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After i slammed the door shut, i went to the first place that came to my mind.

I stormed into Studio A, but only Winnie was in there practicing a nationals dance. She stopped when she saw me with my soaking hair and half wet clothes.

"Hey Ozzy, whats wrong?" She asked, seeing my angry expression. I sighed and then suddenly broke down.

"Winnie, i don't know what to do," I told her.

She frowned at me confused, and came to stand next to me. "What happened?" She asked.

"He took her. He took Izzy." I told her, breathing heavy. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Took Izzy? Who took Izzy?"

"Noah. I don't know what to do. I don't who to tell. I don't know where to go. I don't want to tell Richelle because she'll flip out.."

I couldn't help it so i clung onto Winnie, hugging her. She returned the hug patting my back. "We'll find her, don't worry" She told me before pulling away. I saw her blush a little but i ignored it.

"You'll help me?" I asked hopefully. She nodded, and led me out of the studio after getting her dance bag.


I was pacing up and down the sitting room. I had only been here a while and i had already messed everything up.

Soon i heard a ring at the doorbell and a small blond girl was waiting outside.

"Hi!" She said smiling widely. I quickly wiped the worried and upset look off my face and smiled back.

"Hi! you must be Richelle, come in" I told her, opening the door for her.

"And you must be Evelyn" She replied. I nodded. "Is Ozzy in?" She asked. My face went blank.

"Uhh, he's just... taking a walk with Izzy. They'll be back soon." I reassured her. She smiled and nodded at me.

"What about your mum?" She asked.

"She's not feeling too well right now, she's upstairs." I told her.

"Aww, i hope she gets better soon" She replied.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked her, trying avoid more questions. She shook her head and went to sit down in the sitting room. I followed her in there and put on the Tv so it wouldn't be ask awkward.

"Ozzy talks about you alot," She told me, still half looking at the TV screen.

I smiled at her "I wish i was around him enough to say the same," I replied.

Before our convosation could continue, i heard the door ring again.

"That must be Ozzy," I told her getting up to answer it, hoping he would have Izzy in his arms. Richelle followed behind me getting ready to greet her boyfriend.

I opened the door slowly, my heart pounding, and at first didn't see anything, until i looked down and saw Izzy on the door mat with a paper underneath her.

"WHY IS MY BABY ON THE FLOOR?" Richelle almost screamed, she raced past me to pick up her baby and bring her inside and into the sitting room. I picked up the paper and skim read it shocked. and then put it in my pocket for when Ozzy came back.

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