Reflections in the river

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The flowing cold river stream passed through his calves, he leans down to roll up his pants to his knees. He couldn't help but stare at his legs, his legs had a silver shine, thanks to the water. He had his legs removed to his knees do to an accident in the past. Went out adventuring and got his legs bitten off by a large white and grey mixed wolf, but it was mostly his fault for wondering in its territory. Thank the Goddess, he's a mechanic or he would have bled out but soon getting better ones meant for speed and going through tough terrain.

Fin: "Goddess it's freezing, stupid water. I'll just set up and make a campfire to dry off."

Hearing the sound of the river hitting a dead end and seeing the moonlight pour into a large pond. A small circle of flowers and mushrooms and stepping stones around the pond even a flat area of grass to set up his camp. The whole place had a strong magic aura around it, the perfect breeding grounds for the Moonlight jellyfish. This pond is so deep it could be a mini sea system but the moon's light is strong enough to be able to pierce right through the darkness inside revealing the jellyfish.

Fin: "Wow, I can't believe this place is really real." (he heads straight to the flat area putting his wet bag down reaching inside grabbing his net and mini bucket. Getting some water inside the bucket and set up the fishing net to catch.) "Perfect. Now for the camp." (The net had a bell on it so when it rings it's ready to pull up)

He starts to unfold and build a yellow tent with his sleeping bag inside. Then next the campfire grabbing some tree branches and a couple of dry leaves, getting a lighter from his pocket and flipped it out with a couple clicks finally getting the fire started. He picks up a large rock and putting it by the fire but not to close and removes his shirt placing it on the rock while he relaxes next to the fire feeling it's welcoming warmth.


Fin: "Already?" (he stands up and rising the net seeing a good bundle of jellyfish placing the peaceful creatures into the bucket. Heading back to the fire and flipping his shirt to dry the other side)

The mix of the calming river and crickets started to make him sleepy, the fire blanketed him with warmth and...z.z.z...What felt like only seconds turned to hours, he felt something cold touching his face and getting up quickly still feeling droozy. He wiped the cold feeling off his face with his arm, it was only water, he looks up making sure it wasn't raining and nothing to see. He stumbles and checks the net tiredly, seeing only a few putting them with the others.

Fin: "This should be good..." (He lets out a yawn then putting out the fire and going into his tent to rest for the night, removing his shoes off putting them outside the tent, getting comfortable in the sleeping bag slowly again drifting off to sleep)

Note: I said tomorrow. And forgot. :))
Stay cozy and warm. P.s I want some hot chocolate.

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