Part 4

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Chapter 4. Here it comes, The Unexpected Guest.

It's 12 am in the midnight and Miley was right by Nick's side, sleeping soundly. He had persuaded Taylor to change room with him and Joe almost blew up because he also wanted to bring Christina over to his room too. Nick can't believe Joe sneaking around with the coach's daughter, hoped they doesn't get caught.  Nick felt so good beside Miley and she looked absolutely cute when she is sleeping. He could feel every breath that Miley breathe. Aww.... Nick just hoped that he could freeze in this moment forever. Everything in his life now is just perfect and great.

Unexpected Guest coming........

As usual, Miley and all her friends gathered at camp's field at 8am. " Ezra, what activities are we going to do today? " Taylor asked. " We are doing high element climbing today" Ezra replied.

" Wow, what's that? Sounds interesting." Taylor said in a seduce tone . " It's a teamwork activity and we are suppose to climb up a very tall structure and get the flag. The first team to get it will win and the losers will have to do push up as punishment. " Ezra explained.

" Push up? I just did my nail!" Demi exclaimed. " Guys! Gather here. " Coach Will said. " I think we have a new camper here." " Oh really? Who is it? "Selena asked. " Well, it's me. " a tall woman walked towards them.

Oh No, it's Delta.

" Hey guys, I am delta and hey Nick." Delta went over to kissed Nick's cheeks. " Who is she?" Miley asked Kevin. " She was Nick ex after you broke up with him in 2009. Nick don't really like her. She was just the girl to let the press believe that he had move on to a new relationship." Kevin said. " Ok, I get it." Miley replied back. " Delta, you here for camp too? " Nick asked. " Ya and of course see how's my ex is doing. " Delta laughed. " This is my girlfriend, Miley." Nick pulled Miley over and introduced both of them to each other. " I know you, Miley the girl that broke Nick's heart. " Delta said it in a half joke tone.

" Ok guys. Let's start today's activities." Coach Will said.

Delta's POV.

Wow, everyone here seems so friendly. I finally have a chance to meet Miley. I think my plan is going to work soon...


Three nights ago, Delta received a mystery phone call.  

" I have a task for you. Are you in interested in doing it?" A guy with a rough voice said.

" What task" Delta asked.

" Separating Nick and Miley. I know you want Nick back right?"

" Sounds fun."

" I can guarantee more fun if you do the task for me."

" Ok. What do I have to do?"

" I will sent you the information later." And the conversation ended.

End of flashback

Now that she made friends with everyone. She got to find ways to break Miley and Nick up. Delta wanted to Nick back so badly. She knew that Nick was only treating her like a friend but she loved him too much. If Miley did not went back to Nick, she would not have broke up with him.

" Come on guys, separate yourself into two groups. First group to get the flag will win this activity. So get your ass of the ground now." Nick and Miley was separated by Coach Will into two groups again. Everyone scrambled to get their safety gears on and waited at the starting line. " Good Luck." Joe told Christina. ” Beep!" Everyone ran towards the 10 metres tall structure. Nick was with Delta in the same group and their group was at a head start when they managed to pull Joe down the structure by force. " Hey, red card! " Justin said. " How can you pull Joe down!" " Coach Will did not say anything about the rule. I think there is no rule." Taylor who was in Nick's group said. " Well in that case, I going to pull Nick down." Justin said evilly and grabbed Nick's leg to drag him down. " Hey! " Taylor said and started pulling Selena down too. Everyone began to fight with each other :Harry was protecting Isti from falling, Joe and Nick was pulling each other, Christina was trying to stop the fight among all the guys. While all this happened, Delta just hang there and watched them. Wait! Where's Miley? " Delta suddenly thought. She looked up and saw Miley was already half way through the structure. Delta ignored the fighting and began to climb up the structure too. I got to overtake Miley. I cannot lose to her. Miley was too fast for Delta to reach and she could only reached Miley's leg. Think of something! Delta thought. Delta was panicking and she just used all her force and pulled Miley's leg down. 

" Ahh..." Miley slipped her leg and lose gripped of the handle. Just then, a snap sound was heard. Miley's safety rope had snapped and she was about to fall from a height of 8 metres.

" No, Miley! " Nick mourned as he saw Miley falling......

Hey guys, hope you enjoy part 4 of the story. So Delta was the unexpected guest but that's not all. Who was the one ordering Delta? What do you want to happen next? What's going to happen to Miley? Comment and vote for my story:) Thks :) 

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