Part 5

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All of us have just arrived at Bens house, eager to see what he wants to show us. Ben quickly runs inside and we all follow. As soon as we step foot in his room several gasps could be heard.
"What on earth is all of this?" I ask him, looking at an old news article.
"When I moved here, I didn't have any friends, so I went to the library and did some research on the history of Derry, turns out it's more interesting than you wold think." Ben explains to us. He tells us about how after the town was founded, all of the founders went missing without any clues as to how. He also mentioned that this town has had several bad incidents happen in it every few years. You feel your stomach drop, how has no one told us about this in history class?
"This is insane, why are we all hearing about this now?" You hear Stan say. You nod at him, "I was just thinking the same thing, we learn about all the other bad things in history, but why not this?" I say. Everyone shrugs and then I hear Eddies watch beep, signaling that it was time for the both of us to take our medication. He opens his Fannypack and hands me my pill case. I open it up and dump the pills in my hand and throw them in my mouth, swallowing hard to get the pills down. I'm learned to just take them without water because half the time I'm not near to a decent place to get water.
"Hey Kristian, we should head home now." Eddie tells me as he puts our beds back in his fannypack. I give him a nod and say goodby to everyone. We head outside and we get on our bikes and ride home. When we do get home, dinner is waiting for us inside on the table, chicken noodle soup was tonight's dinner of choice. Him and I sit down and dig in.

~time skip~
I wake up to hear my mother crying loudly. Confused I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen where she was sitting.
"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask walking over to her, placing my hand on her shoulder.
"Eddie, he went out this morning to hang with your friends, but," she pauses letting out a hard sob, "they were all riding on the main road and a semi comes and plowed right into all of them. They were all dead by the time the ambulances got there."
My heart drops. This can't be true. I rush out the door and hop on my bike and rush into town. As I get closer to town, I see a group huddled around a bunch of police cars and ambulances. My blood runs cold as I push past everyone. When I see what they are all looking at I feel like I'm going to vomit. There on the grown are all of my friends and mangled and bloody, their bikes were crushed as well. This can't be happening, we were all fine and together yesterday. Tears fill my eyes and I let out a gross sob, backing away from the crowd. As I'm backing up I bump into someone and quickly turn around. Looking up I see a tall man in a orang wig with clown make on. His outfit was dirty and his eyes were pointing in different directions, he didn't look human.
"Oh, poor Kristian, left all alone without her friends. They died without you, leaving you with no one but your over protective mother." The clown spat, saliva dripping from his mouth. You try to say something but nothing comes out. Tears are making your vision blurry and your breathing quickens.
"Why did you have to live."
You turn around to see the mangled corps of Ben looking at you.
"Mom will never let you out of the house again because of this." You hear what seems to be the corps of Eddie
"You never got to tell me how you feel about me." The corps of Stan spat at you. Now all of the corpses of your friends were looking at you, all screaming at you, saying that you're the only one left alive. You back up and run away from the scene.
"Soon you could join them and float with them as well!" You hear the voice of the clown yell at you as you get back on your bike and ride to the place you felt the calmest, the forest. You go to the small spot you have set up for yourself, a table umbrella that you saw in the trash and a fold up chair. You get off your bike and fall into the chair and start sobbing hard. All your friends were dead because of a freak accident. You let out screams of pure anger, why did Eddie not wake you saying that he was going out, or had he tried but you couldn't hear him.
"Are you alright?"
You turn around to find the source of the voice. To your surprise, it was Stan, and he was with all the others, and someone else who you recognize as the homeschool kid, Mike. You quickly stand up and run over to them.
"I thought you were dead!" I sob as I run and go hug Eddie and continue to cry into his shoulder as he slowly hugs me back.
"What d-do you mean you thought w-w-we were dead?" Bill questions as the others come and comfort me. I wipe my tears away with my hand and clear my throat.
"I saw all of you guys, well minus your plus one, in the middle of town surrounded by a bunch of people and ambulances, you had been hit by a semi truck. You were all mangled and your bikes were crashed." I tell them, trying to calm myself down. "Mom was the one who told me Eddie."
I see them all look at each other.
"This might sound weird, but did you happen to see a clown?" Mike, the new one of the group, asked me. I was shocked.
"Yes, how did you know?" I asked, my voice shaky. Bill put his hand on my shoulder.
"C-come with us to my garage, w-w-we'll explain there."

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