"Arrived" Part I

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It was night time when Maggie and Abraham, both dressed in all black outfits, hopped the back gate of Exodus. They made their way through the site, sticking close to cover and making sure they were out of the view of cameras. While stopped at a corner, Maggie turned towards Abraham and lowered her mask.

"The bag is making too much noise," she hissed at him.

Abraham fumbled with the straps a bit before tightening them, "Thanks, but does it really matter? No one should be here till morni--."

"Abraham, since when, WHEN, has shit ever gone as planned?" Interjected Maggie. "Don't get caught up over stupid shit."

Abraham looked like he had something else to say, but bit his tongue and nodded. Maggie flashed a thumbs up sign and they both proceeded through Exodus. They stopped when they reached a staircase, the sign above reading "Containment".

"Alright Abraham, this is it. If we go up these stairs, ain't no turning back. You ready?" She asked.

Abraham remained silent.

"Abraham?" She turned to look at him.

Abraham's face looked pale and ghastly as he stared up the steps. He was wide-eyed and starting to sweat.

"We can turn back if you want Abraham," said Maggie.

Abraham shook his head and wiped the sweat from his brow, "No, this is probably the last chance we'll get to see the ship before it gets ''processed"... Anway, let's move."

They climbed the steps and reached the top. Once there, they peered over the railing which overlooked the entire Containment Yard, full of alien ships varying in height and structure. Some ships looked untouched, but the majority appeared to have been disassembled. They scanned over the shipyard until they found the ship with the matching insignia. Once the ship was located, the made their way to a nearby ladder and descended onto the Containment Yard. Once they reached the bottom of the ladder, Abraham swung the bag off his shoulder and unzipped it, pulling out both invisibility cloaks. He handed Maggie's to her and they both hastily put them on. They sprinted across the field and made their way to the ship. Once they were about 10 feet in front of the ship, a spotlight shone down on them. They simultaneously jumped back, surprised. After a brief pause, they both looked at each other.

"Alright, let's do this," said Maggie.

"Right," replied Abraham.

They took two confident steps forward, but stopped in their tracks after they heard faint footsteps approaching. They stared into the darkness, thrown off by the noises. Maggie cursed under her breath and grabbed Abraham's arm. She dragged him behind a nearby crate, and they both crouched low behind it. They peered out from behind the crate, but were unable to see anything other than the area illuminated by the ship's spotlight..

"Abraham your damn head is too damn big," whispered Maggie, nudging Abraham's head out of her field of vision.

"It's not my fault you're a midget," he hissed. "Shut it and deal."

"You little shit, I'll fuck you u--"

"Summon the Dogs," boomed a deep voice from the darkness.

The ground shook as a stampede of guard-dogs hurled themselves over the railing and headed towards the location of the ship. Over 20 GuardDogs had arrived and encircled the ship. Abraham and Maggie continued peeking from behind the crate, their attention getting drawn to loud metallic footsteps coming closer. Two gold-plated GuardDogs, which were almost doubled in size of a standard Guard Dog, made their way out of the darkness to scan the area. Once the scanning stopped, the GuardDogs made their way to the front door of the ship and turned back towards the darkness.

"Area clear, Sir," said both golden GuardDogs in unison.

"Excellent," replied the voice stepping into the light.

A tall, imposing black man in an all-black suit stepped out of the darkness. He removed his hat, revealing his curly, salt and pepper hair. He handed the hat to a platinum Guard Dog that followed behind him; the platinum model dwarfed even the golden GuardDogs in size. A group of workers practically sprinted to where the man was standing.

"Greetings Sir Bishop," said the man at the head of the group of workers.

"What's the current update on the ship." replied the previous deep voice.

"There hasn't been any movement since last weeks incident; it's remained stationary Bishop."

Bishop didn't reply to the man and motioned for something to come forward in the darkness. Two bodies flew towards Bishop's feet; one being a moderately tall pale woman with blond hair and the other being a short tan-skinned man with thin grey hair and a lengthy beard. The moment Abraham locked his eyes on the pair, he winced and gripped his arm; his birthmark was glowing a faint blue.

"Abraham, you okay?" she whispered.

She peeked back out and was alarmed when she noticed that not only were the pair were also gripping their arms, but they were staring directly at where they were hiding.

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