Part 2

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The others were waiting for us at Bills house
"What took you guys so long?" Stan asked as we rode up to the others
"Our mom mostly." I respond
The others roll their eyes and get on their bikes and we follow. The Barrons wasn't that far from Bills house so if anything bad happens we have a place to go. We reached the point where we couldn't ride our bikes anymore and walked the rest of the way. We finally reach the opening to the swears and the smell that came from it was disgusting. Without hesitating Bill and Richie both walked further in and I could see the disgust on Eddies face.
"You guys coming in or what?" One of the boys said
"No way, that's grey water" Eddie told them
"What the hell os grey water?" Asked Richie
I can already sense the married couple bickering that is to come
Eddie tensed up "It's basically piss and shit, so I'm just telling you that you're walking around in hundreds of gallons of Derry pee."
Richie took the walking stick he had and dipped it in the water and then sniffed it
"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor"
Eddie and I both gagged at what he did because that's just gross. I notice Bill was walking further in and I got a little worried. He bent down and picked up what looked like a shoe
"Hey guys, check th-th-this out." He said as he held the shoe up so we could all see it.
Richie walked over and looked at it
"It's Betty Ripsom's, she's probably still in here." He says to us. Eddie, Stan and I were both still on the outside of the sewer.
"We should go look for her." Bill adds but Stan says something before he could go in further
"It's summer, we're supposed to be having fun, and this isn't fun." He crosses his arms
I was about to say something but was cut off by someone falling into the water behind us.
"Holy shit! What happened to you!" Richie yelled as he left the sewer. We all walked over to him and I saw that his shirt was stained with blood. We helped him up and walked towards where our bikes were.
"We have to get him help, the pharmacy is close right?" Stan asked me as we helped the boy onto the back of Bills bike. I nodded and we then rode off in the direction of the pharmacy.

Eddie complained about AIDS and infection the entire trip there and I was happy to finally get to the alleyway near the pharmacy.
"Ok, so S-s-stan, Eddie, Kristian and I will go in and f-f-f-find supplies to help you out, Richie, be on the l-lookout ok?" Bill said and then we walked into the store. Eddie and I were both grabbing what looked useful and then we asked the important question.
"Shit do we even have enough money for all of this?" Stan asks as he reached in his pocket and took out only three dollars. Eddie and I both didn't have any money on us and neither did Bill.
"I would use our account to get all of this but our mom would have an aneurysm." I say and try to think of something we could do. Then an idea came to me.
"Ok, I hate this but I think it's the only good option." I say as I then take all the items we got and tried sticking them in my bra. All the boys looked away, Eddie in disgust. I was about to grab the medical tape from Stans hand but he dropped it.
"What are you guys doing making her stuff things in her bra?" I look up and see a girl with long reddish hair looking at us and hiding a bag behind her back.
"None of your business." Stan spits out and quickly picks the medical tape off the ground.
"There's a kid in the alleyway that looks like he got killed. We don't have enough money for the supplies though." Eddie tells her. She gives a smile.
"I got this. When I give the the signal, get out of here."
She walks up to the counter and after some time knocks over a stack of five hour energy and the clerk ducks down behind the counter and she looks at us. We figure that's the signal and we bolt for the door.
"Ok, I think w-w-we got enough." Bill said to us as we sit down next to the kid. I start to take the stuff out from my bra and set it out for Eddie to use. He lifts up the kids shirt and we all see a big bloody 'H' carved into his stomach. The only logical guess was it was Henry and his gang.
"I just realized we never got your name." Stan says and we all look up at the kid. Before he could answer, the girl from inside walks into the alleyway.
"Ben from soc, I hope they got the right stuff, to fix you up." She said to him. He smiles and I see a pink tint form on his cheeks. I then finally recognized who the girl was.
"You're Beverly Marsh right?" I ask and she then looks down at me and nods.
"And you must me Kristian from English."
I forgot we had that class together.
"Hey, well s-since you helped out, we are going to be at the Quarry t-t-tomorrow if you want to join us." Bill tells her
She smiles and gives a nod.
"Ok, I'll see you then." She tells us and then walks off.
"I didn't know we were going to the Quarry tomorrow?" I tell the others
"Oh, we assumed Eddie would tell you." Stan mentioned. I roll my eyes at them.
Eddie finishes up fixing Ben and helps him stand up.
"Here, you can ride my bike home, I can just ride on the back of someone else's." Stan tells him as he rolls his bike over to Ben. He smiles warmly but pushes the bike back to Stan.
"No, I can just walk home." Ben responds.
"Oh I don't think so, not after what happened to you. I can take Stan home on the back of my bike." I speak up as I walk over to Stan and put my hand on his shoulder.
"I mean if you say so, I'll figure out a way to get this back to you Stan, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Ben says as he gets onto the bike and rides out of the alleyway.
"Eddie, I'll be home once I drop off Stan, just tell her I took a detour through the woods, she knows I like to bike through there sometimes." I tell Eddie and he just nods and hops onto his bike and everyone follows after him.
"Thanks for taking me home, I appreciate it." Stan tells me and gives me a warm smile. I feel my face warm up and give him a nod and get on my bike.
"Alright, hop on and hold onto my waist." I say. He gets on and wraps his arms around my waist and I can feel butterflies. This isn't a new feeling, I've always had a crush on Stan but this is the first time we have been alone. As I begin to peddle his grip tightens a little. When I get to his house I see his dad waiting for him at the door. His family has always been strict towards him. He gets off the back of my bike and waves at me and then walks into his house and the door shuts behind him. I smile as I turn around and head back towards my house. When I get there my mom and Eddie are waiting at the dinner table for me. I sit down and she puts some noodles and spaghetti sauce on my plate.


It's now late at night and I here a knock at my bedroom door.
"Come in." I say quietly and in steps Eddie. He walks over and sits on the edge of my bed, looking a little uneasy.
"Hey, what's wrong? You don't look so good." I say as I reach over and put my hand on his forehead to see if he has a temperature, but he doesn't.
"I have something I want to tell you, and you must promise not to tell anyone ok?" He says sternly. Whatever it is must be important.
"Yeah of course Eddie, what's up?"
He lets out a long sigh and then looks up at me.
"I think I have a thing for Richie." He said very quietly. I just smile.
"I kind of had a feeling with how you act toward him." I snicker but he punches me lightly in the arm.
"Rude, I didn't say anything like that when you told me you liked Stan!" Eddie whines
I smile and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Your secret is safe with me, now go back to your room before mom hears us." I tell him. He gives me a hug and then walks out of my room and closes the door behind him. I smile and lay down and get ready for sleep. Before I close my eyes I swear I could see a red balloon, but I brush it off as being too tired.

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