Chaper 23 (Quiet den)

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Y/N's POV:

I was awoken my the sound of feet stomping on dirt and something rolling along the grit.

I could see the dark blue tone of the sky through the cracks in the wooden walls. My eyes were opened wide immediately apon noticing that it was dark outside.

Something's out there!

Sitting up and climbing out of my make-shift bed as quietly as I could, my breathe became sharper and my movements more fluid.

Peeking through the gap in the barn doors, I tried to see who- or what- was out there.

A carrage and two horses with two people wearing long black cloaks driving. The horses were familliar looking. One was white, a similar size to Espur and the other one was of identical stature but dark freckled grey instead.

"We can rest in here my lord. I advise that we hurry." One of the men spoke, climbing down of the driver's seat.

Then's when it all started to go wrong. My hand, which was cautiously placed on the door, leant up against it too hard causing it to creak a little.

"Who goes there?" The man asked, his head swivling around to face my direction.

Deciding to embrace my confidence, of which I had little of at the time, I swung the door open a little more and stepped out of the shadows.

"I could ask you the same question."

"Oh, it's just some little kid." The second man commented, his blacked out face clearly looking me up and down, "Do you live here boy?"

Uh.... Boy?

I certainly wouldn't say I looked too much like a boy...

Perhaps my attire and the dark were disguising my obviously female body.... Welp, this ought'a be fun.

"What's going on out there?" A deep voice from inside the carrage asked,

"Ah, my lord," The first man spoke, "There's a young boy inside the barn. We were just asking if he took residence here."

"This place has been abondoned. He is clearly a traveller. Send him on his way." The voice instructed.

"Ahem," I coughed, "Wouldn't you like to hear my perpective before deciding what to do with me?"

The cloaked figure's stances crippled down to that of fear, like I'd just made a mistake that would send me to my grave.

"Go ahead." The deep voice comanded in a reluctant voice.

"Me and my friends need a place to rest just as much as you all do. If I am correct we're legally allowed to stay here without getting kicked out for a hole day and we've only been here a couple hours. I'm sure we can come to some agreement and share the-"

"What is your name boy?" The voice boomed, sending chills down the cloaked men's spines.

"N/N sir." I replied, annoyed that I was getting cut off.

"Well 'N/N', If you are of the belief that I, Lord Endevour, plan on taking refuge in the same building as a bunch of gypsies, then you are sorely mistaken."

Oh, so he's this famous Lord Endevour huh? Yeah I heard about him a little. Didn't think he'd be this much of a pain though.

"Ok then. Have fun finding somewhere else!" I smiled, walking back inside and closing the door....

To which my nerves consumed me and I sprinted over to Todoroki and shook him awake.

"SHOOOOO!" I whisper yelled, "Some freaky-deeky lord's tryna' kick us out'a here!"

"Huh? What?" He sat up, instanly wide awake.

"How dare you oppose me boy?!" The lord shouted furiously.

I cupped my hands over my mouth and quivered slightly, damn it I messed up big time!

"He... think's you're a boy?" Todoroki said plain faced,

"Hehe, I thought it'd be funny if I didn't correct him."

Todoroki sighed, calling me a moron.

Prompting me to go back out there and talk things out, he gave me some advice before shoving me back out there.

The lord had exited the carrage by now. He stood at almost double my hight, his broad body enough to make me believe I'd be killed by his bare hands at any second.

"What do you have to say for youself?" He demanded, hissing through his sharp teeth.

"Well, I do have rights in this situation. I offered to negotiate but you became all serious and almost kinda rude." I said, as calmly as I could.

Lord Endevour closed his eyes angrily and snorted through his nostrils like a bull or something.

"Fine then. We can negotiate. How many people are there?" He grunted, strairing into my soul.

"Three and a horse. We've made ourselves comfortable neer the back of the barn so we'll be out of your way." I replied, trying to maintain eye contact.

"I'll need you know all your names and quirks. Full descripions and full names too, 'N/N.'"

"Um." I stuttered and turned back to the crack in the door, "Shoto, what am I ment to say?"

I heard my friend face palm and hiss through his teeth in pain.

"Did you just say Shoto?" The lord asked, his sinister tone of voice vannishing.

Turning back to look at him, I realised that his angry expression had been switched out for one of shock.

Lord Endevour, from what I'd heard of at least, never seemed surprised or even slightly scared. This is nothing I'd expect from the 'great' Enji Todoro-

Oh my god.

He pushed past me with ease although I'd bet he'd have been less rough if he knew I were a girl, and swung both the barn doors open bringing himself face to face with my friend.

Shoto wore a calm expression, lifting off the bandages from around his left eye to look at the lord with both of them.

"I would prefer it if you treated my boyfriend with more respect, father." He spoke sternly, in the exact same way he spoke when we first met,

Endevour's eyes widened ever further then they already had, his mouth dangling open slightly in shock.

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