Chapter 5: The Door

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It's been two weeks since I found that key and saw that vision. So far nothing out of the ordinary has happened and I'm starting to think that it was just a temporary sickness. Although that doesn't explain the key. I haven't told anyone about it or the vision I had. I decided to keep the key under my mattress.
"Earth to Mickey, come in" someone said.
I looked over and saw Danny sitting next to me.
"Hey Danny boy"
"Mickey are you ok?" he asked
"Umm, ya. Why'd you ask?"
"Because I'm worried about you. You keep zoning out and half the time you don't even pay attention to what's going on around you."
"That's not true" I said
"And we haven't been spending time together. I miss you" he said with a sad look.
Oh Danny.
"Oh I'm sorry Danny. It's just that so much has been happening that I've been busy. You know with school work and assignments and the swim team." I said trying to explain.
"And don't forget Gomin." He said
"Mickey, you've been hanging out with Gomin so much in the past few days. It's like you forgot all about me and replaced me with Gomin."
"Danny, you know that's not true. Gomin and I have become close but he will never replace you. And the reason we hang out more is because he is my neighbor." I tried to explain.
"Ok fine. I'm sorry. It's fine if you hang out with Gomin. I just felt like you were forgetting about me"
"You know I can't forget about you." I said
"Well of course, who can? I'm amazing" he said with a wink, breaking the tension.
I laughed.
But I did feel guilty. What I said to Danny was true but it's also true that Gomin and I have been hanging out a lot. And we have become very close. In just a few weeks, we've managed to form a bond. Almost the exact same bond I've built with Danny which took me almost seven years to build. And that made me feel very guilty.
"Hey, you want to hang out today?" Danny asked me.
"Oh Danny boy, I'm sorry but I can't today. I promised my mom I would take the twins to the park."
"Oh right. Never mind then" he said. He looked so disappointed.
"But we can go to the movies tomorrow." I said
"Perfect." He sighed. "I love Fridays. Thank goodness today is Friday."
"Should we invite Hilary?" I asked
"I was hoping it could be just the two of us?" he asked
I gave him a smile and nodded.
Just then the bell rang singling the end of lunch.
"See ya later" and with that Danny left.
I walked over to my locker to find Gomin standing next to it.
"Hey Gomin, what's up"? I asked, opening my locker
"Nothing. Hey you wanna hang out tomorrow?" he asked
"Sorry I can't. I made plans with Danny." I said
"Oh. Of course your best friend." He said, rolling his eyes.
I gave him a confused look But he just shrugged and walked to his next class. I followed since we both have English. I wanted to invite Gomin to the movies with us but I'm not sure Danny would be happy so I decided that next time I'll make plans for the three of us so Gomin and Danny can get to know each other better.
"Ok guys. I know I promised to take you to the park and I will. But you have to promise to behave your selves."
I was standing by the front door, giving Janet and Jace a lecture. The same lecture I always give them before taking them somewhere. But they never listen.
"We always behave ourselves" they both simultaneously replied.
I sighed "No you guys don't"
"Name one time we didn't." challenged Jace.
I raised my eyebrow.
"That one time we went to the movies and the guy didn't fill up your drinks so you sneaked behind the guy and spilled an entire bucket of soda on his back." I said crossing my arms.
"But he didn't fill my drink and why did he even have a bucket filled with soda!!" Jace complained
"But you didn't have to spill the whole bucket on his back."
Then I looked over at Janet.
"Do I even have to bring up the ice skating incident?" I asked with a raised eyebrow
Janet lifted her hands up "Nope, I'm good."
"Good. Now promise you'll behave."
"We promise" they both replied.
We walked to the park and I sat on the swing set while they played with other kids.
I was thinking about the vision I had right after I found the key. It's all I think about. Especially the man. I couldn't help but think....maybe he was my dad. My biological dad. That thought came to me the exact next morning after I had the vision. But it can't be. I was adopted when I was two and ever since then I've lived with Rob and Sadie.
My thoughts wondered off to Gomin and his parents. I felt comfortable around them. Like we were family.
"Mickey." Someone said. I looked and saw Jace and Janet
"We should get going" started Jace.
"It's pretty late" finished Janet
"You guys want to head home." I looked at my watch and it's only been 15 minutes. "But we didn't even stay long."
"Well ya but we're tired." Replied Janet
That's weird. Their never tired for fun.
"What did you guys do?" I asked
"What? We didn't do anything" replied Jace, sounding a bit too innocent for my liking. Just then a very young man came running towards us, waving his hand. There was mud all over his hair and he was soaked in water.
I looked at the twins. They were so in trouble.
"Well adios" and with that they started jogging away. I was too shocked to do anything at first. But then I decided to jog after them and pretend like I didn't see the man coming after me.
We raced home at full speed. They got home before since they got a head start. When I finally got there, I yanked the front door open, locked the front door and marched to my siblings room.
"What. Did. You. Guys. Do?" I asked furiously.
"Nothing!" they both replied.
I rubbed my temples, trying to calm myself.
"Look, don't try playing that "I'm innocent" game. Spill" I demanded
"Ok, look. We were playing with these kids and there was this one boy right." said Jace
"So we told this boy that the best prank to play on an older sibling was to put dye in their shampoo, preferably green." Went on Janet
I rolled my eyes. But I was really angry when they pulled that prank so ya, it worked.
"Ok, so then what?" I asked.
"Well.....the man you saw, he heard us telling the boy. He was the boys baby sitter and apparently what we were teaching him were "bad" and "terrible" said Jace putting emphasis on the words bad and terrible.
"And the man said that the prank wouldn't even work" scoffed Janet.
"As if, your living proof that it does." said Jace,looking irritated.
"Ok. But that doesn't explain why the man had mud all over his hair and why he was soaked." I said
"Oh that. Well we told him to take a seat in the bench so that we can explains how is would work. So while Janet was explaining it to him, I sneaked behind him and put mud all over his hair." Jace said with a pleased look.
"Then I sprayed him with water saying that he had a little something on his hair and that we should clean it up." Janet said, also looking pleased.
I stood their for a few second then bursted out laughing. I can't believe they did that. Man, they are such trouble makers! We all laughed for sometime.
"Ok guys, I forgive you even though you didn't apologize because I understand how much it must have hurt when the man questioned your pranking skills." I said jokingly.
"Exactly" they both said
"Well I'm going to my room now. I haven't been reading much so I'll just go do that." and with that I left to my room.
I was reading when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I check to see a text from Gomin.
~Bored out of my mind. Tried watching Adventure Time but still bored. Wanna hang out?~Gomin
I chuckled.
~So your bored. Of course you called me! I'm the most fun person you have ever met ;).~Mickey
~No. I just thought its not possible to get any more bored but I realized it was and so I called you to prove my theory. So yes or no?~ Gomin
~Ouch, hurt. See you in 5minutes~Gomin
I smiled. Well looks like I'm not reading as much as I would have liked too. A few minutes later Gomin came into my room and found me reading.
"Seriously? That's all you got?" Asked Gomin
I shrugged "Boy."
He rolled his eyes. "So what you wanna do?" He asked.
"I don't know." I replied
"So what are you and Danny planning to do tomorrow?"asked Gomin
"We are watching a movie."
"Is Hilary coming as well?"
"Nope. Just the two of us."
"So tell me more about your self." I said.
"I'm awesome, I'm very awesome and I'm also extremely awesome." He replied
"Dude I'm serious" I said
"Fine. What do you want to know?"
"What's your favorite color?" I asked
"What are your favorite hobbies?"
"Hopscotch and jumping ropes" he said.
For a second I thought he was serious since he said it with such a straight face. But then he started to smile and I realized he was just joking.
"Goof ball" I said.
He smiled. "Better a goof than a doof" he replied.
"That doesn't even make sense" I said.
Just then the twins walked in. They looked at me and Gomin sitting on the floor. They smiled their mischievous smile.
"Well, what's this?" asked Janet
"How come we weren't invited to this party?" asked Jace.
"Hey guys" Gomin said
"Hey Gomin" they simultaneously said.
"That never gets old" said Gomin, referring to how they almost always say the same thing at the same time.
Suddenly Gomins phone started ringing. He looked at the screen and his face turned pale.
"I-I have to go." He said and without an explanation or a good bye he raced off.
The twins stared after him then looked at me. I shrugged. They shrugged and left.
Well that was weird. I got up from the floor and dusted my pants. What to do, what to do? Maybe I can continue reading my book. I sat down and started reading from where I left off but I couldn't concentrate. My mind kept wondering from one place to another. Especially the key. Every time I look at it, I get a headache. I closed my book and set it down. I got the key from under the mattress and stared at it for a long time. What is this key? I sighed in frustration and put it on my bed. I decided to text Gomin.
~Are you ok? You looked pretty panicked. Please text or call me and let me know your ok~Mickey
Now what?
I looked at the key. Then I remembered the vision. What had the man said? Imagine your favorite place. Close your eyes and the first image that pops up will be the one.
Hmmm....maybe. No no. That's ridiculous. But what have I got to lose. I stood up in the middle of my room facing the door. I closed my eyes and I saw.....nothing but darkness. Ok.... I tried again and came up with nothing. I sighed frustrated.
I started thinking about the man in the vision. He was tall with blond hair and light brown eyes. He had a fair complexion and was very muscular. Then I thought about my first vision and Kate, her twin brother and Sinaya. My head started hurting again but i continued to think more and more about it. Then I closed my eyes...

There was a forest and when you walked deep inside there was a clearing with a lake where you can swim. A few paces from the lake, where benches and tables. The grass was a deep, fresh green. The sky was a deep blue sky, not a single cloud. That's the image that popped up in my head although I don't remember ever being or seeing such a place. I opened my eyes and almost fell over. In front of me was a door. Not my door but another one. Where mine was painted white, this one was a dark brown color. And it was divided into four sections, each one with a different palace.
I stood still for a few seconds. Then I walked around it. There were no strings, nothing. It was just....there. And there was a key hole. I looked at it and then stared at the key on my bed. What if..... No this is crazy.... But... I grabbed the key and inserted it. The door sprang wide open.
(A/N)..... Thoughts anyone? So as usual please comment so I can see what you think. Also if you liked it, please vote. I hope I haven't bored you all away ;). Seriously.... Until next time, take care❤

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