"Arrived" part IV

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“I can’t help but notice you speak English,” said Bishop making his way towards Leviticus. “What is the name of your species and how did you come to learn our language.”

Leviticus looked up from his friend, with tears streaming down his face, “We are called the Forever.  Our people are in need of home and we heard this planet helps all…”

Bishop extended an arm to help the man up, Leviticus wiped his face before grabbing Bishops hand and pulling himself up.

Bishop tightened the grip on his hand, giving Leviticus a firm handshake, “I respect your resolve to travel the galaxies to seek a better like for your people. And I appreciate you choosing our planet to do so. However, you should know that this world doesn’t accept such… barbaric behavior.”
Leviticus shook Bishops hand back. “No, please, don’t misunderstand we come peacefully. We are farmers but our world doesn’t have resources we need to farm. Normally we go to other planets to scavenge for materials but it not been working good lately, since we only take small amount so we don’t cause problems for people living there. But my sister tell me about “Mother Earth” and how we can get help here. So we took our ship and fly here but our ship got hit by meteor and was damaged, so we crash land.”

Bishop looked unconvinced. “Okay… but your sister seems more composed so I can only assume she’s your leader. Why is she not the one talking to me in your place?”

Leviticus motioned for Mercy to come over, but she shook her head profusely. “We more like co-leader, we work together. She navigator for ship but if you want talk to her you can. We also give a tour of our ship, we have no secrets to hide.”

“No need, we’ll simply take the ship,” replied Bishop. “That’s a much easier alternative.”

“What you mean!” shouted Leviticus.

“As I said, we’ll take the ship and conduct a detailed search for any possible threats. The vessel will be contained indefinitely at a private location,” said Bishop motioning for the massive Guard Dog to enter the ship. “Furthermore,” continued Bishop, “Every alien aboard this ship will be barcoded and you will be assigned work in order to support the Earth that is supporting you. Do you comprehend?”

“B-but.. Our entire ship..” stammered Leviticus.

Bishop placed a hand on Leviticus’ shoulder, “That Guard Dog will take care of the initial search of your ship and a thorough investigation will be conducted at a later time. Don’t worry, the workers here will guide you to your new living quarters and medics will tend to your... comrade.”

Leviticus gave a dejected smile to Bishop, “Thank you, sir.”

“Welcome to Earth,” said Bishop wrapping his arm around his shoulders with a warm smile. “Also, who are your two companions that arrived with you. We couldn’t get them to tell us anything at all.”

“Who?” said Leviticus with a look of confusion.

Bishop paused before responding, “...Nevermind, must have been a different case.”

He patted Leviticus on the back before heading into the ship himself along with the Golden and Platinum Guard Dogs. Shortly after a squad of workers made their way onto the field and took away all four of the ‘Forever’.

Abraham looked to Maggie with determination in his eyes. “Maggs, we got like 6 minutes before these things run out. Let’s look for another entrance to the ship. We need to find a way in there.”

Maggie nodded and they both moved from their hiding places and sprinted towards the ship. Maggie started tracing her hand along the side of the ship, her rings emitting a dim glow. She kept moving her hand along the ship until started shining.

“Look, if we come back, there’s a way to get into the ship under there… We’ll probably need to remove the external plating first though, pass me the bag.”

Abraham stared at the ship, unmoving.

“Abraham, we don’t have time for this shit,” hissed Maggie. “Give me the damn bag!”

Abraham reached his hand towards the ship, “I just gotta touch it.”

“What!” whispered Maggie, “If you touch it you might set off the alarm again. Abraham. ABRAHAM.”

Abraham had already placed a hand on the ship and his insignia begins glowing a bright blue. Maggie silently stared as the ship seemed to respond to Abraham’s touch, glowing a dim blue in response. Abraham’s face contorted in pain and his insignia abruptly stops glowing, and the ship’s glow changing to a piercing red.  

“What happened!?” Bishop’s scream could be heard from deep inside the ship.

Maggie checked and saw they only had 4 minutes left of invisibility. She began shaking Abraham trying to get him to release, but that only seemed to agitate the ship more and the ship completely rejected Abraham, electrocuting him and Maggie. The resulting shockwave short-circuited the cloaks turning them off, and sent Abraham and Maggie sprawling to the floor; but only Abraham was rendered unconscious.  

Maggie groaned and rolled over. She looked over to Abraham and weakly slapped his cheeks repeatedly in an attempt to wake him. She looked down at her hands and her expression changed completely. The rings she normally wore on her hands were sparking and damaged.  She got up panicked and started pacing back and forth. Within seconds of her pacing, she had already grown taller. And upon closer inspection both her arms and legs had gained a considerable amount of muscle.

Bishop came running full sprint out of the ship only to see a 5’11 woman in tattered black clothing carrying the unconscious body of a man also in black clothing. Bishop turned to call for the Guard Dogs but when he turned back the figures were gone. He let out a round of swears before reaching into his pocket to pull out a phone. He walked over to where Maggie was previously standing and noticed the discarded invisibility cloaks. He picked them up and gripped them tightly.


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