Part 2

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Chapter 3. Things Are Just Getting Started

After the gathering, they went to the Hall Cibus( cibus stands for food in latin) to have their dinner. " Wow, the food is so nice." Kevin said. " It's so sweet and there is these little black thing in the dessert." " What's that?" Niall asked." Let me try some." Both took the straws and started to drink it. "It's honey with ants." Coach Will said. " Ooooo...... What?"  both Niall and Kevin started to spit the honey out. " Scientist says that are honey are good for your voicebox." Coach Will said. "With ants in it?" Selena asked. " Of course not. I wanted to stop the boys from eating the honey I had put out on the table for two days but they just started eating it. I did not have time to tell them." " TWO DAYS!!! I am starting to have a weird feeling in my stomach." Kevin shouted. " Me too." Niall said as they both raced to the bathroom.

" Is there anything more we shouldn't eat?" Justin asked nervously. " 

" I think I just lost my appetite." Miley said. " I am going back to the room now." Miley said and left the hall. I wonder how am I going to survive here for one month. Miley thought on her way back and she saw Liam Payne in Justin's room. " Liam Payne, what are you doing in Justin room?" Miley asked. " I am his new roommate. You live next room?" Liam Payne asked. " Ya, with Taylor." Miley replied. " You are not going for dinner?" Liam Payne said. " Not really. Going back. Bye" Miley said and went into her room. Wow, she is so cute!  Liam Payne thought and almost jumped up in the air.

The Next Day........

Ring!!!!!!!! " What's that sound?" Miley was awoke by the loud and piecing noise. " Is it the fire alarm drill?" Talyor asked. " Girls, wake up." Miley could hear Selena banging on their door and shouting. " Coming." Taylor said, dragging her body up from the bed open the door. " Bell has rung ten minutes ago, aren't you awake yet?" Selena asked. Demi came out of her room and said," even if there's drumming for one hour, Taylor and Miley won't be awake. They are the laziest pigs here." " I am too sleepy to argue with you. Hold on to me." Taylor said and fell right into Selena's arm. " Goddess, they are pigs." Selena said as she tried to hold on to Taylor. " Where is Miley?" Nick asked as he walked towards Demi. " There.." Demi pointed at the bed with messy things all on it. " Oh girl, wake up." Nick shaked Miley but it seems to be useless. Nick dragged Miley right up and kissed her on the lips. "Feeling better?" Nick asked. " Yes!" Miley jumped out of bed with energy. Finally......

One hour later, all of them gather at the campus field. " Today is the first day of camp, so we are going to do some warming up activities. My daughter,Christina and my assistant Ezra will also join in for  the activities today."Wow she is cute." Joe said."Are you sure she is your daughter? Looks different to me." " What did you say?" Coach Will asked. " Umm. He said nothing." Kevin replied. " Well in that case, get into groups of two now." Coach Will instructed. 

Everyone started to scramble into their groups.Nick and Miley was in one group, Joe and Christina, Cody and Demi, Selena and Justin, Talyor and Ezra, Liam Payne and Niall, Harry and Isti, Zayn and Louis. " I said get into groups and not couple groups!! Miley change with Niall. " Coach Will ordered. " But.. Miley will be same group as Liam Payne." Nick said softly. " I say now!" Coach Will yelled. " Ok.. " Nick unwilling let go of Miley and see Miley walked towards Liam Payne. " Things are definitely just getting started." Justin said. 

After the activities......

" Miley, you must be thirsty. Want some water?" Liam Payne and Nick handled Miley the bottle at the same time. *AWKWARD. "Miley think of something to do!" Demi whispered. " I will take Nick's. Thanks Liam Payne." Miley replied. " Well it's ok with me. You took Nick's water but that doesn't meant that I can't steal your heart away." Liam Payne laughed and walked away.

" Oh boy, I just got Miley out of a wedding and here you come. You are definitely not going to steal my girl. " Nick said in raged. " Hey, chill down. It was a joke." Liam Payne said coolly. " Well, it doesn't seems so." Nick went forward and gave Liam Payne a punch. Liam Payne escaped the punch and said," You want to fight? It's on!" Both started to run towards each other and they began to roll around on the floor.

Miley just stood rooted to the ground. OH NO! Two boys are fighting for me now. What am I going to do? 

Who won the fight? It's up to you to decide! :)  Do you want Liam Payne to win or Nick to win?   In the next part of the story, any uninvited guest joined the camp and the guest is absolutely going to ruin their summer. Who will it be? Comment below to decide the storyline for the next part! You can vote for the story too if you like it:) Cheers.:) More couples story is coming your way. :)

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