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The next morning when i woke up, it was to Jacquie groaning in the other bed. I sat up and watched her hold her head.

"Ugh i feel so bad, i should have listened to you guys," She said, not facing me. I chuckled a bit before telling her to wait there and going downstairs to get her water.

When i came back up she took a big gulp of it and then put it down on the dresser. "So, tell me, what embarrassing stuff did i do yesterday?" She asked jokingly. i blushed thinking about it.

"you really don't remember?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"was it that bad?" She asked, concerned.

"Jacquie, you kissed me.."

Her eyes went wide open and i could tell she was blushing a bit.

"I-, I'm sorry for that" she stuttered, pure shock on her face.

i smiled at her,  "it's fine, don't look so worried". That didn't help.

"i've got to go" she told me, and got up to rush out of the room. Maybe i shouldn't have told her.


I knocked on Ozzy and Richelle's door, and heard Richelle yell to come in. Ozzy was still fast asleep in the bed and richelle was sitting in the edge on her phone.

"Good morning," she said, smiling at me.

"You remember that time you told me i could talk to you about anything?" I said. she nodded. "I think nows that time"

She got up and followed me out the room, we went downstairs and sat on the sofa, facing each other.

"what's up?" She asked. I sighed and then took a deep breath.

"ithinkilikekingston" i said all in one breath.

"What?" She asked, only just understanding me.

"i said, i-"

"no, i know what you said Jacquie, what why? how? when?" She asked, confused.

I shrugged my shoulders, "i-, i don't know. but the worst part is.." she nodded and leaned closer, waiting for me to finish. "I kissed him yesterday,"

her eyes widened, "you what?"

"it was when i was out of my mind, so he thinks that it was an accident. But i'm pretty sure that was my true feelings coming out," I told her.

It was Richelle's turn to sigh, and put her head in her hand. "we need to do something about this," She told me. I nodded slowly.


I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. Then i heard Richelle and Jacquie walking down the stairs and talking so i took my chance to go into their room.

Ozzy was still fast asleep as usual so i went and jumped on the bed. Hot up suddenly and rubbed his eyes.

"Rich-, what? oh it's you," He said.

"Good morning to you too," i replied sarcastically. "we need to talk,"

"can i eat first?"

"no, this is serious!"

he sighed and put his head in his hand. "Go on then,"

"I think i might like Jacquie,"

He looked at me still half asleep and nodded. "i know, now can i go back to sleep?"

i stopped him from flopping back down onto the bed. "you knew?"

"Of course i knew. You made it so obvious, to me at least"

I was embarrassed now. What if Jacquie had already realised.

"She kissed me yesterday,"

he stopped himself from laying down this time and looked at me.

"She kissed you?" he said shocked. Then he smiled and put out his hand for us to do our bro-handshake.

"but it was while she was drunk," i told him, pushing his hand down.

Ozzy was starting to get out if bed now, "doesn't mean she didn't mean it, some people show their true feelings when they're like that"

I got up with him and sighed. "i guess so.. DO NOT repeat a word of this to Richelle or Jacquie," I told him before opening the door so we could both go downstairs.

Sorry its a short chapter, but its to make up for not updating in a few days 💞.

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