Chapter 5: Dipper & Mabel Pines

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That evening after dinner Stanford had a break from writing his book to sit with Billy in the living room, the demon wanted to watch every episode of his show, and since it aired every night, that's what he did.

Billy sat on the edge of his right knee, swinging his legs happily as he watched, saying random words that the cartoon said or adding a squeak of his own language into the mix as he babbled. Stanford smiled at his happy little creation Just you and me buddy, forever he thought, reaching out to stroke his side, the demon purred, content.


About a month later Stanford got a phone call, his Great Niece and Nephew were planning on coming to stay for the summer and Stanford couldn't be happier, in fact Billy was sure he had never seen him so excited. Who were these 'family' he was babbling about? He didn't like the sound of them, Stanford said they were staying! Since when did people stay here? No, he didn't like the sound of these twins. He didn't want them to stay!

By now Billy could talk and have normal conversations without so much as a squeak emitting from his mouth and boy did he like to talk. Stanford had to tell him to be quiet quite a lot. He still loved the show, able to quote each episode he watched with ease, he was, in fact, a little fanboy. It made Stanford chuckle.

A few days later on the day of the twins' arrival, the doorbell rang shrill and loud late that afternoon. Billy had never heard the bell before. He found it loud and annoying as it echoed through the house. Stanford picked Billy up from where he was colouring on the coffee table and put him on his shoulder with a smile. The demon made an annoyed squeak as his art skills were interrupted, and he dropped the crayon he was holding onto the carpet. It was a nice bright yellow one which he found was his favorite colour. "You ready to meet Dipper and Mabel bud?" Stanford asked him as the small black fingers gripped his ear to hold on. Billy shook his head and made a weird growl noise which Stanford ignored, "Well, we can't leave them waiting" the man said. He reached out and opened the door.


The twins grinned from the porch "Hi Grunkle Ford!" Mabel said, Bill blinked at the brightly dressed girl, she jumped up and down with a huge grin, while Dipper, the boy, stared at him quiet and still "Is he real? Or am I just seeing things?" the boy piped up. He was holding a book in his arms. Stanford smiled "This is Billy, I used a spell to bring him to life, Billy? These two are Mabel and Dipper, my niece and nephew" Billy waved and then looked down, Stanford poked him, "Don't be rude now, say hi." Billy huffed "Hi" he said grumpily, Stanford nodded, "Good boy, come along you two, I have your room all ready for you" Stanford said, ushering them up the stairs.

Dipper glanced at the pipes running through the house as they walked up the creaky steps "What's with the big pipes Grunkle Ford?" he asked as they gurgled.

"Ink, Billy needs ink to survive, thus the pipes, they lead to the ink machine in the basement which is also my study and where Billy sleeps," Dipper grinned, "Wow you make cartoons down there!? I always loved your cartoons, can I see them perhaps!?" the young boy asked, adjusting the brown hat on his head. Billy liked the star on it. Stanford chuckled "I like them too, and yes perhaps one day this summer. Did you two get the stuffed toys I sent you for Christmas? And the books?" Dipper nodded and held up the books in his hands "These are my favorite!" the boy said as they entered the attic room.

Stanford had put some Billy: The Snappy Dressing Demon Merch in here, a cardboard cutout (These, were also all over the house) and a few books which Dipper immediately looked at and some old stuffies. Mabel unpacked her suitcase full of coloured soft toys and put them on her bed "Dinners at 5pm, until then relax and make yourselves at home" Stanford said, setting Billy down on Dipper's bed. Hoping the demon would try to get along with them.

Instead, Billy hissed angrily at the boy making him step back in confusion and slight fear. Stanford huffed "Billy! That's not nice! You apologize to Dipper! Right now!"

"No!" Billy said, crossing his arms. Stanford picked him back up, "What's the matter with you? Why are you so grumpy?" Stanford asked the demon, Billy pointed to the twins. "I don't want them here! You said it would be just you and me forever! You and me! Not you, me and them!! YOU LIED TO ME!!"

"Stop that! You're acting like a pouty child! Their family, they won't be here long, just till the end of summer, now stop being a grump and apologize."

The demon wiggled in his grip "NO!!" Billy said angrily.

Stanford dropped him as the demon hit his knuckles with his cane far too hard "Ow!" Stanford yelped as Billy hit the ground, hard.

Everyone gasped as he quickly melted into a pile of ink onto the wooden floorboards, the cane followed, clattering as it hit the floor and lay still by Stanford's foot "Did he just die?" Mabel asked, looking horrified.

Stanford looked shock "BILLY!!!" he yelled, they heard a small giggle from the ink patch "I'm still here Father"

"Where!" the man asked looking around.

"I'm the ink, I think, hey! That rhymes!" he said, before letting out a gasp, "Oh! I can go through the wood! Excuse me for a second..."

The ink puddle began to seep through the floorboards, disappearing through the cracks. Stanford ran down the steps and into the hallway below the attic room. Ink was dripping down onto the floor in a wet puddle. Beginning to gain height as it molded back together, eventually Billy was back to normal.

The demon looked at his hands and smiled "I can turn into ink and go through things!!!!" he said excitedly. Stanford picked him up and hugged him tightly "You scared the crap out of me, don't do that ever again!" the man said.

"I'm sorry Father" the demon said hugging him, his Father was shaking a little, "I'm sorry for scaring you" Billy said, patting his cheek once the man pulled away. Stanford smiled sadly "It's okay. I'm just glad you're okay," the man said relieved. Billy may have felt bad for upsetting his creator, but the man had still lied to him.

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