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just forget that this in winter, imagine they're somewhere where its still hot in winter.


"I think we should go to the beach," I replied to Kingston. The girls nodded in agreement.

"The beach it is then" Kingston said. Me and Richelle went back to our room to get our stuff and then changed. According to the leaflet my mum gave me, the beach was only a few minutes away. When we were all ready we all went downstairs and out the door to make our way to the beach.

It wasn't that hard to find, so we were there quickly. It was quite empty, probably because it was a sunday. As soon as we got there me and kingston threw off our shirts and jumped into the water, attacking each other. Richelle and Jacquie slowly approached, not wanting to get splashed too much.

They laid out the blankets and sat down on them. They put their sunglasses on and laid back, listening to music on Jacquie's phone. Kingston and I rolled our eyes at each other.

"You two are so borinnggg!" Kingston shouted out. Richelle stuck her middle finger up at him without even looking up. Soon we were both charging out the water towards the girls and started shaking all our water onto them, making them scream.

Once they had got up, Jacquie chased Kingston into the water and I picked Richelle up and ran with her into the water. Soon the girls were just as wet as us and we were all splashing water at each other.

Then we got into teams, Richelle sitting on my shoulders and Jacquie sitting on Kingstons, and started trying to splash each other again. Soon we went back onto the sand, Richelle and Jacquie extremely fussed over the sand sticking to their feet.

"I'm kinda hungry," Jacquie said, as she was drying herself off with her towel. We all nodded in agreement.

"I there should be somewhere around here," I told them, and so once we had all dried off we went looking for something to eat.

Not long later we found a hotdog stand along the beach. We all got one and since Kingston forgot his money i bought him one as well. We sat back in our space on the beach to eat them.

After we finished we just decided to sit on the beach and rest for a while before heading back to the house. It was about 4pm so it was starting to get dark.

Once we got back to the house, Richelle and Jacquie ran to claim the showers first. (There was one bathroom in each bedroom). While they were in there me and Kingston sat on the sofas and started to talk.

"What about Izzy? Are you gonna miss her?" Kingston asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah, but it's fine, I'll see her soon" I told him.

Me and Kingston decided to try and cook something, but soon realised we had no idea what we were doing. Kingston almost overheated the water. Overheated the water! How does that even work? It took longer than we thought so once they were finished the girls came down and decided to help us.

Richelle was actually a great cook, probably got it from her mum. Soon me and Kingston gave up and the girls were cooking themselves. After the food was finished we all sat around a table and ate together, not much was said but we all felt like a family.

After we were done we decided to all sit down on the sofa and watch Tv. Richelle cuddled up to me the whole time and Jacquie and Kingston were just sitting next to each other by us. After multiple shows and a-lot of talking, we all decided to get ready for bed. Me and Richelle went up to our room and Kingston and Jacquie went to theirs.

I went straight into the shower when i got upstairs, leaving Richelle sitting on the bed on her phone.


After Ozzy went into the shower, i sat on our bed, scrolling through instagram.

When i heard the door open, i looked up to see Ozzy walk in with baggy trousers on, shirtless, and his hair wet and flopping to the sides. He ruffled his hair with the towel to get it dry, but it was still stringy. I didn't notice i was staring until he looked at me and winked. I looked down, blushing.

"Stopp, you did that on purpose!" I told him. He laughed while approaching the bed. I stopped him before he got to it. "Do you always sleep with your shirt off?" I asked him.

He shrugged and nodded, "Yeah why not?" he replied. "Do you always sleep with your shorts on?" He asked.

"Yeah, why n-" i started to reply, "Ok, i see what your point is" I said laughing and starting to get underneath the covers. Ozzy soon followed in with me.
"But what do you expect me to do? Sleep without them?" I asked sarcastically.

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, smirking. I rolled my eyes, and turned the other way, lowkey embarrassed. I could feel the butterflies start up in my belly again. I felt him cuddle up closer to me and put his arm over me. "Yeah, why not?" He whispered in my ear. The butterflies started multiplying and i turned around to face him, Then he kissed me.

There's another part to this chapter but i didn't want to make this one too long, so the next chapter will be part 2& the chapter after💓

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