"He is alive" Part I

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The woman paused the video and looked at Malcolm who was seated crisscross. 

“So, what do you think of the story so far?” questioned the woman.

Malcolm looked over and signed at her, “Well it’s a lot.  It’s sad because he came home and saw his mom, but it’s confusing because that one girl is a mutt and she is hiding it. Among other things.”

The woman nodded her head, “And let's not forget that the Bishop is her father, interesting child ain’t she.”

“Wait,” signed Malcolm, “If she’s a mutt, how did no one know? How does that work.”

“Secrets that important should be seen first-hand, not spoiled,” replied the woman.

“But why would she lie about being a mutt? She looked so cool,” signed Malcolm.

The stranger placed her head in her hands in thought, before looking up to reply.

“Well… Sometimes people don’t want to accept the coolest parts about themselves.  I guess, I dunno,” the woman shrugged.

Malcolm smiled and shrugged back at her.  

She laughed in response, “Well, let’s get back into it, shall we. So, we can answer aaaaalll your questions.”

The woman un-paused the video and they both focused their attention on it once again.


Abraham walked into Exodus and met up with Asriel who had been waiting for him at the gate.  After exchanging quick greetings, they made their way straight towards a manufacturing plant on the site. 

“So, this is your big plan? Seriously Abe? This is highkey fucked,” stated Asriel.

“Fucked or not, still gonna do. Your boy still got us though?” asked Abraham.

“Of course, but I’m not helping you with your little suicide mission. I get you in and I’m OUT.” replied Asriel.

Abraham nodded in response and they continued walking.

They walked around to the back of the factory where materials and other deliveries were moved into the facility. They approached a door that had been left open with a stopper.

“This it right here...” said Asriel opening the door wider for Abraham.

Abraham walked inside, “Good looks.”

“Yeah, so he couldn’t actually let us use his code to let us INTO the top floors,” said Asriel following Abraham inside. “But he was able to jam the door for us and give us this code for the elevator.”

“Don’t they reset that code often?” questioned Abraham.

“Weeeellll, let’s just hope we get lucky,” retorted Asriel

Before reaching the hall leading to the elevator, Abraham pulled up the hood from the hoodie he was wearing under his uniform and slowed his pace to let Asriel walk ahead of him.  Asriel stopped a few steps before the elevator and leaned against the wall and started fiddling with his watch. Abraham nonchalantly passed him and made his way to the elevator. 

Once he was stood in front of the elevator, a small screen projection jutted out towards him requesting either his watch or an access code. Abraham looked at his watch and entered the code Asriel sent him.  He cursed under his breath when the code was flagged as incorrect. He glanced over to Asriel who slightly shook his head, letting him know he had no other ideas. Abraham noticed a small timer on the screen notifying him that an assistant would be alerted in 60 seconds if he still had trouble getting in.

Abraham went to Maggie’s contact quickly and tried entering all the codes she had sent him previously, hoping one of them might have been reused. 

“Come on Abe, hurry it the fuck up…You’re just getting to the workers floor. Either you can or you can’t,” hissed Asriel.

Abraham repeatedly looked down at his watch full of combinations and the screen-lock on the elevator, “Shut up, if it was that easy, I would be in already…”

“Yeah well—” Asriel cursed, “Abraham, move now.”

The familiar metal clunking of a Guard Dog was heard.  Asriel rushed towards it before it had the chance to notice Abraham retreating from the elevator.

“H-Hol’ up!” called out Asriel to the Guard Dog.

The Guard Dog trotted towards Asriel after being called out, “What seems to be the problem? Are you the individual having issues accessing the: SOUTH ELEVATOR?”

“Uh, YES!” Asriel scanned around quickly before pointing out some trash on the floor nearby, “Somebody littered again, and I need your help finding them, please!  I was so irritated I couldn’t even properly put in the code for the elevator.”

The Guard Dog’s eye switched to yellow, “Affirmative, we will begin investigating this report immediately. Follow me for further questioning.”

Asriel followed the Guard Dog while Abraham used the opportunity to make his way back outside, quickly closing the door behind him.

He quickly looked around for alternative ways to get into the factory. He made his way to a door that led to a staircase but when he pulled on it, it was locked.  He looked up at the building and noticed there were multiple ledges and indentations in the building. A look of revelation flashed briefly on his face and he took a few steps back.  He began stretching while muttering positive affirmations to himself.

After he was done, he raised his arm towards one of the ledges and it extended towards the ledge like a grappling hook.  He securely gripped the ledge and his arm rapidly retracted; sending him flying towards the ledge.

Once he had reached the ledge, he noticed the window he needed to reach was just slightly out of his grappling range.  He elongated his arm downwards and swing back and forth like a pendulum. Once he had gained enough momentum, he launched himself towards the window, gripping the windowsill.

He pulled himself up and made it into the 3rd-floor hall. He quickly pulled himself through the window and rushed to the staircase and ran up the steps until he reached the 5th floor. He took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the door, making his way into another corridor.  He calmly walked down the hall and stopped in front of a room labeled “Production Line 2”.    

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