Kristian Bio!

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Here's some background on the main character and my OC Kristian!

Here's some background on the main character and my OC Kristian!

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(Before she cut her hair) ^^

At age 14 ^^ Kristian Kaspbrak was the twin sister of Eddie Kaspbrak

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At age 14 ^^
Kristian Kaspbrak was the twin sister of Eddie Kaspbrak. She was the older out of the two, by only 13 minutes, but she would often brag about it to her brother. From a young age she started not to worry about the little things that her brother worry's himself to death over. She still takes her medication just to make Eddie feel better but she knows she doesn't need to. Their mother was over protective of both of them but even more so over her because she was a girl. She was made to wear skirts and nice shirt, and Kristian hatted it, so one day over the summer she cuts her hair to look more like a boy and steals some of Eddies clothes for her to wear.

Why is she a loser: mainly because she is related to Eddie but also because she doesn't talk much in school. She is in the schools choir, and also likes to do theater. She also takes up drawing as a hobby. At first she didn't hand out with the other losers, Bill, Richie, and Stan, but eventually Eddie convinced her to hand out with them after school, and she was friends with them ever since then. Because of this she formed a crush on one of the losers, Stan. She told both Bill and Eddie this because she could trust them, no way she was telling Richie because he would just take every chance he did to torment her with jokes about her liking Stan.

What she's afraid of/what Pennywise torments her with: Even if she isn't scared of half the things Eddie said she should be because of what their mom says to them about sickness and disease, she is scared of death and being the last to die out of everyone she loves. Pennywise shows this by taking the form of a graveyard, everyone she was every friends with and her own mom and brother were buried in that graveyard. (Something similar to what Wanda shows Tony in age of ultron). Pennywise then shows himself and taunts her for being the only one left and that she has no one else to comfort her. Before anything else could happen, she runs away.
(Yea I know this is spoilers to what I'll be writing but whatever, it's about when it happens I guess and I might change up how it happens)

27 years later: she forgets everyone but Eddie as being relates has its perks, but neither of them remember the events of the summer of '89. Both of them are married, but not happily. She ends up marrying someone who makes her feel like she can't do anything because she is a woman, just like her mom made her feel all those years ago. When she gets the call from Mike she remembers that she liked someone else, but can't remember who and takes off her ring and leaves a note for her now ex-husband saying that she is leaving him and never coming back. She packs as many of her things as possible and leaves to go back to Derry. (Similar to how Eddie overpacks in It chapter 2)

What her profession is: she kept her love for singing, acting in plays and musicals, and drawing. She lives in New York and does musicals on Broadway. when she isn't on stage she has her own art business and she sells her art online. Her art career isn't as strong because her time is taken up by doing the musicals. 

Her appearance: she dyes her hair Blue and tends to keep it that way, only dying it to fix her roots growing back in. She has a tattoo that can be easily hidden for when she does her musicals. It's placement is on her ribs and it's of an acorn and under it saying "How about a kiss". It's a reference from when she was in the Peter Pan musical, her first ever show she did on broadway. When she does her shows she wears wigs because she doesn't want to dye her hair.

She got taller but forever has a baby face and looks like she's 18

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She got taller but forever has a baby face and looks like she's 18.

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