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Kingston met me in shakes and ladders after I texted him.

"What's wrong? You look angry" he asked as I sat down on the seat next to them.

"I am angry, my mum keeps telling me how 'I should have been more careful' before Izzy." I replied.

He breathed in through his teeth. "I would be mad about that as well. Listen ozzy, everyone loves Izzy, she wasn't a mistake." He told me putting his arm over my shoulder.

I shook my head, "she definitely wasn't. She's the best thing that's happened to me since Richelle."

"Ooo, that hurt" Kingston said jokingly, putting his hand on his heart.

"Your still in my top 3!" I said pushing his arm. We laughed and talked some more for almost the rest of the day. I could always count on Kingston to make me feel better.


Today was Richelles first day back for rehearsals so I met her and jacquie at Richelles house with Izzy.

"Happy first day!" I said as they opened the door. She hugged at kissed me before taking Izzy from me and covering her with kisses.

"I missed you so much little Iz!" She told her. I smiled at them, they were so cute together. Richelle left Izzy with her parents for the day and we all went to Studio A for rehearsals.

Everyone was happy to have Richelle back because she was one of the best dancers we had. We started rehearsing and Richelle sat on the side for the first run through to see the dance for the first time. Then she got up and tried the dance herself.

She was doing well, considering she had only seen it once, but I could tell something was off with her. When Emily called a break she pulled Richelle into her office before I could talk to her about it.


Emily pulled me into her office during the break. I was dancing my best out there but something still felt wrong and out of place.

"Take a seat" she said as she sat on her desk chair opposite me. I sat down and waited for her to talk. "Richelle are you ok? How did you feel after that?"

I smiled and shrugged "I'm fine."

"Really? Because you don't seem fine."

"I am fine really, Emily don't worry" I said, starting to stand up.

"Richelle sit down" Emily sighed. I listened to her. "I don't want to do this, and it may be a big risk considering your one of our best dancers, but I think you should be the alternate"

My mouth dropped open, "b-but why?"

"Well, you've just had Izzy and I think she should be your main priority at this stage in her life. And also, internationals is right round the corner and I don't want to risk anything like you not being able to go because of Izzy."

"But we only have 10 dancers, I technically can't be. an alternate."

"Well I actually-"

A familiar face rushed round the door tossing their dance bag in the cubbies. "I'm so sorry I'm late, Emily" Winnie said.

My mouth dropped open again. Why did no one tell me about Winnie joining the team. Did they all already know she was going to take my place?

I stood up quickly and rushed out of the office trying to hold back my tears.

I loved Izzy, with all my heart, but she was already ruining my dance career.


I realised I hadn't told Richelle about Winnie joining A- troupe, but I didn't think it would affect her that much. I don't know why she would just storm out of the studio like that, especially on her first day back which she was super excited for.

I ran and followed Richelle out of the studio. "Richelle wait!" I called out to her. She kept walking. Soon I caught up to her and ran infront of her to make her stop walking. "What happened?"

"Leave me alone, Ozzy!" She shouted, pushing past me. She was mad at me? What had I done? I decided to leave it and give her some space so that I could talk to her when she had calmed down. I went back into Studio A and as I walked past her office Emily called me in.

I sat down on the chair opposite hers, "what happened with Richelle?" I asked her concerned.

Emily sighed, "I made her an alternate. I told her that Izzy should be her main priority for now." I was mad for Richelle. How could Emily do that to her?

"But why? Richelles the best on the team.   I'll even take her place to let her dance. Just don't take her off the internationals dance." I begged. I really would take her space. I had already had my time to shine at nationals and now I wanted Richelle to have her moment too.

Emily shook her head, "I can't do that Ozzy, I'm sorry."

I got up angrily and stormed out of studio A after Richelle.

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