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After me and Richelle got ready we walked down the stairs, still arguing about Jacquie and Kingston.

"Richie, it doesn't matter what they were doing. They can do what they like!" I told her.

"Not if he's using my best friend as a rebound because he just broke up with his ex!" She argued back. Jacquie and Kingston were already downstairs at the table. They watched me and Richelle awkwardly, knowing we were talking about them.

I went over to the kitchen and poured me and Richelle some cereal while sighing. I brought it back to the table and we all sat down together. It was really tense on the table so i decided to say something.

"Look, me and richelle," I said, looking at her for her to agree with me, "don't care about what's going on between you two, it's none of our business."

Jacquie put down her spoon, "I promise that nothing happened!" She told us, kingston nodding beside her. "Last night, i was crying and Kingston was there to help me. I asked him to stay with me so i wouldn't be lonely. That. was. it."

After a few more moments of silence, richelle started speaking. "Ok, i'm sorry." She said. "Sorry for accusing you Kingston, and Jacquie you know you can talk to me anytime, about anything,"

Jacquie nodded while finishing her cereal.


I was embarrassed, even though i knew nothing had happened.

All we decided to do today is go and walk around to explore. After we all finished breakfast, we got out the house and started walking. Richelle was linking arms with Ozzy while me and Kingston walked awkwardly behind them.

"Sorry if i embarrassed you," I told him, talking quietly so Richelle and Ozzy wouldn't listen.

"It's fine, as long as your ok now," He told me, smiling. I smiled back at him.

Soon later we approached a small market and I instantly ran and took Richelle from Ozzy so we could go and see the clothes. As me and Richelle were frantically looking through all the stalls and clothes, Ozzy and Kingston were casually looking around, nit very interested.

When both me and Richelle had at least two full bags, we decided to keep walking around. We found a smoothie stall and so we all got drinks. I got strawberry, Richelle got blueberry and Kingston and Ozzy both got banana.

We walked back to the house while sipping on the smoothie.



"I think we should do out to a club" I suggested when everyone was sitting on the couch. Kingston and Jacquie looked unconvinced but Ozzy immediately agreed.

"Finally, something to do!" he said, leaping off the sofa.

"mm, i don't know. I might just stay here," Jacquie said.

Kingston nodded, "me too"

"No," I said, shaking my head and going over to Jacquie, grabbing her up and off the chair, "Your coming with us, both of you," I told them, waving my hand at Kingston as i walked past with Jacquie. He sighed and got up and we went upstairs.

I looked through my suitcase and found a sparkly, tight black dress and went into the bathroom to put it on. Then, i straighten my hair and put two black clips on the side to match. When i came out again Ozzy had very casual clothes on. Just some loose jeans and a t-shirt.

I shrugged it off and went into Kingston and Jacquie's room to see if they were ready. Kingston was sitting on his bed in casual clothes like Ozzy and Jacquie had just come out the bathroom. She was wearing a dark blue dress and had her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"Ready?" I asked. They nodded and Jacquie grabbed her purse from the side before we all set out. We called a cab there because we didn't want to get lost walking.

When we got there me and Ozzy were excited, but Jacquie and Kingston kind of nervously dragged themselves behind us. When we got in there it was packed, but not extremely crowded. Ozzy took my hand, and i held on to Jacque as we made our way through the people. Kingston just followed behind.

When we found an empty spot the song changed, and Ozzy immediately went into the centre and started doing silly dances. I laughed at him and went to join him after looking back at Kingston and Jacquie and gesturing fir them to come as well. They just stood awkwardly on the side watching us, until i came back and pulled Jacquie with me, holding her hands to make her dance with me. She soon got into it and let loose, starting to dance as well.

Soon, Kingston joined in feeling left out, and we were all dancing our hearts out and screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. The song changed again to a less upbeat one and we all collapsed on the nearby seats, exhausted. After we caught our breathe a little bit i suggested we all get drinks.

a/n : the legal age is 18 in the uk, and in the book their all 18, so im basing the book off of the laws ik.

"Like, alcohol drinks?" Jacquie asked nervously. I nodded,

"why not? We're all legal now" I said standing up. Ozzy followed me up and Jacquie and Kingston followed close behind not wanting to lose us. Ozzy ordered everyone one and me and Ozzy drank ours first, being the daredevils that we were.

Jacquie and Kingston looked at theirs and each other, stalling.

"Just try it!" Ozzy told them, "It's not that bad,"

Kingston downed his first, followed by Jacquie. Kingston stuck out his tongue and shook his head, while putting his cup down. Jacquie looked unphased.

"your right, that wasn't that bad." She said.

"Round two!" Ozzy exclaimed, Kingston shook his head hard.

"Nope, not for me,"

Ozzy shrugged, "your loss" he said, turning around to order another three. After we all finished that one, i squinted my eyes.

"yeah, i'm done," i told them. Ozzy looked like he was trying to hold it back but he couldn't.

"Me too," he said.

Jacquie looked around at everyone defeated, and frowned confused. She pushed past Ozzy and ordered two more for herself.

"Woah there, slow down" Ozzy told her.

"I'm fine!" Jacquie told him, and finished her third one.



Sooo, turns out she wasn't fine and she got a bit loopy. Ozzy offered to carry her to the cab because she could barely walk in a straight line anymore.

When we got back into the house, i took her to our room and made her sit on the bed. She fell asleep in the car, but woke up once we got in the room.

"huh? wha- what am i doing here?" She asked, her eyes squinted.

"Jacquie just lie down and go to sleep," I told her, standing infront of her.

"oh wow-, it's kind of hot in here" she said, reaching to take off her dress. i quickly stopped her by putting her hands on her hands.

"no,no,no jacquie, just lie down." I told her. She still didn't listen and she stood up, looking straight at me.

"you have really prettyyyy eyes" she told me, trying to poke one. I grabbed her hand and held it by her side before she could. She tried again with her other hand so i held that one two.

"Jacquie can we just lie do-"

she reached upwards and kissed me. I quickly pulled away, because i knew it wasn't really her deciding to do that. She looked a bit hurt, but just turned around and got under her covers. i slowly went to my bed and got in it as well. but all i could think about was her kiss.

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