared. The slight glances, the dumb jokes, the long conversations in the hallways, the late night FaceTime calls, it all came back to him. He was in love with her too. But now it's too late.

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