Chapter 7:The Biological Family

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I was standing inside a huge corridor. It was dark and quite. I shivered. I didn't recognize the place but it rubbed me the wrong way. I knew I was dreaming. I just didn't know how to wake up.
I saw two men come out. Their face were completely covered and they were gesturing with their hands a lot although I couldn't hear anything. They passed by me without acknowledging me. They can't see me. But I can't hear them.
I woke up.
"....was too much for her"
"This was not supposed to happen."
"How did she even get the Key?"
I can hear voices around me, whispering.
I started to sit up.
"Oh she's wake. Be quite everyone."
I looked around. I was in a big room. A very big room. It was a light green color and there were shelves of books. I was sitting in a comfortable, huge bed. Next to me, there was a small dresser.
And I was surrounded by many people. There was an old man with wrinkles. He had a Z on his temple and a single streak of white hair could be seen in all that grey hair.
Stark was also there, giving me a worried look. The twins from my vision stood side by side with a look of concern and surprise. And lastly the man and the woman. Dad and mom?
"Wh-what's going on?" I asked."And I want the truth."
"Ok. We'll tell you everything but first you need to rest." the old man said.
"I'm plenty rested, thank you. I just want the truth." I replied.
"Ok hon, Its time for dinner. Just take a nice shower and we'll explain then." promised the woman.
"Ok" I said. I wanted the truth now but I knew I wouldn't get it.
"Good." Said the old man. "Everyone. Out."
They all left, leaving me on my own. I got up and stretched. I tried not to think about anything and so tried to distract myself.
I walked to the bathroom and stopped in my track. It was HUGE! There was a shower and a jacuzzi. It was white decorated with light blue ornaments. This people are rich.
Well they are living in a palace.
I took a quick shower and walked over to the closet. I hope they have something that is my size. I opened the closet to find many, many clothes. Whose room is this?
Well whosever it is, we have the exact same size. I put on the first pair of trousers and shirt without giving it a second glance. I put my crazy hair in a pony tail and left the room. There was a guard outside the room. I guess he was supposed to show me to the living room as this place is huge and is easy to get lost. We took a few turns and went downstairs. We ended up in the corridor and he continued behind the stair case where there were doors. He opened one and told me to get in. He gave me a small bow and left. He had a smile on his face the whole time.
I turned around and of course the living room was also huge. There was a dinning table that was long and could sit about 30 people minimum. There was a big chandelier hanging form the ceiling right above the table. Next to this table, there were smaller ones. And one of the tables were occupied by everyone that was in my room except for Stark.
I walked over "Hi" I said standing awkwardly.
One of the twin, Kate, patted the seat next to her. I went over and sat. There was an awkward silence.
"Well....this is nice." the old man said.
"Where is Stark?"I asked. He was the only one I knew and now he left me with strangers whom I think I know somehow.
"He left. He had somewhere to be." Replied the king.
"Well I think introductions are in order. I'm Jemin." the old man said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Mickey" I said
"I'm Kate." The girl sitting next to me said.
"And I'm Kameron." Said the other twin boy, sitting directly opposite of Kate.
"I'm King Sorak and this is my wife, Queen Tara"
I looked at everyone. They had similar features. Kate was petite and pale just like her mother but she has her fathers light brown eyes. Kameron was short but built with light brown eyes like his father but also pale like his mother. King Sorak was the only one with a light brown complexion.
"Ok. Look it's nice to meet you all but can you tell me what's going on? Why do I think you guys are my parents? How come I saw Kate and Kameron in a vision? Where am I?" I was scared and I wanted answers.
Just then the door opened and the food started to arrive. After it was set King Sorak started putting food on his plate and everyone followed. Are this people ok? I was hungry myself so I took a bit of food although I was scared it was poisoned.
"I know you are really confused Mickey and what we're going to tell you will sound ridiculous but it's true and please try to understand." said King Sorak, giving me a pleading look. Queen Tara hadn't said a word the whole time and wouldn't meet my eyes.
"Ok. Start."
"Ok I'll start by telling you where you are." Said the king. "You are currently in Charilot."
"And where is that exactly?" I asked.
"Your in...the other world, to put it in other words." He continued.
"The Other World?"
"Yes, the other world. This is a place where magic is not impossible. Where people can shrink in size and cast spells and prophecies are made."
I laughed. "Is this some kind of a joke?" I asked.
"I know it sounds impossible, but it's true." said Kate.
"Jemin, why don't you show her." suggested Kameron.
"Show me what?"
Jemin took an empty glass and put it in front of him. He closed his eyes and suddenly the empty glass was filled with water. I stared at it with my mouth wide open. What the...?
"What did you just do?!" I asked hysterically.
"Magic" replied Jemin with a smile.
"That's impossible."
"Nope. You just saw it happen." said Kameron.
"Come on Mickey, deep deep down haven't you ever had a feeling that magic did exist. Hasn't anything out of the usual ever happened to you? asked Kate.
I suddenly thought of my 9th birthday party. I invited some of my class mates and I had a fight with one of the boys. I was so angry I wished that the cup filled with water would spill on him and it actually did. And no one even touched it....
"Ok. Lets say for a second I did believe all this magic stuff. What does this have to do with me?" I asked.
"Because.....your our daughter." Said Queen Tara talking for the first time.
"But...but how is that possible. I'm adopted and I was told that my mom was dead." I said although deep down I knew they were my real parents.
"This is a long story." Sighed the king.
"I have time." I said
Suddenly Jemin's phone started ringing. He looked at the screen.
"I have to go. Thanks for having me over." He said. He looked at me and smiled. "I'm glad your back" and with that he left.
"Ok. Where should I start?" the king asked
"From the beginning. Like what are you guys? Fairies?" I asked.
"No we are not but we are not completely human either." Replied Queen Tara.
My head was hurting. "Ok can some explain?"
"Let me tell her the story." said Kameron. "Ok so long time ago this place was filled only with three types of magical beings. There were the Damtals who are like what you call trolls in your world. There are the Laris which are like fairies. And there are the Maligns which are like the evil witches." Said Kameron.
"There was a particular Lari who fell in love with a human woman. And they had a child. The first child ever born to a Lari and a human. Her name was Charlotte." continued Kate.
"And so we named this kingdom Charilot. Humans and Laris started having kids. But the descendants of Charlotte were the kings or queens of Charilot. The Laris accepted this but still had their own kingdom,Larigton, with their own rulers." King Sorak said.
"And you, Mickey, are a descendant of Charlotte." finished Queen Tara.
"Ok, but why did you give me up for adoption?" I asked. I was really sad. He come they gave me up for adoption? Why not Kate and Kameron?
"This is where things get complicated. I think this is enough for today. We will tell you more tomorrow." said the king.
"No. I want to know why!" I demanded furiously.
"Honey, please. We didn't want to but we had too. We will explain more tomorrow but you need to rest now." Queen Tara said.
Suddenly someone banged the door open and raced inside. He was a boy. Tall and skinny with black hair falling over his light brown eyes. He was also pale.
He looked at me and I looked at him. Then he crushed me in a bear hug.
"Oh Mickey, Oh I never thought you would come back. At last they told you. I've missed you so much." The boy said.
"Oh sorry." He said with a sheepish smile as he let me go. "I'm just so happy. It was about time mom and dad told you the truth."
"Wait. So your my brother?" I asked.
He looked at everyone. "So you didn't tell her everything." he said as he sat down on one of the chairs.
"Wait a minute, how many brothers and sisters do I have?" I asked. "Wait is Sinaya my sister?" I asked remembering the other girl from my vision.
Suddenly everyone looked down and the room was silent. An uncomfortable silence fell.
"How do you know her?" Asked Kate.
"I saw her in a vision. I saw her and Kate and Kameron. And I had another vision with King Sorak trying to teach me to open a door by imagining my favorite place. That's how I knew how to bring the door." I explained.
"Sinaya is your sister. You have five older siblings and your the last one."
I was shocked. I've always wanted siblings. I had Jace and Janet but having real, biological siblings....
"Who are the other siblings?" I asked.
"The oldest is Sinaya and second Rodger. Robby is next and Kate and I are after. You are the last. What's cool is we are all two years apart." said Kameron.
"Where are Rodger and Sinaya?" I asked
"They....disappeared." said Kameron looking heart broken.
"Look no more for today. All will be revealed tomorrow." Queen Tara said.
"But.." I started.
"No more buts" the kind said.
I nodded although I was angry.
"Wait I want to know something. Does everyone here have that accent?" I asked.
They all chuckled. "Ya" replied Robby.
"Also you should know something about our family. We are all pale except for dad. And we have light brown eyes which we got from dad. Only mom doesn't have light brown eyes, she has green eyes."
"Wait. I'm pale but I don't have light brown eyes." I said.
Another uncomfortable silence.
"You used to." Whispered Robby
"Used to? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. This is really annoying me.
"Tomorrow we promise we will answer all your questions. Right now you are probably tired from a long day so you should go and rest." The king said.
Suddenly I remembered something. I groaned.
"Oh no! Mom and dad have no idea where I am. They are so going to kill me. They're probably worried sick." I said.
At first everyone looked confused. Probably because I said mom and dad when my real parents are right here. But then I saw recognition in their eyes.
"Mickey calm down. They know where you are?" Queen Tara said
"What? How?" I asked.
"Rob and Saide are our close friends and they...they know about this world and about us. We told them you were with us right now." Said the King.
Boom. That was the breaking point. They knew my mom was alive and they didn't tell me. Everyone knew what's going on except for me.
"Look calm down." Said Kameron noticing that I was fuming with anger.
"Where do I sleep?" I asked trying to keep my voice in control.
"Your room." Replied the queen looking surprised that I didn't explode and ask more questions.
That took me by surprise.
"I have a room?" I asked.
"The room you were in. That's your room." explained Kate.
It made sense I guess since I'm a part of their family..... This is so confusing.
"I'll take you there." Said Robby getting up.
"Good night" Kameron and Kate simultaneously said.
I guess all twins do that.
"Good night" the king said while the queen got up and kissed my forehead. Well ok...
"Good night" I said getting up and following Robby.
He was looking at me the whole time but didn't say a word.
"So what do you think?" He asked
"I think I'm being pranked" I replied truthfully.
He chuckled. "Your not." He said.
We stopped at my door and Robby turned to face me. "I'm so glad your back" he said giving me a hug.
I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything.
"Well you should sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a heck of a day." He said
"For what?"
"I don't know." I said
"Ok then.. Bye" and with that he left.
I got in and changed into some PJs I found. My Pjs I guess since this is my room.....
I got in bed. My thoughts were all jumbled. I fell asleep not even a minute after I got in bed.
(A/N) I know you guys are confused, trust me even I got confused for a second while I read the story but all will be revealed in time. Hope you guys liked it. Please vote if you did. And comment!! Thank you! Until next time, take care ❤

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