Hellraiser: The Auditor x Reader

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I've been all over Google and couldn't find a single fanfic of this smexy dude. So I will write my own! Enjoy!
(Y/N)'s POV!:
I groan waking up to the sound of thunder and poring rain. I get out of the comfort of my cool blankets and go to my window. 'Another day...another regret..' I look to my dresser and see the noose and I start to think to myself..'would anyone miss me? No, KiLl YoU'rEsElF! When I die will my words matter? NO!! JUST DO IT!! Use the blades! JuMp FrOm ThE rOoF tOp!!' All the voices in my head at once made me scream and cry out. "But I'm scared!!" I cry, waterfalls of tears streaming down my face. I curl into a ball at the foot of my bed.
After a little while I stop crying, getting up to brush both my teeth and hair, then changing into all black attire. I look outside and note that it's still poring, I grab my black jacket with the mystery van and horror movie slashers imprint on it.
I get a plastic bad and put my phone in it, also taking my pocket knife with me. I then walk out my front door making sure to shut an lock it.
I walk for a while, getting soaked in the now gentle rain, I stop in an ally way getting a gut feeling like I should be here. I start looking for something, rummaging through dumpsters, asking stray cats, until...I see this strange yet beautiful puzzle box I pick it up and mentally say 'Bingo!' Though I've never seen this item before I felt happy? Happy that I found whatever it was..
I put it in my jackets right pocket and grab my knife from that same pocket, the rain had picked up again as I start to open my wrist to the hard poring rain, I watch as the thick, sticky crimson liquid dribble down my arm, mixing with the hard, cold rain.
"Drip..Drip..Drip.." I say in a monotone and sinister voice, watching..just watching my blood leaving my body from the open wounds on my wrist, I place my knife in my left pocket and start to walk home..

Entering my home I immediately take out the puzzle box and examine it, 'what a beautiful craftsmanship, the carvings on here seem so...elegant yet edgy..' I continue to stair down the box then decide to try and solve it.

I wake from a darkness I never knew I fell into. I look around at the room I was in. 'This isn't home..' I say to myself, I stand to get up off the cold and hard concrete floor, this whole room is made from concrete? Where the hell am I?
I look towards a doorway to notice two masculine figures, I get a sense they're not...human. I look down at the concrete floor and hear them..fell them getting closer.
"Stop right now..I don't want to be forced to hurt you.." I mumble out, eyes now on the two men in front of me, one with pins in their head and cool leather suit. The other looking quite attractive, cuts over his face, steampunk-ish goggles covering his eyes, and a suit that was tattered. The one with pins spoke.
"I highly doubt you could do any harm to us.." Then the one with the cuts..
"I wouldn't really doubt her, have you seen what this woman can do?" I was honestly flattered. "Yeah, 'Pin-head' you don't know what I'm capable of, so shut your mouth before I shut it for you..punk." I growl, the Pin-head taking obvious offense at my comment and turns to look at the man with the cuts.
"She is yours.." he looked back at me with those emotionless black eyes and walked out.
I looked at the man and I can tell he was looking at me. "Well, you can call me..The Auditor, if you wish..-" "Shut the fuck up and get to the point, what are you gonna do to me? Huh?" He was taken aback from my response to him, he turned around and motions me to follow, and I do.
'The Auditor' leads me to an office, I look at the cool light fixtures and notice that on a mantle of a fireplace where more of those puzzle boxes, I walk straight up to them and examine each and every one, pulling the one from my pocket out and placing it in the same spot that dust did not touch making sure to line it correctly.
"These are so...beautiful, and to think they could take something to whole different place is...astonishing." I say to myself, the man behind me does a quick small smile and stands next to me.
"You're different.." "pfft, no shit Sherlock, how'd you find out." I say with sarcasm. I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and turn to look at The Auditor, I smile slightly. "I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)(last name.)" I say looking at him, he stares back. "I know what you've done, harm yourself, attempted suicide." I look shocked, no longer smiling and stare into his goggles. "So you are a demon.." "How did you know that?!" He yelps. "I didn't, but thanks for the clarification ass-hat." I say jokingly.
I then feel myself being pushed against the wall harshly, a pair soft cut lips meeting my own soft and plump ones. The Auditor pulls away from the sweet surprise kiss and looks at me with a sense of love.
"You are...a beautiful and strange creature.." He says in a hushed voice. I smile and lean in to give him a quick kiss. "And so are you..." "You already have attractions to me?" "And you don't? Hah!" I say with a cocky tone, pulling him as close as our bodies allowed, moving my warm, flushed face towards his cut, pale one, our lips dancing together once more.
"Humph..I see you have taken a liking to each other.." said a Pin-head in the doorway. "Oh, shut it Pin-head." "You will not mock me while you are here with your..'lover'" He said in a cold tone then walked away.
I smirk and continue to kiss the handsome, breathless man in front of me.

'This is home..'

Y'all want a part 2? Or naaaaah

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