Part 3

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(A/N: I think I'm going to start deviating from the movie a bit, trying to get all the dialog correct from the movie and putting it in the story is a bit hard, I'll still keep major parts in.)

I wake up in the morning to Eddie knocking one my door.
"Kristian wake up, we don't want to be late to the Quarry! Get a move on!" I hear him yell at me from behind my closed door. I yawn and get out of bed. I put on a yellow shirt and a pink skirt on over my undergarments and get my red converse on and head out of my room. Our mom has made waffles and I grab one and head out the door, seeing Eddie already outside, hands folded.
"Took you long enough, let's get going!" He tells me impatiently.
"I'll meet you there, I'm going to go pick up Stan so he doesn't have to walk there." I tell him and he gives me a nod. We then bike off in separate directions. I pull up to Stans house and I see him waiting outside on his porch.
"I was wondering if I should start walking as I've been waiting out here for 15 minutes waiting for someone to pick me up."
I rolled my eyes at him and then motioned for him to come get on my bike. After he situated himself on the back of my bike and put his arms around my waist I started to peddle off towards the quarry. We arrive and see the others waiting for us, the boys looking over the cliff already stripped down to their underwear. I lean my bike up against a tree and Stan and I head over to them, Stan taking off his clothes as he walked. I tried my best not to stare at him as to not seem awkward. He neatly folded all of his clothes and set them near the other boys clothes.
"What are you all staring at?" Stan asked the bewildered looking boys.
"We just got shown up by Beverly, you came just after she jumped off the cliff." Richie said to the two of us. I snicker and then take off my shoes and socks.
"I suggest you boys start jumping in before you get shown up by another girl."
They all look at me and then at each other. Bill was the first to jump, then Ben, Richie, and then Eddie. Stan was stood at the edge looking down. I finish taking off my clothes, and I was left in my matching pink underwear and bra. I go and stand next to him, taking his hand and jumping off, pulling him with me. Both of us make a large splash as we hit the water. I come up to the surface and let out a laugh as I see Stan pop up from the water and glare at me.
"It looked like you weren't jumping anytime soon so I just helped you do it." I laugh at him and so do the others.
"Dude I can't believe my sister had to help you jump down here!"
A hue of red rushes across Stans face, he's clearly embarrassed.
"I was just about to jump in, but Kristian just so happened to pull me down with her before I could do anything!" Stan said half yelling at everyone. I swim over to him and splash him with water. He turns to me and splashed me back. This goes on for a while, everyone splashing each other with the water. Soon enough we get tired and head back to our things at the top of the cliff. Beverly lays a towel on the ground and then lays on it, sunbathing. I can tell all the boys were looking at her, except for Eddie, who was looking at Richie with obvious heart eyes, and then there's me looking at Stan, who luckily doesn't notice as he's preoccupied looking at Beverly. Beverly turns to look at them and all the boys try to play it off, coughing or brushing their hair out of their face. I on the other hand didn't look away from Stan because I was entranced by his brown eyes and the way they glisten in the sun.
"Is everything all right Kristian?" Stan asks me and gives me a funny look. I quickly look away and I can feel my face heat up.
"Oh yeah, I must have zoned out." I stammer and I can feel all eyes on me now, causing my face to get hotter.
"Oooooo, Kristian likes Stan!" Richie dang out. I shoot a glare at him, flipping him off as well.
"Beep beep R-Richie." Bill says and I give him a smile. Bill was also aware that I had a crush on Stan.
"Leave her alone guys, and all of you are one to talk, I could feel you all looking at me." Beverly said. They all get a bit pink at her comment.
"Hey, do you guys wanna come to my house, I have something interesting to show you." Ben speaks up and we all look over at him and nod.

(A/N: ok ending this chapter here! I'll eventually jus do some more Kristian and Stan content of just them eventually but I wanna try and get to when they are all in Bills garage and then deviate from there or something. Also yea I'm sprinkling in some Reddie because me heart aches after It chapter 2)

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