"Answers???" Final Chapter

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Afterwards she walked over to Abraham and lifted him up by his arm.

"I got your boy packed up nice and tight," said Maggie, flipping the couch back over.

Abraham stared at her in amazement, "Y-yeah... Thanks Maggs."

Maggie sat down on the half of the couch that wasn't broken and looked over at Malachi, "First question. Your species name."

"Fraqtomaokabtish," deadpanned Malachi.

"Translation?" asked Maggie.

"The Forever," responded Malachi, his voice was starting to come back.

"I like that name," spoke Abraham softly.

Both Maggie and Malachi looked over at Abraham, before returning back to their questions.

"Speaking of English translations, you seem to have picked up the language quite well for having been here for at most a week," remarked Maggie.

"Our species learns quickly," grumbled Malachi.

"Hard to believe when two teenagers snagged you so easily," sneered Maggie.

Abraham interjected again, "Maggs, chill."

Maggie's face soured and she turned away from a grinning Malachi.

"Another question, why are you and Forever here, and why now?" demanded Abraham.

"Ahh--We've come for two reasons. Firstly, our High Powers Mercy and Leviticus were not lying when they said our resources had dried out. However, this is not the first time it's occurred," replied Malachi.

"Explain," commanded Abraham.

Malachi went silent, which prompted Abraham to make his way towards him. Maggie extended her arm, blocking Abraham's path.

"Answer him, or answer to the Bishop" warned Maggie.

"Upon these waves of stars, there are creatures who travel the cosmos. They travel world to world on a quest to befriend the commoners of these planets, and gain their trust. They gain just enough trust, just enough; and when their guard is completely down, the creatures will rip the very ground from beneath their feet. The creatures will take everything the planet has to offer: its people, its energy, and all available resources, in order to evolve. Taking on their forms and pillaging their history, becoming superior in every way. Thus is the Forever," explained Malachi.

"Hold up, what?" asked Maggie, confused.

Abraham brushed past Maggie's arm and stood in front of Malachi, his face contorted with fury.

"You mean to tell me that your--I mean OUR species conquers and kills planets across the universe?" growled Abraham. "You're nothing but a dirty liar."

Malachi chuckled in response to his outburst, "Lying? Kid, just look outside, the proof is all over the planet."

"What are you..?" Abraham faltered.

"I can smell it Abraham," Malachi inhaled. "I can smell nearly every one of the planets we've gone and destroyed, their survivors reside here. Ironic isn't it? The intergalactic safe haven for alien refugees started because of us, and now here we are apart of it."

Abraham slowly stumbled back from Malachi and almost tripped over his own feet. Luckily, Maggie was able to catch him in time.

"Come on Abraham, he's lying through his busted teeth. He doesn't even have any proof for this. He's just getting in your head," said Maggie helping him stand.

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