Part 1

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I mess with my brown hair as I wait for the bell to signal that school was out for summer. The teacher is rambling about being safe because of all the recent kids going missing. Finally the bell rings and the entire class bolts out of the classroom and into the halls. I follow everyone and I make my way to the front of the school to wait for my friends and my brother. Eventually I can hear them all bickering as they exit the school.
"Took you guys long enough" I say as I begin to walk with them
"Not our fault that we all came from the back of the school Kristian." My brother Eddie yells. I just roll my eyes at him. We all walk to the closest trashcan and dump all of our school supplies in.
"Best feeling ever." I say and put my now empty backpack on my shoulders.
"Oh yeah, try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie said proudly, his hand in the hair waiting for a high five but Stan pushes it down.
"You're gross you know that right." I say through a chuckle.
Suddenly Richie is pulled back and into Stan, causing him to fall to the ground, his Kippah falling off. Patrick knelt down and picked it up before Stan could grab it.
"Nice frisbee, Flamer." He said and then threw the Kippah into an oncoming bus. Belch came up behind Eddie and burped in his face, causing him to gag. Henry, the leader of the gang, just shoved past Bill and walked up to me, taking my hair in his hand and pulled me to the ground. I grunt at the impact and Eddie helps me to my feet.
"You s-s-suck Bowers!" Bill yells
All of us look at him and shake our heads and I mouth 'Bad idea' but it was too late. Henry turned around and looked Bill dead in the eyes
"You suh-suh-say something, Buh-buh-Billy?" He retorts, mocking his stutter.
"You got a free ride this year cause of your little brother, but the rides over now. Get ready for a world of hurt." Bowers hissed at Bill, but then glances over to a cop and backs off and heads to his friends car and gets in and they drive off.
"God what a bunch of assholes." I say as I walk over to Bill and give him a sympathetic look and he nods his head. We all begin to walk away from the school grabbing our bikes as well.
"Do you g-g-guys want to go to the Barrons l-later today?" Bill asks us all
"Sure, what time should we all meet up at?" I ask
"M-meet me at my house at f-f-f-four and we'll bike over." Bill responds and we all nod our heads

Eddie and I bike home and are greeted by our mother who's sitting in front of the T.V.
"How was the last day of school you two." She asks us
"It was alright, just glad to finally be done with school for a while." I respond getting myself a glass of water to take my many pills. Eddie hands me my pill case from his Fanny pack and I open up today's and dump them all into my hand and throw them in my mouth and take a big swig of water.
"How about you Eddie bear?" She asks, I can see Eddie cringe at the use of that nickname
"Same answer as her, also Kristian and I are going to head over to Bills house to hang out, we'll be back by 6 for dinner." Eddie answers
"Ok, be safe you two." She responds and both of us walk over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek. We wave to her as we walk out the door and grab our bikes and ride over to Bills house.

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