Chapter 2: The Parents and The Boy

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"Honey, honey wake up!"
"Give her space to breath"
"Someone get her a glass of water, I think she is waking up"
I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was on the floor on my back. When did I get down here I thought to myself
"Wh-what happened" I asked no one in particular.
"You just fainted, hon" my m answered me.
"Are you feeling ok?" asked my dad with a worried look.
"I'm fine, I'm fine" I said
"Here is a glass of water" someone says
I look and see the boy from earlier. Suddenly I felt light headed. He must have noticed because he quickly gave me the water. I drank a little.
"Thanks" I said quietly
"Your welcome" he replied. "You gave us quite a scare" he said with a smile.
I chuckled. I noticed he had a slight accent that I couldn't identify. I just know that I've never herd it before.
I got up from the floor and dusted my pants.
"Hi I'm Lorain and this is my husband Levin" says the beautiful woman. "I hope your alright dear. Do you have a headache?" she asked looking genuinely worried.
"It's nice to meet you, Mrs and Mr Levin. My names Mickey and I'm quite alright thanks for asking" I replied politely
"If your sure. Oh, and this is our son, Gomin" said Mr. Levin
I smiled and gave a small wave.
"Well hon, if you feel better now then we can go to the living room and have dinner." said my dad
"Ya, ya I'm fine" I replied leading the way to the living room.
We all sat down while my mom went to the kitchen and bought the food and placed it on the table. Lasagna and meatballs.
"Well this is absolutely delicious" compliment Mrs Levin after taking a few bites of the lasagna.
"Oh and these meatballs are awesome" said Gomin with his mouth full.
"Son, where are your manners" exclaimed his dad
He swallowed and gave a sheepish smile.
"Thank you, it's a secret recipe" my mom said with a smile.
I glanced over to Gomin and noticed him staring at me with an intent look on his face. I blushed and looked away.
"So how do you like Fairbolt, Minnesota?" asked my dad
"It's a charming place. And the neighbor hood is quite and very friendly" replied Mrs Levin
Just then Jace and Janet raced into the living room yelling random words at each other. They both stopped in their trackpad soon as they spotted Gomin and his parents
"Hi" they simultaneously said
After introductions were made, the two kids were allowed to eat in their rooms as long as they didn't make a mess.
While the adults were talking about business and politics, I took the time to look at Gomin. He had jet black hair that fell softly above his dark brown eyes. I noticed he was very tall, not muscular but built. Unlike my pale skin, he had a light brown complexion.
I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't notice him looking at me until our eyes met.
Suddenly my head started hurting and my visions blurred. I clenched the edge of the table but the pain was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
I looked around but no one seemed to have noticed. I decided to keep it that way.
After we were done with dinner, I helped my mom clear the table.
"Look at the time, we should really get going. Have a lot of unpacking to do and Gomin here starts school tomorrow." Mr. Levin said putting a hand on Gomins shoulder. I couldn't help but notice they all had that weird yet appealing accent.
"What school will he be attending" asked my mom
"Greek Community School" answered Mrs. Levin
"Oh Mikey goes there too" exclaimed my mom
"That's perfect. Now Gomin won't be alone" said Mrs Levin with a smile
I smiled as well
"Well see you at school tomorrow" said Gomin as they left. I waved them goodbye and closed the front door.
"Well I'm tired. I'm off too bed" said my mom "Jace! Janet! I want you both to be in your PJs and ready for bed by the time I come up there" yelled my mom.
I said goodnight to my parents and siblings and also went to my room.
My room wasn't anything fancy. Just a small cozy room the way I like it. The walls were painted a deep blue color and to one side was my bed and opposite my bed was my bathroom. I had a shelve full of books, video games and other items. Next to my bed was a little drawer and on top were pictures of my family and friends.
I got in my bathroom, and took a nice relaxing shower. Once I was done, I got into my comfy superman PJs and settled in bed.
Well what a day I thought. I couldn't stop the feeling that Gomin and his parents looked a bit familiar. But I'm certain that I've never seen them before. Maybe I met someone that looked like them... There accent though, I'm sure I've never heard it before. It was...exotic.
But what mainly occupied my thoughts was the pain I felt earlier. I've never experienced such a thing. Maybe I should think about visiting the doctor soon. I was drifting off to sleep when suddenly I felt something crawl on my feet. What the....
I screamed and fell out of my bed. Bugs. Many bugs. All over my bed

(A/N) Another chapter done! How did you like it? Please comment, vote and so on..... Remember ur opinions are important and I would like to know what you think. Until next time. Take care ❤

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