"A Second Life" Part I

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Abraham woke up in a cold sweat. He jolted upright and looked around gathering his surroundings. His face softened when he noticed the picture of his mother kept on the nightstand next to his bed. His calm didn’t last long though as a loud thud was heard from outside his door, followed by muffled profanities. Abraham rolled onto his side and reached for a pocket knife in his nightstand.  He placed it under his pillow and sat up, ready to greet whoever was in his house.  

The door creaked open and Maggie sheepishly backed in the doorway, carrying a plate of food. She was trying desperately to squeeze herself through the door with a plate of breakfast in one hand and a bar stool in the other.  

Maggie backed out of the doorway and tilted the chair, “What the fu--how?”

Abraham covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing.

Maggie tried to enter again, but the legs of the stool banged loudly against the doorframe, sending Abraham into a fit of laughter.  Maggie jumped in shock, dropping both the plate and stool.

“No, my carpet!” shrieked Abraham

Maggie leapt on top of Abraham squeezing him tightly, “You’re up!”

Abraham’s face momentarily blanked, “How did we get back here..?”

Maggie let go of him and moved to sit next to him on the bed, “After that stunt you pulled the ship shocked us. Thankfully though the cloaks were still working so I just picked your bony behind up and ran here as fast as I could.”

“Really…? Holy shit Maggs, how’d you manage that? We’re like 3 miles out from Exodus,” asked Abraham.

“Adrenaline does wonders, I guess. Plus not wanting to die, that also does wonders,” replied Maggie.

Abraham moved the covers off of him and stood up, “True.”

Abraham walked over to his closet and grabbed an iron and his work clothes.

“So, you wanna tell me why you started  messing with the ship and almost got us killed?” asked Maggie.

Abraham winced, “I don’t know honestly… It was like the ship was telling me to touch it, so I did. But somethin’ odd happened, it was like it wanted me to know it was there but didn’t want me around for too long.”

Maggie cocked her head to the side, “O-okay... Odd isn’t the word I’d use, but you’re one lucky dude.  Anyway, the Forever started working at Exodus, but some of ‘em are on the higher levels working office jobs. Guess Bishop wanted them watched.”

Abraham spun around, “What? Wait what!? When was this? HOW LONG WAS I PASSED OUT?”

“Today’s tuesday right?” Maggie started counting her fingers, “Like 5 days.”

“Oh sweet Buddha you’re joking right? Why didn’t you try to wake me!?” asked Abraham while ironing the clothes he picked out.

“But I did though? Slapped the mess out of you, didn't work.” She did a slapping motion.

“Wait.. Speaking of Exodus, what about the Guard Dogs? They should’ve—”

Maggie cut him off, “Stop worrying about that, Asriel helped me out and we got it covered. You need to focus on getting to the Forever somehow.”

Abraham paused, setting the iron down. “You?”

“Yeah, I’m gonna be busy doing some other things,” said Maggie.

“Other things? What other things?” retorted Abraham.

“Other lady things! You nosy asshole!” spat Maggie.

Abraham scowled at Maggie’s attitude, “Screw you weirdo.”

“Whatever ‘weirdo’, you stink, take a shower,” Maggie deadpanned.

Abraham fell immediately silent and Maggie walked out the room.

“Y-you stink…” muttered Abraham ironing his clothes.


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