Shorty x Reader(LEMOOOOON)

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I was on the carnival tent like ship, walking with Shorty. He's my 'escort' around the ship, he may be a 'Shorty'..But he's insanely strong and crazy, I've come to love the clown though. He's extremely cute and curious, he's actually really caring towards me.
I helped them kill my whole town, the Killer Klowns enjoyed my existence, unlike those vile humans..
Of course I'm human but, I hated the race..
"(Y/n)?" My attention from 'outer space' was grabbed by the short klown that was tugging on my black-leather shorts. I look down at him with a smile. "Yes Shorty?" My smile caused the short klown to blush.

Shorty gripped onto your leather shorts, looking down shyly and kicking his feet slightly. You got confused and worried, never have you ever seen him act this way.
You bent over, not noticing another klown come up behind you. "Shorty? You okay love?" You asked, he looked up at you and shook his head no, the soft moment was ended when the klown behind you, Slim, smacked your ass. And it was pretty damn hard, to the point you yelped and 'tackled' Shorty. Your chest was all up n' smothering poor Shorty(If ya don't got boobies like me..Welcome to the itty bitty committee.😂).
"O-Oh jeez!" You quickly crawled off of Shorty and began to apologize, Slim held an evil smirk as he shimmied away. Shorty's Face was all shocked and embarrassed...He stood up and grabbed your shoulders.
You were slightly scared, the little klown was a HUGE insane cutie..He did something that shocked you..
He slammed his lips to yours roughly yet, passionately..

He slammed his lips to mine, so roughly yet so passionately..I started to melt and kiss him back. It sorta shocked him, I pull away slightly but give one more kiss before fully pulling back. "Sh-Shorty.." I stuttered his name, he looked longingly into my eyes..
He then motioned me to stand and follow him, I did just that.

As we reach his room he turned around and did grabby hands at me to pick him up, I obeyed.
I carry him the rest of the way to his room with shaky knees as Shorty had begun a hunt for my sweetspot on my neck, he found it quickly and began to abuse that spot, nipping, licking and kissing.
I got to the door and pressed the middle button, the button honked. I giggle and moan as he bit my neck HARD..
You see..I have a pain kink..I'm a masochist.
I moan loudly while entering the room, Rudy and Spiky looked at us curiously before quickly dashing off to tell the others 'Shorty's gettin' some'.
I smile and sit on the rather soft bed. I sit Shorty beside me and smile, he placed a hand on my upper inner thigh, it was close to my area and he started to lightly squeeze my thigh. I blush and move my own hand to the one on my thigh, I gently held it and trailed it up to my area. I pushed his hand against my part and whimpered at the touch, but sighed. It felt nice, I start to slightly buck into his hand, he got the idea and started to push and rub my area through my shorts, I started to take my blouse and bra off. I sighed as my chest was released from it's prison.
I moan softly and look down at the throbbing bulge in Shorty's suit, but the look of it..For a short klown..he looked MASSIVE..
I whimper at the thought of him ramming me, I felt myself get wetter by the second. I stand up and started to take my shorts and other clothes off, tossing them somewhere in the brightly colored room. I turn back to Shorty to see his thing out, and boy..It totally wasn't human..I got wetter and wetter just looking at it, drool started to slid from my mouth, I was hungry..Hungry for Shorty...
(I drew what I thought each clowns 'thing' would look like..Here's Shorty's):

I get on my knees in front of the killer klown and look up at him, asking for permission to continue with begging eyes

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I get on my knees in front of the killer klown and look up at him, asking for permission to continue with begging eyes. I get a mischievous glint in my eye and I start to smirk, I use my arms to squish my chest together, slightly swaying myself, I look into Shorty's eyes..
"Daddy?..~ Can I have your lollipop?~" I purr out, what I said had shocked Shorty and the Klowns watching from a hidden camera in the room. Shorty let out a soft growl and grabbed my head forcing his throbbing member into my mouth.
I gag and grabbed what wasn't shoved into my mouth and started to stroke him, he moved my head to his own accord.
After a few minutes of him face fucking me he pulled out of my mouth, I moved my hands away from his member and awaited further instructions by Shorty..
He motioned me to lay on the bed and I did, he motioned me to go on all fours, I did but I did it hesitantly.
He crawled up behind me, grabbing my hips and pulled me towards him causing my chest to be pressed to the bed, he rubbed his member between my (@$$)cheeks, a squeak escaping my mouth. "Sh-Shorty..Please.." I begged, he hummed and made a thinking motion then he lined the tip of his member to the entrance of my dripping 'cave'.
In a blink of an eye, Shorty's thing has quickly and rather roughly entered me, it hurt slightly, but the pain subsided and I moan softly, the odd flaps on the sides of his member were a strange addition to pleasure as Shorty started to rock his hips back and forth.
I couldn't help but moan loudly, the other Klowns were bound to hear.
I could care less though, I slightly buck back into Shorty, jumping slightly when he hit a sensitive part in me, it felt so good, so alien. I want more of him..
"Shorty!~ P-Please- AHH!!~~"
"Please, what?~" Shorty purred, his tone different from before but..It was sexy..I grind my hips on his and whimper. "F-fuck me..Fuck me till I can't walk!! DADDY, PLEASE!!~" I moan out loudly, surprising the Klowns watching and Shorty himself.
And he did just that..
He started to quicken his pace, his member in my wet cavern caused hot wet noises. His thrust became stronger and he went at inhuman speeds and strength to pleasure the both of us. Moans and groans filled the room and the halls as me and Shorty made sweet love to each other..
Minutes passed as my legs be came weak and shaky, my voice unable to do anything but wine and whimper at the painful pleasure. Shorty had started to slow down, his eyes rolled back in pleasure, his hands tightly gripping my hips, he pulled out before one last hard slam in and my juices mixed with his warm cum that flowed into me like a river of molten lava..I let out a soft whimper and my hips collapsed completely, Shorty still being in me fell on top of me, a knot at the base of his member caused him to be 'momentarily stuck' as his seed continued to flow into me.
I gasped and turned my head to look at the klown..
"I..I love you, Shorty.."
"I love you too, (Y/n).."

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I hope you enjoyed this! I'm actually working on another one too! But that doesn't mean no request! So PLEASE request! Love you my aliens! Bye!

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