Chapter 40

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The show was just as incredible as I thought it was going to be. And the best part of it? I got to share it with John. Usually when I was having a great time at a concert, I would be sitting at the side of the stage, rocking along to the music either alone or with some random girls and Mary. But this time, I got to do it with John. He would spin me around to Crocodile rock and Saturday night's alright, and softly dance to your song while humming along. It was, without a doubt, the best night of my life. Nothing could ruin our moods or take away the absolute blast we were having.


Once the show was over, Elton came straight to us.

"So, how did you like the show?" He asked with a wide smile, sweat running on his forehead.

"We loved it! It was absolutely amazing!" I exclaimed and clapped my hands together. Both Elton and John laughed and Elton gave me a genuine smile.

"Well I'm glad to hear that! Now let's get back to the real party!" He joked and we began making our way back to the room where everyone else was waiting for us. John had his arm around my waist and I leaned my head against his shoulder was we walked down the long hallway.

"John, that was so amazing. I mean... wow!" I whispered to him.

He chuckled softly and kissed the top of my head. "That sure was an amazing show, I wish it would never have come to an end!" He said.

"I know right! It was so much fun." I said and sighed happily. "I didn't have to dance alone like an idiot for change."

Soon we reached the room again and when Elton opened the door, the party was in full bloom. Roger and Freddie were snorting cocaine off the table and laughing at a joke Brian had cracked. He had a beer bottle in his hand and when he noticed us entering the room he cheerfully waved at us with the bottle still in his hand, spilling its contents everywhere.

"Heyyy, the man of the hour! And John and Loretta! Welcome back to the real party!" He said in a very un-Brian way, sounding a little bit too cheerful. I looked around the room too see if something was wrong, while John joked around with the guys. I could feel Roger's gaze on my back when I looked at the group of people at the far end of the room. My stomach dropped.

"Why is she here?" I asked Freddie and pointed at the cunt.

"I do not know. I suppose Ray is friends with Elton and he just brought her along. Try to pay her no mind, we already made it very clear for her that we want nothing to do with her." He answered and shot an annoyed glare at her direction. She was talking to some other woman with her back facing us and by the looks of it, she still hadn't noticed that John and I had entered the room. I walked back to John and poked his side with my finger.

"Look over there." I told him and motioned in her direction with my head. He scanned the room with his eyes for a while before they landed on her and his eyes widened.

"What is she doing here?" He asked me and wrapped his arm protectively around my waist. I told him what Freddie had just told me and he rolled his eyes.

"Of course." He muttered and tightened his grip around me.

Surprisingly, she didn't even try to make conversation with us and we were able to enjoy ourselves. After almost two hours of excessive partying it was finally time to move on to the next location. John, Brian, Freddie, Roger, Mary, Elton and I and some other fellas wobbled out of the room and on to the hallway. Everyone was having a great time, we were all laughing and joking around. Just as we were about to reach the doors John stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh fucking hell." He groaned.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"I left my wallet in there. You guys wait here, I'll go get it."

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