Part 6

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We all get to Bills house and we all walk into his garage where a projector is set up, along with a map of Derry on the wall. We each find something to sit on as Bill closes the garage door, making it dark. I chose a spot next to Stan and I see Eddie chose a spot close to Richie.
"Ok, s-s-so Kristian, the reason w-we knew to ask if you s-s-saw a clown was because, we all, besides R-Richie have had similar experiences." Bill explains to me. I'm still confused but now a bit more scared.
"You saw everyone else dead?" I ask as I look around the room.
"No, we saw what we feared the most, for me it was a leper, he was infected to the point he didn't look human." Eddie turned to face me as he told me this.
"For me, it was blood coming out of my bathroom sink, it covered the entire bathroom." Beverly told me.
"There's a picture in my dads office of a lady playing a flute, scares me every time I pass it. That's what I saw." I look over at Stan as he says this.
"So why are we all in your garage now Bill?" I ask
Ben is the one to speak up and tell me
"Remember when we were at my house and talked about the well house and how no one knew where it was?"
I give him a nod and look around at the others.
"Well we all think we know where It lives." Ben finishes telling me.
I could feel myself becoming light headed, but brushed it off for now. "Why do we want to know where that creepy clown lives?" I ask.
Eddie nods his head in agreement "I'm with Kristian on this, what do we plan to do with this information?"
Before anyone could say anything else, Bill turns on the projector and it shows all the tragedies that have happened in Derry in the past, and all of them line up to one spot, the House on Neibolt street.
"There, that must be were It lives." Mike speaks up. Eddie grabs his inhaler out of his fanny pack and inhales the medicine.
Suddenly, the slides in the projector start switching on their own. I can now feel my vision getting more blurry. I hear everyone around me start yelling at each other but it's all muffled. Then everything around me goes black.

I bolt up and see blurry figures if my friends all standing around me.
"What, what happened?" I ask, rubbing my head.
"Y-you passed out while I-it made an appearance." Bill tells me as he helps me to my feet. The garage door was now open and everyone had a very scared look on their faces.
"Bill is now trying to have us all go to the house on Neibolt street." Stan tells me
"I want to come with." I say as I start to walk towards my bike, but stumble a bit.
"Kristan, I really don't think it's a good idea for you to tag along." Eddie says as he puts a hand on me. I shake my head
"No, I want to be apart of this I don't want to be the only on not there. Not after what I saw earlier." I stammer our, tears filling in my eyes.
I can feel all eyes on me, giving sympathetic looks.
"I'll just ride on the back of one of your bikes, pick up my bike later." I go on to say.
"You can ride with me." I look over to see that it was Stan who said he'd take me. I feel my heart flutter and smile softly at him.
"Ok, then let's get a move on." Beverly says as she hops on her bike and starts to ride off. Everyone follows and I get on the back of Stans bike with him, tightly hugging his waist and leaning my head up against his back as he starts to peddle away after the others. I let myself close my eyes and just take in this moment and smile. After having Stan ride on my bike with me, it's nice to be the receiver now. Being this close to him feels nice as I've had a crush on him since we first met each other. My daydreaming is cut short by a screech of multiple bike tires. We've reached the very rundown house on Neibolt street. Everyone gets off of their bikes and walks up to the front door. Since no one wants to actually go in besides Bill and Beverly, we pull straws. Bill, Richie, and Eddie all end up pulling the short straws, which means they have to go it, the rest of us standing guard outside of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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