Chapter 1: Billy: The Snappy Dressing Demon

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The shack was old, creaky and secluded, honestly a perfect place for what he was about to do. He had been here for months for a break from reality. But it seemed the world wasn't done with him yet, curiosity got the better of him and he began to explore the amazing town, home it seemed, to the supernatural and the weird. Then he had found that spell book, and after a little bedtime reading it led to what he was about to do now, turn his little demon cartoon real.


He hurried down the wooden steps, the old book in his hands, pages yellow, cover falling apart. He placed it on the table as he made his way into the cold basement. Taking out the candles from the plastic shopping bag in his hand and putting them down on the bench "There, now I have everything" he said, with an excited grin.

He grabbed the broom and swept away a clear spot of all the dust, making sure it was clean for the chalk circle he needed. He picked up the white stub of chalk and drew the circle on the floor, making sure it was even before drawing the pentagram in the middle. He had to use a ruler and do some math to get it just right, but once it was done, it looked perfect.

He stepped back to admire his handy work and picked up the candles, slotting them into place around the pentagram. Reaching into his pocket he took out his lighter and lit the candles, placing the ink cartoon of Billy into the middle, making sure he didn't smudge the chalk as he did so "Ready" Stanford muttered to the empty room. He picked up the spell book and flicked through the pages till he got to the one he wanted.


Stanford looked down with glee at his creation, black as night except for the white brick pattern and bow tie. His top hat long and floating just above the top point of his triangle body. Billy was breathing, the part under his eye rising and falling just slightly, and the one eye closed.

"It worked! It actually worked!" Stanford said laughing, he couldn't believe it! He had done it!


Billy opened his eye slowly, blinking in the dim light of the dusty basement, he made a small alarmed squeak noise as Ford reached down and picked him up, "Hello Billy, my names Stanford Pines, and I, am your creator." Billy looked up at him sleepily, that slitted pupil thin and long. He blinked at him before letting out a big yawn. Stanford chuckled, of course Billy was tired, he had just been born after all, "Lets find you a place to sleep, huh?" Ford said with a smile, adjusting Billy in his arms as the demon fell asleep.


Billy woke warm and comfortable, a soft blanket over his small form, he yawned and stretched, sitting up with little difficulty as his triangle form was flexible and easy to bend. "Good morning" a voice said. Billy jumped in fright, grabbing the blanket and hiding under it, trembling just a little.

Stanford lifted it up and smiled "It's okay, I won't hurt you, did you sleep well?" Billy let out a small squeak and Stanford chuckled, "Aren't you just sweet, looks like I'm going to have to teach you to talk to" the man said, reaching out to him and picking him up.

Billy looked up at him in wonder, still slightly fearful of him. Stanford reached out and gently stroked one of his sides with his thumb to reassure him he didn't mean any harm. Billy closed his eye, enjoying the feeling. A loud purr erupted from his tiny form and Billy opened his eye in shock, "Purring? Well, that's different" Stanford said, pulling away. Billy looked up at him with a grumpy look and reached out his little black noodle arms to his six fingered hand, pulling him back with tiny fingers.

Stanford chuckled and rubbed his sides again, the purring started back up, the demon content with his eye half closed happily, "You like that huh?" Billy grabbed one of Stanford's fingers and hugged it happily, letting out a small happy squeak. 

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