Chapter 3:The First day of School

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"Ding" "Ding" "Ding"
I groaned and tried to turn off my alarm. Where did I put that phone!
I sighed and sat up on my bed. I reached for my phone under my pillow and turned it off. I rubbed my eyes and yawned.
Suddenly I realized. Today is the first day of Freshmen year.
I jumped out of bed and changed as quickly as possible. I put on my favorite jeans and a shirt with the writing 'If your too cool for school, then what are you doing here?'
I looked in the mirror. I don't put on makeup other than the occasional lipgloss.
I stared at my smooth pale face. Not a single freckle visible. It made me look inhuman. And the strangest of my appearance, my eyes. Amber eyes. The only normal feature would be my crazy, wild, curly brunette hair. Hair which I have yet to do.
I sighed. This is going to take forever
10 minutes later I'm sitting with my parents eating scrabbled eggs for breakfast. Jace and Janet were still asleep as they started school tomorrow. Of course they were also grounded for that little stunt they pulled off yesterday. I shivered just thinking about it.
"You nervous for your first day of school?" Asked my dad with a smile.
"Awwww I can't believe it, my baby is starting freshmen year already. They grow up so fast" my mom exclaimed.
My dad and I gave each other a look and rolled our eyes. My mom is a very sentimental person and is very dramatic.
"Ya, I'm pretty nervous" I said answering my dads earlier question.
"Well you out of everyone shouldn't be" he said
"By the way honey, are you planning to try out for cheer leading?" asked my mom.
I groaned. Not this conversation again. My mom used to be a cheerleader and now has this crazy idea that I want to be one as well. Well, newsflash I don't
"Moooom" I whined
"Leave her alone honey" my dad said looking at my mom "She doesn't want to be a cheer leader so give up already"
"Fine" my mom grumbled
"But I know your going to try out for the swim team" my dad said trying to cheer my mom up.
"Nope" I said
"What?" "why?" my mom asked. She looked so shocked. Everyone knows how much I love swimming and I'm pretty good at it too.
"Meh, don't feel like it" I said trying to hide my smile.
There was absolute silence as my mom and dad gave me an incredulous look. I couldn't help it. I laughed hard until tears came out.
"Oh my gosh, your face" I said laughing "hahahahaha"
"Why is Mickey..." started Janet "laughing so hard" finished Jace. They had just come from upstairs.
"I meant the coach saw me swimming last time when I was at the public swim pool and asked me to join the team" I explained to my parents, trying hard not to laugh. I didn't think they would be this shocked.
"Oh honey" mom muttered
"That's great news" dad said
"Ya" i replied looking at my watch "Well, I'm leaving. Don't want to be late for my first day"
"Bye Mickey, have a great day" said dad
"Ha ha we don't start till tomorrow" Jace said, sticking out his tongue like the mature kid he was.
"Whatever. See you guys"
I grabbed my school bag and left. It was a pleasant Monday morning. I was debating with myself if I should walk or bike to school when I saw Gomin leaving his house. He spotted me and waved. I waved back as he jogged towards me.
"Hey there" said Gomin.
"Good morning" I replied with a smile. "On your way to school?"
"Yup I'm walking since its not that far"
Looks like I'm walking.
"Great! I'm walking as well" I said
"Cool. Lead the way"
We walked for a few minutes, lost in thoughts.
"So how long have you lived here?" Gomin asked.
"Ever since I was two" I replied
He looked shocked. As if I told him I came from Mars or something. He went pale.
"Ahhh, are you ok?" I asked him, a bit worried.
"Oh I'm fine. So where did you live before then?"
"I don't know. Unless you haven't noticed, I'm adopted"
"Yup, my mom passed away when I was very young"
"And your dad?"
This is the question I always wish to avoid but never could.
"He...he left me" I said barely above a whisper.
We continued to walk in silence after that.
After my mothers death, my dad left and was never heard from again. Maybe it was too much for him to handle, having just lost his wife. But either way he left. I've never heard from him. The sad part was that I don't remember them. Not even a little. Every time I'm close to remembering a small detail my brain instantly rejects it.
"What about you?" I asked
"Where did you live before moving here?"
"Oh. Las Vegas"
"No way!" I exclaimed excited "I've always wanted to go there. What's it like?"
"Oh you know light there and...people and stuff. The usual"
Well.... I wasn't expecting that...
Just as we turned the corner, G.C.S came to view. Well it's gates did anyways. The gates were tall and wide, a dark black color. There were guards letting cars inside and managing everything. As we walked beyond the gates, we were standing in what was called the basketball court. As you can tell by the name, it is an outdoor basketball court and when you walk a bit more there is a small cafeteria where they sell food. The cafeteria is built like a small hut with three windows. One for selling snacks, the other for selling drinks and the last for selling food that needs to be cooked and fresh. Right next to the cafeteria are chairs that sit multiple people, placed under trees.
"Well, welcome to G.C.S" I said looking at Gomin. "Come on, let's get your schedule"
We went over to the office and there was a secretary sitting in the front desk.
"Hi Miss Betty. This is Gomin, the new student" I said to the secretary
"It's nice to meet you, Gomin" she said shacking his hand. "I hope you'll like it here. And here is your schedule."
"Thank you" said Gomin as we left.
"Let me see your schedule" I said. Without waiting for a reply, I took it and compared it with mine.
"Wow we have a lot of classes together but we have different home rooms" I said handing Gomin his schedule.
Just then the school bell rang.
"Well, I'll be off. See you when I see you" and with that Gomin left.
I walked over to my locker, grabbed the books I need and hurried to home room. I was early and chose a seat in the back of the class. While Mrs. Roosenbloom took attendance, I looked outside the window and started daydreaming.
"Earth to Mickey, earth to Mickey" someone said snapping me out of my thoughts.
I turn to see Hilary sitting next to me with an exasperated look on her face.
"Were you daydreaming again" she asked
"No. I was admiring... the quality of the window?" I said. It sounded more like a question. Ok so lying isn't my strongest suite.
"Hmmm right, ok. But how have you been, Mickey?!" she asked
"Good good. Nervous about freshmen year" I answered truthfully
"I'm not. I'm excited and did you hear there's a new kid?"
"Oh Gomin"
"Wait how do you know him?"
"He's my next door neighbor." I explained
She was about to ask me something else but just then the bell rang singling the end of home room and the start of my first period, math. Yay...
I walked to my math class to find Gomin sitting in the front seat. He waved me over and patted the seat next to him.
"So how's it going?" I asked
"Meh" was his reply
After the students all got in and the teacher introduced himself as Mr. Bolton, we started work.
"I'm bored" whispered Gomin to me.
I looked up from my work to stare at him. We were sitting in the front and the teacher had heard him.
"Oh you don't say" said Mr. Bolton
Gomin turned towards the teacher with a sheepish look.
"Oh, you weren't supposed to hear that" he said.
The teacher gave him a deadly stare and to my shock Gomin started laughing.
"Sorry, sorry hahaha. But that look on your face hahah"
Oh no....
The teacher looked speechless. Gomin was acting like a kid but his laughter was contagious so the whole class started laughing. At the end even the teacher cracked a smile. We couldn't help it.
After spending three out of four classes with Gomin, most of it spent laughing, I was walking to the cafeteria. I bought pizza and a bottle of water and found Danny.
"Mickey" he shouted when he saw me.
I laughed " Hey Danny. How's first day?"
"It's not as fun as everyone makes it sound. It's pretty normal" he replied stuffing his face with my pizza.
I rolled my eyes. That boy eats way too much.
I spotted Gomin and waved him over.
"Whose this?" Danny asked as Gomin sat next to me
"Hi, I'm Gomin"
Just then Hilary came and after introductions were made, an awkward silence fell.
But then Gomin started joking around and then we talked about random stuff. I'm starting to realize Gomin is a funny person, the kind who you couldn't take seriously.
When the school bell rang, we got up and left. The rest of the school day was boring as always.
When it was time to head home, I looked for Danny and we made plans to hang out on Saturday and after inviting Hilary, I walked home. I couldn't find Gomin so I went alone.
No one was home. Apperently my mom and dad decided to take Jace and Janet to watch a movie even though they were grounded. Typical.
I went to my room, finished some work and sat down having no clue what to do. Well school was uneventful and boring. I thought it would be special since its my freshmen year. But it looks like it's going to be another normal year.

If only I knew what was going to happen the next day....
(A/N). Hello people!! that's another chapter. Nothing really interesting. As always please vote, comment and so on. Thank u very much 😊. Until next time, take care❤

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