Chapter 6:The Palace

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Chapter 6:

There was a movie I once saw. This girl was standing in front of a door which was floating and when she entered, she ended up in a different world. That thought was going on in my head as I stared at the door in front of me. I was absolutely shocked. I had no idea what to do.
Of course I did the only reasonable thing I could think of at that time, and for the record my thoughts were not functioning properly at the time.
I put one foot through the open door and when nothing happened, I put the other foot in. The next thing I knew I was through the door. Suddenly the door shut and disappeared. I started to freak out. I was terrified. I did a complete turn trying to find the door when I realized where I was. I was standing in the middle of a forest with a lake. And there was a few benches and chairs. The grass was lush and the sky was a deep blue. It was exactly as the image that popped in my head before the door appeared. But where exactly was I? I didn't know what to do so I sat down to calm my nerves. I was in full panic mode. What if I don't find the door? What if I get eaten by some wolf and die? What if no one will ever find me?
I closed my eyes and slowly started to count to ten. After I finished, I got up and decided to walk through the forest randomly and see what happens. That was probably a reckless idea but it was better than being eaten so I picked a random way and headed through the forest. After a few minutes, I was surrounded by trees and trees and only trees. I couldn't even see the sky properly anymore. I was starting to panic again. This is not good. This is so bad. This is so bad. This is so bad.
Those words kept repeating themselves in my head as I continued to walk.
It took me an hour but suddenly I found myself in a clearing. I started running when I heard the engines of cars. Civilization!
I stopped in my track as soon as I saw where I was. It was a lovely small town. There were houses lined up opposite each other. They were all three stories high and white. There were people walking around, continuing with their daily lives. It was ordinary.
I continued on my way, making a right turn and ended up bumping into someone. It felt like walking into a brick wall and the breath was knocked out of me. I ended up falling on the floor.
"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." The person replied.
"It's fine." I replied taking the persons offered hand.
He lifted me up and I got a close look at him. He was short, just a few inches taller than me and he had shaggy brown hair. He looked to be around my age, maybe a year older. But his eyes....they were purple. I took a step closer and noticed that the edges where rimmed with a dark red color.
"You-your eyes are purple" I said lamely.
"Hahaha ya last time I checked it was." He replied, chuckling. He had a nice accent. It sounded familiar but I wasn't sure where I've heard it before.
I felt my cheeks burn.
"I'm Mickey." I said introducing my self.
"Stark." He said shaking my hand.
"Stark?" I questioned. I've never heard such a name before.
"Ya my parents named me that. My dad was a very blunt person. Stark is actually another name for blunt." Explained Stark.
"Ok. Well can you help me? I'm kind of lost and have no idea how to get home" I said.
"Sure. Where do you live." Asked Stark
"The Carmichael residence." I said.
"Never heard of the Carmichaels' before."he said with a frown on his face.
"Can you tell me where I am?" I asked. Maybe I can find my own way back although I'm sure I've never been here before.
"Your actually in Carsim territory. And by your appearance, I can tell your not a Carsim. He replied.
"Carsim? Is that like a families name or..."
He looked at me, his hand of his chin. Suddenly he turned pale.
"Yo-your eyes. They are amber."
"Oh ya." I wonder why he is shocked.
Even others don't look this shocked and he's the one with purple eyes.
"Do you know where you are? I mean like....what world?" He asked
"" Is this guy ok. What kind of question was that?
"Oh no...." He looked worried.
"What? What is it?"
"I-I don't know what to do."
"You are really confusing me."
"Ok. Look...I-I don't know what do to man!" He looked panicked.
"Dude chill" what's going on with him?
"Ok ok your right. I just never thought this would happens to me!" He exclaimed.
Ok obviously this guy is not ok. So I decided to turn around and leave but then I realized I had no clue where to go.
"Look I don't know whats going on but I need to go home"
He looked at me for a full minute before finally replying.
"Come on. I'll show you something."
"What are you going to show me?" I asked looking suspicious. I might be lost but I'm not dumb. This guy could be a killer for all I knew.
He rolled his eyes "Girl your lost. You come with me or you stay here and die. It's up to you" and with that he started walking away. I did the only possible thing, I followed.
"Good. Your coming."
"You left me no choice."
"Actually, I did. You picked the smarter choice."
I rolled my eyes. We walked for a few minutes. I noticed the people around were just like Stark, short and muscular. They also had different eye colors like pink, indigo and others had the usual brown, blue and green. But all their eyes were rimmed with red. And I noticed there was a mark on their temple. An X. I looked at Starks temple and noticed an X as well. Ok?
"Now don't freak out. This will probably be too much for you to handle." Said Stark.
"Wh-what are you talking about? I asked nervously.
"Just follow me." And so I did.
We came upon a gate. It had pictures of three palaces. The same ones on the door I came through, except one was missing. Stark walked over to the door and stood in front of one of the palaces. He pressed on the one that was completely white except for the roof which was blue. It was surrounded with trees. Lots of trees and there was a river a few paces in front of it.
Suddenly it opened and he walked through. I hesitated but joined him eventually.
It was like walking through a portal into a different world. Everything instantly changed, even the people. Where before everyone had X's on their temples and eyes rimmed with red, these people looked normal, average. Everyone was continuing doing whatever they were doing as if all this was normal. I was very confused.
"Ok, this is where we are heading" said Stark, pointing towards the distance. I squinted my eyes and saw a palace. The same one on the picture Stark pressed.
"Why are we going there? Where are we?!" I was starting to panic.
"Ok I know this is strange and I want to explain but I don't know how too and besides its also not my place." Stark said.
"Well unless you explain, I'm not going anywhere." I said crossing my arms. And just to prove my point, I sat down on the sidewalk. People gave me nasty looks but I didn't care at the moment
Stark looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"You are lost, have no idea where you are. I'm your only "guide". It looks like you have no choice." He said bluntly.
His parents named him well.
"Fine but I'm not walking all the way there" I said feeling grumpy.
"Never said you had too." He replied. He called a cab and we got in. He gave the driver the address and we fell in a comfortable silence. I was lost in thought. I didn't pay attention to where I was going which is pretty careless considering my situation.
All too soon we arrived at the palace. It was huge. Like the ones on fairy tale books except this one was bigger. Suddenly I felt my head hurt.
"What now?" I asked. "Why did you even bring me here?"
"Just come. Trust me, it's for your own good."
I don't know why but I trusted Stark which is crazy since I just met him but there was just something about him....
"Ok." Stark looked shocked that I didn't put up a fight but shrugged it off.
He knocked on the door and a butler answered.
"Hello, good day sir." Stark said
"Yes, how may I help you?" The butler asked. He had a rich accent. It was like Starks.
"I found someone wondering around." He said pointing at me. The butler looked at me closely. Suddenly he turned pale. He looked shocked
"Uh, hi?" I was confused. Why is everyone shocked to see me. They didn't even know me.
"Oh no" the butler whispered.
"Yup" Stark said.
"Ok. What's going on?" Now I was just irritated.
"I have to call the king and queen. Please do come in." Said the butler.
King and queen? Ok?
We walked inside and I looked around. The place was huge. We were in a big, round corridor and there was a grand staircase leading upstairs. The butler walked up stairs, leaving me and Stark alone. An awkward silence fell.
"Sooooo..." Stark said trying to make conversation. I gave him a look that made him look away. I have never been so confused. What was I thinking following this boy?
After 10 minutes of waiting and deciding to just leave, a man came. He looked shocked to see us there. He was closely followed by two kids. Twins. I looked closely and I recognized the man, he was the man from my vision. And so were the twins. My head exploded with pain. I doubled over in pain, holding my head.
"Are you ok?" Asked the man looking concerned and shocked.
I couldn't reply. I know him. I know him. I know him.
"Dad?" I asked.
Suddenly a woman came running in from a different door. She looked frantic and her eyes fell upon me.
My eyes grew wide open. I know this woman. I-I know this woman.
The pain was too much. I fainted.

(A/N) Well.....what do you think? Please Vote if it was good enough. Comment!! And ya. Thanks for still reading my book!! Until next time, take care❤

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