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The boys came downstairs while me and Jacquie were making breakfast for us all. They both walked into the kitchen area and Kingston leaned against the side of the counter.

Ozzy came and wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed the top of my head. I waited for him to remember something very important, but all he said was "good morning" and then went to join Kingston. He did just wake up, maybe he wasn't fully awake yet to realise.

We all sat down at the table together and started eating. "So.. anything interesting happening today?" I asked, trying to trigger Ozzy's memory.

They all looked round the table at each other and then shook their heads simultaneously. "Nope," Kingston said. "Nothing," Ozzy said while shrugging. I could tell Jacquie was trying to hold back a smile, which she always did when something was up.

I looked at her with my eyebrows raised and she burst. "What?" She asked me, grinning widely. "This toast is yummy" She said, rubbing her belly. Kingston and Ozzy started laughing at her and i just watched them all confused.

"Ok then..." I said, lowkey sad that Ozzy probably didn't remember at all. We all finished our breakfast and then i went upstairs to get dressed. I didn't think we were gonna do anything today so i dressed casually.

When i came back downstairs they were all sat down on the sofa, watching Tv. I went and sat in the free space next to Ozzy and he put his arm around me.

I sighed and then leaned my head on his shoulder. "So you really didn't remember," I half mumbled.

He looked down at me confused, "Remember what?" He asked. I held my eyes shut for a bit trying to hold back tears and then shook my head and got up to go upstairs.

I sat on our bed with my head in my knees. If he really loved me he would have remembered. I heard a faint knock on the door and quickly sat up, wiping my tears.

"Go away, Ozzy!" I shouted. Jacquie opened the door and came to sit down next to me. I put my head back into my knees.

"Richelle whats up?" She asked, putting her arm around me.

"It's fine," I mumbled into my legs. I felt her rub my back.

"I know it's not fine now, whatever it is, but it definitely will be," She told me.

I looked up at her, "and how do you know that?" I asked.

"I just know" she said, tapping the side of her nose and leaving the room again.

I sat there for a while thinking about what Jacquie had said and then went into the bathroom to sort myself out. I went back downstairs with everyone and decided to act normal for the rest of the day.


We had spent the while day binging shows on TV and eating snacks and it was getting dark now. Jacquie, Kingston and Ozzy had all gone upstairs and i was still downstairs tucked under some blankets and watching the TV. I was still sad but had gotten over it mostly.

"AHEM!" I heard from the stairs. I looked and saw Ozzy standing there in a tux and Kingston and Jacquie behind him wearing nice clothes. I frowned at them confused as they all came down the stairs.

Ozzy came to wear i was and turned off the Tv. "Hey i was watching that!" I told him, slightly angry. He smiled and held out his hand for me. I looked at him for a second and then my mind processed what was happening.

"Did you really think i would forget our 1year?"

I grinned widely, once again holding back tears but this time they were happy ones. I took his hand and stood up, just as Jacquie and kingston rolled in a small table with two plates on it. Kingston then went back and got two chairs from the kitchen and put them on either side of the table.

"you could have warned me, now i can't get changed," I told him.

"It doesn't matter, because you always look pretty," He replied. I smiled at him while sitting down at the table. "I thought it would be better if we had it here, just us.. well us 4" He said as Kingston waved at him from behind me. I giggled a bit.

Jacquie came and took the lids off of the plates to reveal lasagna. I gasped. "My favourite!"

He smiled and nodded, "I know,"

"When did you have the time to make this?" I asked.

"Well.." Ozzy started.

"We didn't, Ozzy brought one in the shop and i put it in the oven while everyone was watching TV" Kingston finished.

"When you say it like that it sounds like i put all my love and time into it" Ozzy said sarcastically.

I laughed at him, "no,no, it's brilliant. I thought you hadn't remembered at all,"

We started eating our food while Jacquie and Kingston were in the kitchen eating their own dinner.


Me and Kingston stood opposite each other in the kitchen, leaning against the counters and eating a bowl of Ozzy and Richelle's left over lasagna.

"This is surprisingly good" I said with my mouth half full, making Kingston laugh. I tried to smile back but i still had food in my mouth so my cheeks looked puffy. Kingston smiled even wider at me.

"your so cu-" he started, and then stopped himself. He looked down at his bowl. I looked down at mine too, blushing. I hoped he was going to say what i think he was going to say. We ate our food in silence afterwards.

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